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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. You really don’t know if vaccines have done more harm than good in the long term. Nobody does. Because it’s not researched (I wonder why). Quick fixes aren’t always answers. So the statements you’ve made can also be reversed. You, even if you know it or not, have suffered deleterious effects of vaccines. The question is always if those effects outweigh the positive effects, which is a very difficult thing to ascertain. Look at it this way; are the Amish still alive? Are they going extinct? What are their rates of autism like compared to ours? Or other common maladies?
  2. What corporations do is create markets. Out of this air they just create customers bases using their power and influence. My advice is don’t take anything; you’re not sick for christs sake. I often wonder how I’m the only person who thinks like this. They’ve just manipulated / manufactured a market. Don’t take part in it.
  3. He violated the rule of going out during rush hour
  4. Some time has gone by, I’ve had the chance to reflect, and yeah… I still don’t understand how people can believe the ones trying to do all the censoring… you know, the same ones who are also keeping their jobs, getting promotions, and making bundles of money, are the ones telling the truth. That’s not how it works, folks.
  5. It doesn’t seem like they do know their neurosis is ever increasing
  6. I wonder what its 10 year effects are? Oh yeah, we can’t know that yet. I guess it’s not important.
  7. Point # 2 should seal the deal for anyone who’s on the fence. Hell, it should seal the deal for anyone. Here’s the cdc recommending everyone 6 months and up be vaccinated, yet they don’t seem particularly concerned with earmarking funds for safety studies? Rather an odd position. I would think it may be kinda an important thing to understand.
  8. Can we get some periodic updates for excess deaths post mass vaccination?
  9. Because that’s exactly how things work. They can’t just shell out book deals or speaking or plush jobs deals right away. They wait until the dust settles. Biden was an iraq war supporter for example. Baldwin was given a favor, and he’ll need to return the favor in the coming years. I know you still won’t get it but that’s really ok. It won’t matter even if you do.
  10. Yes. Only Chinese overlords who have come here and pillaged Thais are allowed to own land. What were you thinking
  11. In a somewhat related topic my thing is when elevator doors open and people are standing on the outside and expecting to get into the elevator before people exit.
  12. In about 5 years when things cool off you notice Baldwin will be doing an unusual ad or having a very strong, perhaps out of place, opinion on a political topic… and youll know why, and start to understand how the world really works
  13. Idk why people can’t figure out they hold onto your money on purpose. Look, if your business if transferring money, at any given time you have access to a <deleted> load of money. What can these crooks do when they have money? They make money with it! This so isn’t rocket science. These 2-10 day transfer times are all by design. It’s not slow or an accident. They designed it that way so they could take advantage of you
  14. Passports are a scam anyway. And it’s 100% a scam we have to pay for the damn things out of our pockets.
  15. Yoga hasn’t taught her how to not get hysterical over a simple problem?
  16. Things don’t get easier, they only get harder. And don’t even get me started on the entire covid <deleted> ups and fee increases after bs covid
  17. What company used to go there. I take it their site is down anyway
  18. I hope that border opens up soon. I won’t count on aseannow for the updates info that’s for sure
  19. Idk where on earth you’re getting all these assumptions from. For all I know one of those borders near prachuap is open. Have you been to all of them? If not, I would def not bet my life on the info being up to the minute on here. You’re way overestimating this place. Ubon Joe used to have his hand on the pulse of all this stuff. Those days are long gone.
  20. No. As I said I did a visa run because I thought the info on here was false. I had to assume that just to do the run. And I didn’t get turned away it was actually a lot easier than people were intimating on here, which was my entire point. His place is far from what it used to be. Let’s face it. The way I used to use the forum was drop by every year or so and ask ubon Joe a question via pm. The place is a shell of what it used to be without him.
  21. My last visa run I got on here and read a bunch of info. It was all wrong. It was concerning making a run to cambodian borders. I had to just chance it and hope people were wrong. And they were. I just don’t think the info on here is very good anymore. There are too many people using services, which sorta of skews the information that way (who needs info when you’re gonna use a service?!). I personally believe a bunch of solid posters got run out of this place so the quality of the info is lacking.
  22. Well there was a post, for example, about a border crossing near prachuap Kiri khan I am very interested in using. I re upped the post but never got a response. So back to my point about there being no info. The post I’m talking about said they were thinking about reopening that border. I forget the name of the damn border though, and I refuse to try and look for the post. 😂
  23. You need to go look at excess deaths, from the government databases no less, in a country like Australia. Narrow your focus because you seem so swayed and propagandized. After you look at the Australian excess death figures, ask yourself the same question as I asked you above: what patters would we see if the vaccines were killing people?
  24. I don’t think they care about people’s savings. Do you? Do you think govt officials wake up in cold sweats wondering ways they can help people to save more? Ha. I would propose however. The more savings one has, the more that person has to lose via wealth shift at one point however. Maybe you’re right though. I think it’s clearer with the marriage example. Govt usually incentivize marriage. And that’s not because they care about you. It’s because you become a perennial and more efficient taxpayer. You’ve got kids to feed. You need to buy a house. They have got your next 40-50 years locked in. The way the stock market works is it crashes every now and again. Where do we all think that money goes? Did it just disappear? No. Wealthy people who control the country make money when that happens. Wealth shifts. It’s all a mirage, all the stuff they incentivize you to do.
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