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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Can anyone name a single reason how a United States taxpayer would benefit from sending funds to Ukraine and Israel? There is no reason. It’s obviously a heist. This is what they do. I mean are we seriously going to argue that Americans would not benefit more from spending this money at home? That argument does not even exist! And yet people still buy into it.
  2. Remember what they said when healthcare got brought up in the United States? “Where will we get the money”. if this stuff isn’t makimg sense yet you never gonna get it
  3. Yes. I would agree that exists too. Anything that is selfish motivation I agree with. When people start saying “I tip to help out the poor guy” I do not believe that. It’s that they would somehow feel bad for not helping, it has nothing to do with helping the guy… they could not care less if you got to the truth of the matter
  4. You could stash the money at a covid booster station. Nobody will ever find it there.
  5. People tip because societal pressure, aka herd behavior. If nobody knew if we tipped or not, nobody would tip. If you deny this you’re delusional. People tip to make themselves feel better. They do t care about anyone else. They want to fit in. Our entire society is based on herd behavior. Covid taught us this without a doubt.
  6. Lesson: not wanting to take a rushed medicine that nobody else seems to want boosters for and the producers needed indemnity for doesn’t make you “anti vaccine”
  7. Does anyone ever stop to actually think about this stuff? When bank have access to your money, they can 10x it or more and loan it out and make money with your, mysteriously disappeared, money. They have a constant supply of money in limbo that they use to make money off of. The more appropriate question would be, why wouldn’t they do this? Why wouldn’t they rob you of your money. We know the tech is there for instant transfers.
  8. I used to buy lentils and I think the price almost doubled
  9. In USA everyone 6 months old and older is eligible. Amazing how very few people are taking it. I wonder why that could be. we all do know that if there was actual, life saving medicine everybody and their mothers would be breaking down doors to get it, right?
  10. One vaccine to rule them all. Very cinematic. About as real as the cinema. Amazing I never took any of these things and I’m fine.
  11. Move farther apart it’ll get even better.
  12. I believe almost all tipping is societal pressure. We can just say all, effectively. Humans operate under herd like behavior, we saw it all during covid. Not fitting in kills people. They do anything to fit in. what people fail to admit is they are tipping to fit in. They’ll make themselves out to be the good guy like “oh if it’s good service” some bull<deleted>. It’s just herd behavior.
  13. Right? And if I don’t pay more it’s my problem. And if I do pay more that’s up to me. In other words, it’s all up the employer just as I’ve said ie if there is a problem in this tipping debacle, it’s with employers. and I didn’t even say that anyway, I said every person, for the most part, when presented with a cheap shirt or an expensive shirt (presumably of similar quality), will go for the cheap shirt… and yet they talk a big game when it comes to tipping. Yet they are doing the same thing and essentially forcing a factory worker to work an unlivable wage. im not the one not making sense here, other people are. Everyone is a hypocrite
  14. Tipping is ridiculous. Just face it. Really sit down and think about it one day and there is only one conclusion. The more you tip the more you prolong the problem too, like giving an addict drugs. You’re not helping. Employers are the only ones responsible for their workers salary. What if one month, for whatever reason (just for arguments sake) nobody tipped in a restaurant. The workers would be forced to go home almost empty handed not even covering costs?! Silly. Pay your employees. If you dont want to do that, then that’s your problem. it’s certainly not the customers problem. Think about it. We blame the customer, yet without customers there is no business. Tipping problems are all about the employer. keep thinking about it… what exactly am I supposed to do as a customer? Walk into restaurants and guess how well off the staff are. If they are able to live on their wage. No, hell no. If you subscribe to that system you need to wake up. How can I guess I have no info. But the employer does, he has all the info. If there’s a problem, he needs to address it. Maybe a lot of waiters and I think especially bartenders (at least from what I can observe) are way overtipped. Way overtipped. A dollar or two, or more, every drink. Are you kidding me?
  15. The people who whine about others not tipping do the same thing anyway. What about all the poor workers in the Chinese factories who sewed your clothes together for Pennies. You wanna add 30% to your clothes bill to pay them better. We all know nobody would say yes. Everyone is a hypocrite. Believe me. Every single one. They are all just trying to convince you how good they are (via tipping). That’s really all it is, just hypocritical virtue signalers.
  16. I honestly don’t know why it would matter to me one iota if a waitress is making less than she is able to survive on, or making enough to buy yachts every month. It’s none of my business. I don’t care either way and if she is poor then her boss should probably step up. I really don’t think there is much of a conversation or debate to be had about tipping. But this is often the case and as often happens people still keep talking about it.
  17. I do t even tip in my home country where you’re basically castigated if you don’t tip
  18. Will people be able to actually discuss things?
  19. I wonder what the long term effects of these vaccines and boosters are. And I wonder if the effects could be stronger the more boosters you take. But oh yeah, I forgot, we don’t know the long term effects yet.
  20. The 25% got what they paid for. seriosuly folks, when was the last time you needed a medicine, and the government paid for it. Double seriosuly. I mean cmon.
  21. I wonder what the simulation said about number of 6 month old lives saved. Or the number of teenagers. Oh I know what it would say but I guess they don’t wanna cover that part
  22. If it’s such a lifesaver I wonder why people are taking it in such low number. Seriously folks if there were a lif pe saving medicine people would be stomping over eachother to get it.
  23. It’s like covid they just make <deleted> up, whatever data makes their cause look good is the data presented. All other data is not to be discussed and is misinformation
  24. Yes. Give them nothing. Worldwide cars are used to extort people. They don’t check for tax where I drive south down highway 4 but I know they do in other parts. never pay. It’s a shakedown.
  25. Don’t pay the tax until it disappears
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