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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. In UK they are serious complaints about the vaccines and what was said on social media influencing people to get vaccinated without proper information https://www.pmcpa.org.uk/media/cwvkqvyz/3741-case-report-28-march-2024.pdf
  2. When does songkran end? As,img for a friend
  3. Yes and they are all just waiting to cheat on their current boyfriends
  4. Take the pharma money and run
  5. It’s so crazy given all the recent news on vaccines how much this particular forum leans in favor of vaccines.
  6. There are no Ill effects from our rushed vaccine. Zero. source: trust us bro
  7. It could not get any worse so this is good news
  8. Our safety program worked perfectly. Source: us.
  9. The weather is no different than any other news. It’s simply all manipulations. It has nothing to do with the actual truth. The interesting part about this is people in countries like China and Russia know this. But people in western countries think sean hannity is telling them the truth.
  10. Biden supporters’ opinions count for nothing. Less than nothing actually. You cant support a vegetable and have anyone take you seriously.
  11. I use the grout for almost everything the silicon just wear away.iguess it depends on what you’re doing
  12. The question is no longer how many people is covid killing, it’s how many people is the vaccine and effects of the lockdowns killing. How many are depressed and homeless?
  13. Is that the same guy who dropped a deuce and cleaned up in the shrine fountain?
  14. Everyone hates it. I don’t care what anyone says nobody likes it.
  15. It’s the same pattern we see everywhere. They don’t even care about the lies anymore they just put them in our faces and laugh. Don’t believe our lying eyes something or other
  16. Best pickup in Thailand is hilux champ. Not even close. I would get one over anything else
  17. American citizens will see zero benefit from a war with iran. Therefore, one will most likely take place. attacking consulates is more egregious than most seem to know. Israel is quite simply an American citizens worst nightmare. There is no upside and we fund their entire military, it’s a disgrace.
  18. If you would have entered after she had lunch you’d have been ok. You think I’m joking
  19. Live and let would be the greatest thing on earth. I would love it. But people or governments invariably end up interjecting themselves into our lives. There is no live let live
  20. I pay it forward and put my stuff above someone else’s seat. I actually like to use the storage across the isle because I can see it better. my biggest qualm with overhead bins is people put there luggage up there almost as if they assume everyone else has hard skeleton suitcases. Idiots. People bring stuff on planes that is fragile. And they pound their luggage into the bins like mindless meatheads. It’s truly moronic
  21. We could do a trading places experiment and go pick up a crack addict off the streets and he’d make a much better and more competent president than Biden. As long as the crack addict isn’t his son it should work.
  22. It really is unbelievable. Literally unbelievable. Anyone who can objectively look at facts would never vote for Biden. The man is a complete mess. The hair sniffer in chief has disgraced the country long enough. But I guess the line about getting the government we deserve is the truth.
  23. Have one custom made of teak wood
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