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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. I think what will happen one day is people will develop ways to rent property without government being involved, as it should be. No different than buying food at a street food stall.
  2. I’d be willing to bet my life that aggressive speeders / tailgaters cause many more accidents on the road than drunk drivers. Yet we don’t give them nearly as hard a time in terms of societal pressure, probably because most people speed and most people tailgate. Funny how that works.
  3. Biden admin just pushed through legislation for warrantless searches, which seems to especially apply to citizens living overseas from what I can tell. In other words, your govt can now spy on you and they don’t need a warrant. And he’s starting a war with iran and backing a genocide. Along with not being able to put a sentence together, I think it’s not even hyperbole to labeled him as the worst president in American history. People who support him get zero respect. How could they. Obviously in denial of facts such as his cognitive impairment.
  4. Anything with the word electrolyte on it is a scam. Electrolyte is a synonym for salt. This is what corporations do; they make gobs of money selling you a thing they made up. you want to hydrate well. Truly in the best fashion, eat a som o.
  5. They need to start arresting speeders who tailgate people at less than a meter. It’s so insane you see these people on the road and they get a meter behind the guy in front of them. They get out in front and go on to do the exact same thing to the next guy 10 seconds later. They are just in a constant state of car accident inducing behavior because they are sick. They have mental problems. Seriosuly think about it: if you cannot stand to be behind and driver, ever, you must go faster than every other car on the road, there is something seriously wrong with you. Worse than drunk drivers imo and I bet if you calculated the stats speeders cause many more accidents
  6. Tim noakes wrote an entire book on this topic. Called waterlogged. I advise people to read the cliff notes. Again, everything we’ve been fed our entire lives is a lie. Electrolytes is just marketing bs. Don’t fall for any of it.
  7. Electrolytes is just another word for salt. It’s really just a marketing ploy whenever you see the word. Anyway.. as I said, eat a som o if you want to hydrate well. Then you don’t have to even worry about all this electrolyte nonsense. You can also squeeze some som o or lemon into a bottle of water. My advice is to drink slowly. Sip. All the things we’ve been taught are wrong. If you notice what we’ve been taught (drink as much water as you possibly can; you can never drink too much water) all lines up with corporate agenda.
  8. I suppose you should embrace the slow drivers then as well. They are part of Thailand too. But I guess that part was just too inconvenient for you? Haha. Maybe as the other guy said,it’s you that needs to “go home”. i wasn’t referring to Thailand anyway. A certain sect of drivers that compulsively NEEDS to be driving faster than any other car on the road, no matter how ridiculous the speed, are a danger to everyone and have serious mental issues imo
  9. People dont understand driving in the slightest. Sure there may be someone who is in the wrong lane from time to time, but from what I gather usually “slow drivers” using the “wrong lane” are simply passing… yet they are not passing quickly enough for what I’ll refer to as the accident causers.
  10. The stories you get in this place are priceless. I mean never a dull party conversations with these stories. “I was talking to a guy and he said we should be able to abuse wild elephants, and use the obviously miserable animals and profit from their suffering” ”why did he think that” ”because people ride horses” lmfao
  11. On the highway the speeders are so bad. I’ve estimated they cause almost all of the accidents. Think about it. If a bunch of people are driving 80kph there’s not going to be accidents really. It’s these guys who get behind people and pressure them into moving that cause almost every accident. And also, driving that fast is terribly fuel inefficient, which I’m convinced most people don’t even know! You lose about 30%of your gas going from 55 miles per hour to 80mph. But hey, as long as they get to drive fast I guess it’s all ok, right. Endanger everybody ne else on the road and wreck the earth while you’re at it. We all pay for these speeders on the road I get so fing sick of them tbh
  12. I’ve actually looked into this hydration topic a lot because I end up spending time out at sea and I want to be as efficient as possible. Anyway…. I’ve concluded that drinking water isn’t even that good. Sure drink a little that is not going to hurt. But what you do is bring a fruit. I find here in Thailand a som o is the absolute perfect way to drink or as people say, “hydrate”. Drinking gobs of water is how fools “hydrate”. But hey to each their own that’s the system I found worked both on paper and in practice.
  13. Yes. That’s all marketing to sell more water. All of it. There is a book called waterlogged that covered this topic in detail. From what I could gather the guy basically concluded, you should drink water… get this (drum roll)…. When you get thirsty (only).
  14. You need to ask yourself why people are allowed to have dogs and not lions from Africa. It’ll answer a lot of your questions for you, because I can see I won’t be able to help you
  15. Orcas were one of the best examples of this btw. If you ever went to sea world they used the poor animals in their shows. Sometimes even resulting in human death as I remember. At some point they discontinued the orca shows, uhhh, yeah… are we getting it yet, or are we still retorting with “but horses” lol
  16. “By golly we have horses so we should be able to domesticate and abuse wild tigers, it’s our right” lol
  17. You really cannot make this place up. “We have dogs so we should be able to take or an orca out of the wild to create a revenue stream off the suffering of these wild animals”. its on par with the level of sophistication of thaivisa posts
  18. You cannot be serious; you do know these are wild animals, right? These aren’t animals that have been bred for human enjoyment. Or you don’t realize it? Either way, once again, you just cannot make it up. What you’re doing is like comparing a dog to an atrocity with a tiger. It’s not really the same thing. I hope you can get it one day.
  19. The people that care are the ones that were right the entire time, and the ones who were wrong the entire time.
  20. Tourists paying to see and ride the elephants is the origin of the problem. This is so often the case. We blame the wrong people. Constantly
  21. Let them have at it. Plenty of places that have all the nice things phuket has yet none of the drawbacks. Phuket is one giant scam if you ask me. It’s a stain on all of Thailand. Lord of the flies
  22. The fact that Palestinians support Hamas is a point in against Israel. Yes of course they do. It actually speaks volumes but most people will not ever question why they would support them. They just won’t get that far they will take the spoon fed version of events on the news. So why is it Palestinians supports Hamas? Just answer that question and you get the clarity
  23. Not tried that but just say you have no money. Get ticket in mail and don’t pay it. Easy. This is the one smooth operation in Thailand, dont f it up peeps. Never pay a fine.
  24. Nothing. Don’t pay it. Never pay a traffic fine in Thailand. Ever
  25. How many people has the vaccine killed? How many people did the lockdowns kill? How many are depressed, homeless etc due to the lockdowns?
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