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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. So good. Maybe you could have added a cup of pudding. That would be perfect
  2. Roojai is a giant pile of crap. Never use them. Horrible company. If you don’t have a claim everything will be ok though
  3. This is common sense. What on earth would I need insider knowledge for. It’s what every corporation has done since the dawn of time. Idk wtf u talking about on Adsense u make no sense on Adsense
  4. Is this a glory days thread
  5. It was all planned. It always is. Someone decided they want him out. I knew when the news anchors started calling him on his cognitive abilities. Before today, they didn’t. In fact, on msnbc they seriously said he’s in tip top form 😂 What amazes me is how the sheep follow Biden to the slaughter the entire time, and then the minute a msm source tells them he’s in cognitive decline, all the sudden the Biden bros agree. It’s like you cannot make it up how spoonfed people are
  6. YouTube can make any video they want go viral, any time they want. It’s a literal money printing machine. And you think they won’t use it? 😂 You actually think the views are organic and just what people like to watch 😂 You got a lot of learning about how the world really works pal. The only thing that really surprises me is people have not caught onto this yet. Like, thumbs up, views, subscribers… it’s all 100% in their control via a mysterious algo that nobody is allowed to understand. But it’s all on the up and up according to you lmfao
  7. They are so not audited. Who told you that? The entire “algo” thing is a complete unknown too. It’s all bs. It’s just corporations printing money. Trust me that’s what’s going on. Name one company in the history of the world that would not manipulate a view counter, or something similar, if it meant increasing their bottom line. Corporations start wars and kill millions of people for money. So surely you don’t believe these same corporations are on the up and up with the view counters. They are all liars and manipulators. That’s all they do.
  8. Take a Power Nap, wake back up
  9. Oh cmon that’s easy. Go to sleep and wake back up. Wake me up when we find a real problem
  10. She had to guide him off stage because I think he shat himself
  11. There comes a point in many discussion where you just must accept the fact that you’ve been wrong the entire time. Now is that time when it comes to Biden’s cognitive abilities. Im quoting, kamala harris, his own vice president “Biden had a slow start” 😂 Listen folks, when a person on your own ticket basically says you ain’t got it… it’s over. Ok. This is it. The chickens have come home to roost.
  12. Why do we believe view counters are accurate? Are they audited or something? We do know that manipulating view counters would be essentially like printing money for a corporation, don’t we? I think it’s time to wake up
  13. That doesn’t even look like a box jellyfish.
  14. Newsflash. Both trump and Biden lie about the same amount. There is no difference. Idk how trump got this liars moniker. It’s like that’s all they have. They all lie about everything. At least trump didn’t start a bunch of corporate fueled unnecessary wars during his presidency
  15. I think he was trying to locate his mommy in the crowd after soiling himself. And yes, his handlers told him to stop staring creepily into the distance because that’s just crazy old home peoples behavior
  16. Trumps’s double take staring at biden as Biden did his first malfunction was legend
  17. It’s so bizarre to watch. Biden behaved the same way he’s been behaving for years, yet now all the sudden because a few msm “journalist” say he performed poorly, everyone believes the guy is a complete brain dead dunce all of the sudden. Hello, he’s been this way for years. He was this way when you voted for him. You can’t make up the sheep, spoonfed world we live in
  18. Actually I’d say my most fact based Posts are never even seen, if you get my meaning
  19. These people need to realize “not the other guy” is never a good solution. It still won’t hit them even now. Even the people,that voted for him still support him… until today, suddenly. All without self realization. Oh well, I guess this is life, having to deal with fellow voters like this
  20. You musta had a really bad day lol My most fact based posts are always the least popular. People hate the truth
  21. Que women crying in street memes
  22. All the sudden they spontaneously realize what some of us have been saying for years. Odd how it works
  23. Kamala Harris “Joe Biden had a slow start” omfgyou can’t make this stuff up. Even his own ticket isnt supporting him. But yet the Biden boys on here still do lmfao
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