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  1. I make my own yogurt these days, if you think marketing takes a new turn in Thailand how about these examples, one very well known major appliance and flooring, well home centre is currently having promos, we call them specials back home, in the market for some goods as building a house, they had a sink one of the "known" brands on sale/promo for around 8000, reduced from something like 26,000, now I been in and out of enough shops including that one to know that sink has not been reduced but the so called pre promo price inflated X3 at least, I called the sales assistant out on this, she just gave me a sheepish smile, somethings have been reduced for sure but hardly enough to make me want to jump cause I will save a bucket of money, but again enough items had inflated pre promo tickets attached, about the only thing that was genuine that I saw was a island bar range hood reduced to 16,000, which I had seen 3 months back for somewhere in the high 20's with the pre promo price saying 55,000, I do recall when I originally seen this hood in the 20s as they have a limited range here and what they have is pricey which is 50 plus thousand most of the time, and I need one... A well known Taiwanese fan maker and sales has several shops in BKK went to one to check out some fans at Mega Bagna, there a bit on the pricey side but I clearly want two fans that will turn slowly for the living area, priced a model im interested in comes in at around 11600 each, jumped online last week thinking to order on line, met with a welcome sign saying promo time is here, the fan I was interested in was on sale for 13600 or something like that... It pays to shop often and not buy just observe, it gives you a clear idea which stores to stay out of as well.. And one very Big Supermarket here I have a grip with, same item found in 3 or 4 places in there large stores so if out of stock in one section you gotta go crawling all over the god dam place to see if its elsewhere there, then not taking out of date stock of the shelves, sometimes reduce pricing sometimes not, a few times pick some think like a bag of shredded cheese only to find its off when I open it back home, this week some sealed veggies..in the process of going off.. Marketing in this country. I shake my head, one time wanted to buy an item they tried to entice me to buy the package that was on promo, said I dont need or want the other items, "ho you can sell", really, sometimes I think Thais get sucked in to easy.
  2. In my case I dont have that luxury, they sit you down and fill it out had a Thai speaker with me that went through it all, but I did bring moneys in that where pre 1st jan 24 savings, they just wanted proof of where it was spent, as far as I could see nothing was noted on there tax form over that particular amount, they did not ask for proof that it actually was in an Australian bank pre jan 24.
  3. And again depends on your tax office location, get it in writing...
  4. In my case, Australian and Age pension income only coming in, plus an amount of savings brought in for a major purchase, im not covered by a DTA, so not relevant for me to ask, in Pattaya first stop was a guy who checks your papers and speaks some English then you are shuffled off to a second person who fills in the form for you who had no English, bring your Thai partner and be well prepared.
  5. Maybe in your circles but I can assure you plenty do..
  6. I have a Hugo Boss black round neck t-shirt that cost me a small fortune a few years ago, feel naked wearing it it feels so good, though very casual is that ok to wear and considered to be well dressed?
  7. Market forces and market dictates, I assume you are talking around the more affluent and heavy Japanese area of Thonglor and surrounding, there was a Japanese food crazy 10 or more years ago which just was fusion, needed to be so Thais could eat something Japanese that was mostly Thai tasting, we have moved on now to Korean. No the cheap eats wont be back it's covered well enough in the rest of the city, plenty of Thais will go out a couple of times a month and spend a lot more than 60b on a plate, why do people think there any different to you and me?
  8. Ive done it twice for an extended period, the side affects where being more alert, more energy, hardly hungry, naturally eating less.
  9. Other, and why? When the Soviet Union was considering breaking up and looked for guarantees from the US and others that the possible future independent republics would not be offered Nato membership, it was given. One by one the former republics where offered Nato membership, you can read about it here, https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early Call Putin a dictator, insecure what ever, he has very good reason to not trust the west, have we forgotten the Cuban missile crisis? that started first when the US placed long range nuclear missiles able to reach Moscow in Turkey, Russia then did the same thing in Cuba, what we didnt hear about for years from the press or from the US government was the deal to pull out of Turkey if the Russians would pull theres out of Cuba. Unfortunately Ukraine has been a pawn of the bigger player in this who for what ever reasons they had wanted to keep a bit of the Cold War going, no doubt Ukraine has there own issues and desires but by allowing themselves to jump into bed with a Nation that has shown countless times when the time comes they will just up and leave. The deal was always going to be what ever the Russians took land wise they would keep with puppet governments in place, The idea that Ukraine was going to win, winning what ever was pure press and Nato propaganda, Love or Loath at least Trump may end the war, as the outcome would have always been the same no matter who was in charge.
  10. That might be the case depending on your local revenue department, certainly its not correct at Chon Buri/Pattaya, popped in This morning to pick up my TIN number after registering and lodging last Friday, took a moment to ask the head did I who is not liable to pay any tax did I still needed to lodge, he said any funds that are remitted into the country you must lodge a tax form, which was me, so it doesn't matter what or where the remitted funds come from, they work it out with you at lodgement so keep good records.
  11. Over crowded worse traffic in a smaller area, ugly women, food is crap, macdonalds over charge here in the tourist areas so thats a killer for him and even less to do and way more boring people to meet.
  12. If you call hiding in caves the bravest...just a washed up guerrilla force, who's own people of Gaza will no doubt be looking sideways and for the first chance to rid themselves of there tormentors who hid while they lost everything, Hezbollah close to destroyed (and with in a week) with Lebanon looking to rid themselves of them, Iran made to look irrelevant, one of there last stunch supporters comes in with a new government, Syria, now leaning westwards and no longer interested in the Palestinian cause. Egypt, Jordan, UEA and the Saudis are tired of it, no mate the Arabs are war weary, there loosing interest all over the middle east over Gaza, the charade is just that, handing out gift bags to hostages on realse while there latest military recruits dressed up nice and neat with face masks and head bands carry nice clean AK47's that might have fired at best a couple of shots in the last 13months all for show because the embarrassment of letting there own people die and left homeless is on Hamas and like anyone in denial its all about deflecting and show. In comes President Trump who's basically telling the main Arab states clean up the mess get rid of Hamas or the US will push those Palestinians over the border and take over Gaza. Pretty smart actually, these Arabs where never going to resolve anything negotiating with the US and Israel, the pressure to resolve this never ending conflict needs to come from the Arab states in the region and it will because they are war weary.
  13. Im not talking amount all you need to know is its below the threshold that you begin to pay tax, there are several given deductions plus zero on the first 150k bhat, stick to that and you dont pay any tax throw in withholding tax which is added to taxable amount off my 800k to show immigration I get a refund. I adjusted how I spend money in this country around end of 2022, not giving details but its not hard to work out, talking to the TGF this morning she affirmed that no two offices work the same (in this I mean immigration and revenue department) which came as a surprise as its the first time she's admitted the short comings going on in this country, like im sure she faces them too, as the Finacial controller of a decent sized business im sure she gets whacked around like us poor old pensioners here..
  14. Went to the chon buri revenue department yesterday and filed my tax report, Australian, age pension, shown amount coming in on bank statement plus a sum of money we used to purchase some land, a couple of deposits into my account from my TGF and 2 deposits from my hospital cover/insurance. The TGF who is an accountant and handled everything for me told them the sum of money was to purchase land and was from my savings, I was surprised they did not ask to see proof of savings from AU, I had printed out my net bank saving account statement which showed funds had been taken out off a similar amount, I also didnt expect them to accept it if asked and possibly need one direct from my AU bank, to my surprise they asked to see proof of purchase of land, honestly this rocked me, we live near by so she shot home and copied title and copy of cashiers check and something else, handed it over and that was it, they also added my interest from the 800K sitting in another bank to my taxable figure after deductions, no tax payable then proceeded (as I managed to keep what I shown to bring in under allowable before tax is levied) to refund me on the interest, which comes at a later date. So the point is they are not all operating the same, English did not appear to be spoken by many but I could be wrong as the TGF handled it, this is in Pattaya, the savings from overseas was not challenged and really you would think its not there business how you spend your money here so why ask to see title etc, now I dont mind one bit as it could be a headache to get a bank statement direct from my bank in AU because my experience here is they only accept originals, the other point is I do not have a TIN I showed them my pink id card and they showed no interest in it, remains to be seen if they dig through my records and use the number from it, then there was the fact they would not issue a TIN with out me first doing my tax return, again this seems to be not right, anyway was told to return Tuesday to pick up my tax file number.
  15. They go to extreme lengths, these days professional so called journalists weather they or the organisations they work for run channels, as an example from mid year last year one AFL football channel was hell bent on drumming up half truths and turning them into factual news, in particular on my club, 3 players over 6 months that went nowhere and clearly rebuffed by the club still banging on with one player with 3 ys to go on his contract that claim he will be playing elsewhere from 2026, they have thrown up all sorts of crap like cultural issues...as a footnote they where on our backs back end of 2020 the following season we won the highest award you can win in AFL, unfortunately lot off people cant think for them selves and believe everything said or written, I no longer bother to watch that channel. And yeah ive noticed a large number of tubers click baiting which I hate and its common, I stick to a few only dont bother to much with tube these days. Another one I watch sometimes is Talk Sport, honestly I struggle with it, some supporters who phone in and expect to rocket up the table with a manager change is ridiculous 99% of the time, generally the commentators are not to bad but they do play on the insecure public that has a lot to say with no experience running a club.
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