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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Government needs to get out of the airline industry completely. Get rid of the tsa. Our flights would be easier and the costs would drop dramatically. i got a promotional 1 baht flight to phuket once and I seriously could not believe how much the taxes and fees were. I can’t remember the exact cost but I think it was about 40 bucks, for a free flight!
  2. Yes people say this but it’ll be all in thai. But ok I should try to be more informed you guys are right.
  3. I agree esp the part about it being hard to believe the owners voted on this, and even more especially since there is no problem with delinquent cars at all. I actually find it hard to believe even one sane person would vote on a one week policy. Surely they must know they are bound to get tied up in a hospital or emergency at some point and even their car is not moving in over a week.
  4. Our tax dollars hard at work, making life more difficult to impossible for us and also for others.
  5. Yes I am perfectly willing to chalk it up to my fault actually. I was just told “each unit gets a parking space” verbatim quote. And actually when we moved in here there were zero problems. It changed more recently. I just don’t really get how I’d know though even if I was on the ball all the documentation was in thai and also they can change the policy on you when you’re already in the condo, which is what I believe happened.
  6. As far as I’m concerned at this point, the only legitimate gripe other condo residents have is cars sitting in the lot that are now looking like they belong in a junkyard. Flat tires, not moved in months or longer. And yes of course they should do something about it. They obviously have all the power in the world almost like a government when in the condo, so there’s no doubt they can take care of the offenders sooner or later. There are no other valid complaints imo. Leave other people alone I always like to say, but as we all know the world doesn’t work that way.
  7. I dont see how anyone could *reasonably* feel unfairly treated in that circumstance. Moving your car to go to work shouldn’t entitle anyone to a spot any more than anyone else. And again, moving my car from one spot to the next wouldn’t solve any of the supposed issues either. But as you say it was perhaps a decision by the majority of owners, but I don’t even buy that either, but I don’t know is the truth.
  8. Yes. We have stickers and we scan in at the gate. Which to me makes it all the more insane. I had the same problems as you with the permit. It even states my room number, which again, is insane. I also don’t understand why it’s even legal for them to touch my car. It’s not their property and I have extreme issue with it. I guess I’d need to get a lawyer to get some really solid answers.
  9. I’m no expert but simply trying to align the car may be a good way to tell. If a shop can’t align it and show you via documentation it’s all straight, it’s likely been in a wreck
  10. He’s trying to buy a used car. Honestly your only savior in the used car market in Thailand is the next guy will be as dumb as the original guy who bought it used. There’s no way to know if it’s been in a wreck. Most cars can’t be fixed after wrecks, but Thais “fix” them up by slapping some lipstick on the pig. imagine Thais doing complicated frame corrections and safety adjustments and electrical stuff that can happen in wrecks too
  11. There aren’t many “anti vaxxers” as far as I’m concerned, just more hysterical rhetoric. There are adults who proclaim to the world “I am a big boy, and I don’t need some other person (who I presume to be a complete idiot mind you) decide for me what I should read or what I should inject into my body. They can’t even get the very first step of their argument right.
  12. So what if some people used their carS many times a day. Should we then make the people who only move their cars once a day move them more? It’s all relative. It makes zero sense. As I was saying I’ll just deal with it, I guess not everything needs to make sense
  13. Cars that have been in accidents, esp in Thailand, will tend to have frame issues. The insurance companies are a complete scam imo, that’s why the rates are so cheap. They don’t actually fix cars, they just polish up a terd and make it look nice. Cars in wrecks can have all sorts of problems, even major safety issues if in another wreck.
  14. I bet 90% of used cars for sale here been in accidents
  15. I thought about what you said for 5 minutes and I still don’t get it. Why would a car that isn’t moving be a problem when compared to a car that’s just been moved within the garage. Anyway it doesn’t matter. I have inquired a bit about it all, I need to further it seems. It just makes no sense to me at all.
  16. I’ve never not been able to find a parking spot, even coming home very late at night. Maybe my sample size isn’t big enough on that. It’s possible they plan on having the problem soon, or as you say some people want spots on lower floors.
  17. One of the things I don’t understand is how is moving a car from one spot to another, helping relieve any sort of parking shortage? I mean I can see it of course, people have to move, but as you say most people who only use their car a few times a month just move it and repark. Policy seems crazy to me. I’d totally support car removal or fees that have flat tires and cobwebs on them. I’ll try to get some more information. From what I could gather there were no waivers for when one is on vacation.
  18. It’s not only silly, the guys in charge of keeping track aren’t even good at counting the days. I have no idea what their system is. I got locked one time and my car had moved a day prior. Thanks for the reply. from what I could gather it’s due to overcrowding, or not enough spots. Moving a car to a different spot doesn’t seem like it would relieve that though. Also from what I could gather there are no exceptions, but I could have lost something in translation.
  19. Out of nowhere a new management company came in and instituted this regulation. I don’t suppose any of you lads have a way to get around it? If you violate the 7 days they lock your car tires and fine you. The thing I really don’t understand is to me the entire point of a condo is to be able to take trips and leave the place be for months on end. This parking regulation completely ruins the entire advantage of having a condo.
  20. “Treat is like the flu”. You can blather away all you want. But that’s what the cdc says, an organization that falls heavily on the side of strict covid policies mind you.
  21. KFC found an amazing new yellow curry based recipe and rebranded to Kentucky yellow chicken
  22. So it’s the flu, even by cdc’s account. You cannot make it up any longer.
  23. Costs are going up for them so they’ve got to raise prices, because you know the cost to transport and manufacture the visas is increasing so much. Wait…
  24. Wow that’s quite impressive. Because it’s an obvious against the corporate agenda policy. I personally think in the distant future this is going to be an issue like smoking in say restaurants for example, where we just cant believe we let people do that. Same here. There’s simply no way kids being on phones all day is healthy, and people know this yet nobody talks about it.
  25. Cellphones are more harmful to kids than things like weed and alcohol, and yet we ban kids from using those substances. We have our heads jammed so far up our asses on this topic, we’re just delusional. Phones are harming young people. I think they should be disallowed, esp in schools but even elsewhere but that would be harder to enforce
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