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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. I cook crab curry, it’s hard to go wrong here in Thailand because the curry at the markets is so good. Grab some coconut milk. Some potato’s and the red curry turns into like a gravy. Onions etc. the blue crabs are delicious if you’ve got the patience for it. But they make the broth exquisite
  2. Just kiss. The rest will take care of itself. It’s counterproductive to worry just do it.
  3. They tried extremely hard to kill Castro. And he basically outsmarted them. It’s an amazing story if you are able to maintain objectivity. He fled to a mountain range when usa wanted him dead. One man on his own more or less. He rallied an army and took over the entire country. Just drop your ego and your preconceived notions and imagine doing that.
  4. The fact that he has to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to take a flight is ridiculous. No matter how you slice it. I bet epstein after he was convicted wouldn’t have to pay that
  5. I like to draw analogous stories to assange just because it really points out the ridiculousness of the usa government Guy walks into a liquor store and he robs the place. Liquor store owner does not want to give up the good so the robber ends up opening fire and kills the owner and makes off with the cash. A person filming the entire incident then gets brought in for questioning. The video of the incident gets circulated and you can clearly see the robber shooting the store owner point blank and running from the store and his identity is clear as day. In the end, the innocent bystander who videotaped the incident gets thrown in jail and the robber never faces any charges. In fact they never even question him or publicly identify him, even though it would be very easy to a certain his identity.
  6. Supposedly that flight has cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars because he can’t fly commercial. It gets hard to even make this stuff up, the ways in which they can bend us all over when they need to
  7. Every doctor with a license got an official letter telling them “if you spread covid misinformation you can lose your medical license”… whatever their definition of “misinformation” was they purposefully left confusing. An obvious tactic. It was toe the line or risk losing your livelihood forever. Again, it’s their playbook. A pattern of behavior. Take away your livelihood if you don’t comply. They even did it with vaccine uptake.
  8. Yes. Politicians are given no incentive to work for the people. One of the biggest problems I see is these politicians trounce on the people and then the people just vote for him again… saying things like “well trump is worse”. That just doesn’t work. It’s all manipulated though, there’s simply no way this is real. think about it, we have a country with all these amazing people, and the only two we can vote for is these two guys? I don’t think so. It’s obviously all a sham.
  9. He’s a serial plagiarist and documented liar. i guess the people are to blame. Idk. It hard to tell if voting even works to be honest. For example if there was actually a for the people candidate would we even be allowed to vote for him? I doubt it. It’s all a show.
  10. Joey may take a dump during the debate as he did recently. I feel sorry for his handlers.
  11. Video is too small. This is an outrage
  12. During rain season it rains sometimes
  13. You’ve got a lot of studying to do to understand how the world works buddy. People who expose governments are smeared every single time. It’s painful to see people can’t realize it. The rape charges were quite predictable and obviously a smear campaign.
  14. Right. And it conveneintly never gets brought up that these charges just disappeared. Funny how that all works
  15. If you are going to vote for Biden I think it’s time to sit down and do some serious analyzing of your critical thinking skills. Having said that, trump is not much of a better choice. But at least he’s a functioning human being who doesn’t seem to be owned by the MIC
  16. There was a guy on here the other day asking how to pay tax on his Thai gold. If you’re not reading between the lines, you don’t have to pay tax on thai gold. People are so brainwashed by the system, it’s so engrained into them, they can’t just simplify and make life easier for themselves. Same thing here. They are brainwashed. Nothing happens when you do not pay traffic fines in Thailand.
  17. Drop all egos, drop all everything…. Can anyone explain why there’s never video of these instances of people being “swept out to sea” in Thailand?
  18. Seriously, if you wanna off someone in phuket, it’s as simple as doing the deed and then just tossing them in the water. And the police come along and say “rip current” and take some pictures of some red flags and mystery solved
  19. Right. These stories do not add up. And granted I’m reading a thai story where you get zero facts, but still these stories just don’t add up. People drowning in the middle of crowded beaches with tons of people around?? No footage of the event even though every goddam person on earth wants a viral Tik tok so bad? Makes zero sense these stories I tell you
  20. So let me get this straight, and forgive me for discussing the previous drowning… the guy was saving his kid and wife or something, the rescuers got to the wife and child. Ok good job. And I assume in the hectic nature of it all the man then disappeared and they could not find him? I’m sorry but seems to me that it would be quite literally easy as pie to save someone unless they got completely distracted by the wife and child and the man perished in the meantime. Which I suppose is what must have happened.
  21. These stories never make sense. Nobody saw them? And the other story the guy was mysteriously swept out to sea? And then what? People just watched? They didn’t call someone with a boat or go out to get the guy themselves? This isn’t spelunking, for a good swimmer there is absolutely zero problem to swim out to someone who is in need of help. Makes zero sense.
  22. I thought transfers like this could be done anywhere. Like when you cross a border they can do it. Idk maybe I’m wrong
  23. Safe and effective. “Cant touch dis” as mc hammer once said. Daaa naaa nana na na, nana
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