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Everything posted by Njoku

  1. Gees, think its more than 1200 by car to BKK, (300km round trip half a tank of fuel, know Thais work for little but not for nothing) last time we where dropped off at the bus station took a bus no sweating, grab would do the trick too, time before that I drove and left my car at the airport for 3 nights but I have a car.... Judging others by your values, we see it all the time...
  2. Didnt know Mexicans ate shark, you're a funny guy, like-Pad Thai is to Thais the good old Patato cake is to us Australians from Melbourne Victoria, you ask for a scallop there and you get this small battered White Sea food thingo, use to like them once but went off them after a time, im from the days of adding vinegar with the sea salt, but these days I dont mind chicken salt, unfortunately my kids and that generations like tomato sauce which is known as ketchup in other parts of the world, tomato sauce is not to be confused with pasta sauce.... As you can tell we southern Australians adapted to the English fish and chips, tried the cod here in a Pattaya fish and chip shop, if that's all I could get I wouldn't bother and there chips where more like a poor quality home made type, but hey that's me, im rather fond of gummy shark and chips from Melbourne...
  3. No mate, we Victorians call them potato cakes, scallops are some small White Sea food in batter.....In Victoria.
  4. Mopping gets the fine dust that the broom and in your case vacuuming dont get off.....I have a brand new Samsung vacuum cleaner still in its box unopened I received as a promo on my 85inch telly when I bought it at home pro, it cost 3000 brand new, im in Pattaya if you are near make an offer....
  5. My thinking is....like any contract money is loaned for an item it can be recuperate, can take it to court to force it through, the thing is the collateral which is the house is upcountry where resale would unlikely get anywhere near the cost to buy and build, but the guy said as far as the build costs he would right it off if they split though he still had the option to get land costs back. Knew a mid 40s Thai woman up country who got with an Aussie guy, he went to the trouble of building a new house etc etc for them, only for the relationship to sour, he kept all his recites and took her to court he managed she told me to get 50% of the future sale back, house up country having spent overs could take years to sell lucky to get 60% total for the house and land on what he spent, most locals interested would know the situation and low ball.... Mate you get a girl with a job, preferably a decent job, you give her the deposit on the house and she gets a mortgage on it, you can share the repayments, what ever, you make a deal with her..... so many decent women her who actually have regular work make decent money even educated, too many guys that come over here trawl the back alleys or are in rescue mode or worse are the controlling types that need to hand feed there women and be in total control wanting them around them 24/7. And so the story goes, but of course if you can take a potential $ loss it dont matter hey? But again id like to remind you lot of the guys coming here already have at least one failed marriage behind them, the facts are second marriages failed rate is 75% mix it with different culture and the fact you might not be as flexible as you think you are what do you have?
  6. Ahh yes....Flake...or shark to the rest of you, Gummy Shark to be precise, only found in southern waters of AU, well around Victoria, I do miss my flake and chips and potato cakes...
  7. Seen one of his vids where he paid for the land they built on prior to that loaned the TGF the amount for it and had a legal contract drawn up saying so, he showed he had his name on the title, well he did, its in Thai of course, the idea behind it is if the relationship does go south he can at least force a return of the moneys he loaned for the land.
  8. Yep would agree, they have different standards here meaning lower in most cases, unless you have it in black and white and both have signed off and a lot off money at stake forget it... I was a builder back home...I turned a blind eye here and there, you can only tell them so many times...of course some things I didnt stand for...
  9. Forget the Thai managing company, go through the committee, at least here the committee is 90% farang who keep a handle on repairs, you won't get any sense from the Thai office, they will just keep fobbing you off..... You haven't noticed the Thai homes around you or down the road? once built the house never sees a lick of paint again, mould or pollution dont get washed off fences, the place begins to look like a secondhand junk yard after there been living there a few years...
  10. Vacuuming dosent really pick up the fine dust, moping is better after sweeping, anyway back in AU I use to go through a vacum cleaner about 5 to 7 ys, mid priced, and I had over 100sq m of polished floor boards (used as a broom on vacuum day) and another 100sq m off carpet...last house before coming here half that...dont think 40 degree heat has much to do with it....
  11. You müst have nightmares, pessimistic and glass half full guy...yes my experience is a got my 15,000B refund in quick time...
  12. It's not my pc, Mac mini 2....hey mods word up the owners to do something about it, frustrating and im sure it stops not just me coming in here....
  13. Well if your heading for a hip replacement then at least in Australia they like you to keep moving until you cant, key is strengthening muscles around the hip, if you get that hip replacement that's going to help a lot in recovery. I was in construction and yeah I went to work every day until my operation, I just shrugged the pain of it off a busy mind was very helpful, always seemed to hurt at the end of the day driving home or just sitting in front off the telly or pc...and yes I was put on to a range of pain killers that didnt seem to help much....2 ys from the first sign till surgery..
  14. How does the surgery feel? my thoughts were it felt like being at the dentist and there grinding at the tooth but its your eye, I mean I dont know what they do but it felt like as you can see it all happening...hope im not scaring you as I have a weak belly too....that they where cutting something then the thing that seemed like a grinder came out to get what ever off....Does NOT hurt, but we cant help what goes through our minds...first eye was an experience, did not know what to expect and all was fine second eye 5 weeks later well..I knew what to expect and actually was a little more not so relaxed when that grinding started but hey it didnt hurt one bit the entire procedure takes 30 min...now that's not long to put up with being apprehensive, the nurses generally make it way more comfortable you know...
  15. Yes and a slow to fire up ASEAN forum when they gonna fix it hey mods? my pet garden snail can out run it... Jomitien hospital early this year, both eyes 45,000 each and not at the same time, happy to be able to see again, surgeon seemed like a nice guy, I dont go the route of many looking for references off doctors, my view is and never been wrong so far if the hospital employs him or her they would be at least competent, you need to be trusting.... No problems at all....
  16. Slow start hey? Jan 2 now April 17...you will get bored to death mate on that diet then pig out and all for 0...becasue the moment your where you wanna be assuming you get there we return to old habits... Your diet is a version off one of the many fad diets, tip for you, increase fats and lower the cabs right down to the point of being close to zero, sounds Ketoish yes but it works well....call it Paleo too if you like same same but different, the point is reducing carbs is number one, even if you do little else....vegetables have carbs in them some more than others, exercise? ummm good for toning and building endurance but low effect on weight loss.....unless off course your out there knocking your brains out like the big losers... Lot of good science around new to debunk all the rubbish we been told for the last 40 ys...
  17. Covers content Not interested Inappropriate Seen too often ADBRO is the full service ad network for high impact contextual advertising with direct access to the exclusive in-image inventories across major local publishers. We provide free creative adaptation into rich media, interactive and playable ads formats. Campaigns in our channel are delivered under guaranteed prices for actions with programmatic & managed delivery. We provide contextually segmented in-target audiences for over 60 industries with a full range of brand safety solutions. ADBRO operates across SE Asia, including Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Malaysia. To test our channel for your advertising campaigns or consider partnership programs for publishers, please contact us at www.adbro.me Skip in 3 Update plz...
  18. Aussie mate upstairs has something like that think he payed 2500, no more to pay, NRL AFL EPL movies etc... I payed for a website for something similar, 130AU$ a year gets me AFL EPL and hopefully NFL etc and catch up at least for a number of games...still working it out...
  19. Need to go for a bit of a drive not sure if its Jomtien but its on the highway south Nitan Coffee Tales, seriously good coffee, they roast it as well...have a selection of beers on tap and are a restaurant as well.
  20. Stupid idea, everything stays in the family anyway....do what you feel is right, but you risk loosing your lover if you dont.
  21. Google for your and her's home city lawyers, ive skimmed over here but no mention of where you were living, if finding a Farang lawyer then BKK or Pattaya, pretty much everyone uses line here these days....
  22. Well it happens all the time.....the fact is now he is at point B, nice enough of the guy not to beat up on how ungrateful she was, all I gave her story etc etc, relationships start and end all the time, and its not always about how one is treated, sometimes love just dies, we change or we want to head in a new direction...no shame no blame....I like it...
  23. I jokingly pointed to my partners looming double chin, she's been on a mission ever since....
  24. yeah well....picked up the odd Aussie food stuff.....seems they sit on the self forever, or overlooked in the back of the store room, running at around 50/50 for lets say well over use by date....and most likely stale.....the Big #one is a culprit...
  25. Very interesting, my little understanding of Thai law/road rules are who ever is in front is pretty much in the right, so in your case that would apply, they way yours was handled pretty much tell you its a free for all and you better hope the policeman is having a good day...
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