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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Do what you want. Thais systems are not integrated like we have back home. You don’t get an old fine at the dept of motor vehicles just to renew your license here.
  2. We’re way beyond that now. We need a complete reset
  3. They don’t enforce <deleted> here, it’s clear as day. Could not be more crystal clear. So no they are not going after anyone.
  4. Isn’t one sitting on an entire bed of these batteries in an ev car?
  5. I’d go to jib online purchase. Don’t use banana I hate them they are crooks. Get a Lenovo on jib
  6. Idk what happens with you. I feel I get very good exchange rate when I use my Charles schwab card.
  7. Cmon, he was sick. His behavior was completely out of the ordinary. He just had a bad day.
  8. Oh god you voted for the guy and backed him to till like 2 days ago. Give me a break it’s pathetic. You’re basically completely discredited
  9. Kamala will inherit the throne then. The amazing part is it would be an improvement
  10. What takes up all the locker space is those gigantic hard shell bags. Also note they are very heavy, and they aren’t really ideal because you can’t pack much in them. You wanna know who the pros are when it comes to packing stuff, Filipinos. And what do they use? Well you may rarely see it in the cabin tbh but they use cardboard boxes to pack, because they get the maximum carrying load that way. Anyway, I’m just making a point about how inefficient those hard case carry on bags are and they are not even needed… you are taking the bag on the airplane for christs sake. It defies all logic.
  11. I only fly the cheapest possible flights and have never had anything other than basically “carryon bag + small bag or purse or laptop”. Yet the weight of those does matter.
  12. Bro u can take two bags. It’s all about the weight
  13. If you have something that’s oversize. But not too oversize to get a fee charged, you can completely buck the system. You weigh in and you can have stuff in your oversize bag and then when you move to oversize luggae on your way you swap it out. I’ve done this many times relieves the stress of them charging me something
  14. Stay away from asus. 100% crap. Lenovo good
  15. people put up some sand bags in front of their homes before a tsunami and then after a tsunami hits one day they proclaim their sandbags saved a bunch of lives. The problem is a tsunami gonna tsunami. I don’t really get why humans tend to *want*, even need, to believe they can do anything about Mother Nature sometimes. Although “Mother Nature” may be a stretch in this case the other problem of course is, as any reasonable person would know, we’d need a tsunami with no sandbags and a tsunami with sandbags to really know the answer. Any everyone knows that is true but we still get these types of reports.
  16. Folks, he got ushered off the stage and treated like a 4 year old by his obviously tone deaf wife. The his vp said he had a slow start. This is over folks.
  17. At least those seem relatively visible. The box can be hard to see. Not that I’d know I’ve never seen one. Or maybe I have and just didn’t know it
  18. What does one do when they are writing an article? You need a photo. Right? So you type in box jelly fish. My only point is it seems to me you’d need to try to mess this up.
  19. You can’t make this stuff up on msnbc Joe Scarborough was saying things like Biden is in Tip top form just in the past month. Now even old Joe has turned on him it looks like. These ”journalists” get their marching orders from the same people so it’s no surprise they all turn at the same time. The journalists that actually do their jobs get locked up for 14 years and have to pay 500k for a 400 dollar flight. That’s what the truth gets you.
  20. I thought for sure they were going to cover for him on this one. On his worst gaffe the moderator saved him and I’m thinking, oh wow here we go again. The they took the gloves off after the debate. Only a few years too late. This has been going on for years folks; if you’re just changing your mind on Biden you’re a spoonfed follower
  21. This is what you get when you vote for a guy because “the other guy is so bad”. The chickens are just coming home to roost now. Take responsibility for your actions and don’t do it again in the future. You don’t vote for people “because orange man bad”. I can’t believe this needs to be explained tbh
  22. Yes. The key question that folks like him aren’t asking. Why now? To them it’s “oh bad night he had a cold” 😂 I think the answer is “they” want him out. So as they do they decided to make a fool of him and let him, you know, be himself.
  23. Seriously? Um, everyday is a day like today for him. The only real questions are things like why you e ignored it for so long, and other kinda important stuff like why you would vote for it.
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