I think he was getting queued as he stared off into space. Because you could see him stare off awkwardly then suddenly “wake up” out of it very unnaturally
Biden does make the usa unsafe. Trump is right about this. I also believe trump would handle Ukraine much better. And I’m not even a trump fan btw. I’m a “it does not get any worse than Biden” guy
Why didn’t they ask biden about the 50 or so cia agents that signed a document that said the hunter laptop was russian disinformation?
Why not ask Biden about the vaccine and his statements about “not getting the virus if we get vaccinated”?
So many questions.
The really sad part is if Biden basically makes no sense for the entire debate yet doesn’t fumble all over himself he’s basically won. The bar is lower than it’s ever been.
If Biden messes this debate up I think his handlers will replace him with another stooge shill. If he does ok maybe they will give him another shot at 4 more years and an inevitable kamala presidency due to his decline
Supposedly there’s an alternate debate on Twitter with RFK answering the questions. I hope more people would watch that but this time I think people will tune in to see how hot of a mess biden turns out to be
Saturated fat is only bad for you if you’re a fat ass, which most people are. It’s not very complicated in my estimation. There’s a lot of actual bad foods people,eat often, and they don’t know they are bad. Saturated fat isn’t one of them.