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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Then I saw a restaurant patron sprinkle a tablespoon of sugar on his bowl of noodles. It reminded me of sweet spaghetti sauce common in the Philippines. Neither sweetened noodles or sweet pasta sauce appeal to me.
  2. On my first trip to Thailand 20 years ago I asked why many restaurants had sugar along with the other condiments on the table when they did not serve coffee or tea.
  3. Exactly. The coroner's report showed that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. It also implied that all the excitement the day prior may have played a part in his stroke.
  4. The FBI had information what was being planned. It was all over social media. As to why no special provisions for enhanced security were not in place remains a matter of speculation and conjecture.
  5. My Thai girl friend and I vacation in Thailand once a year and I am the cook both here and in Hawaii. We spend most of our time in her home town which is in a rural area. The closest markets are 15 minutes away so in between our trips to town I buy a variety of produce and fresh meats from the vegetable truck which does not carry junk foods. I am not in a position to compare prices, but do find the prices of junk food in 7 Eleven and Lotus are not really that cheap. For snacks, we eat in season fruits, peanuts, dates and popcorn., along with yogurt. Today, I fried taro for my girl and her sister. Junk foods are mostly reserved while on the road.
  6. This is why I put the entire itinerary on one ticket instead of separate tickets for each leg.
  7. Our favorite salad is sliced tomatoes and cucumbers on a bed of salad greens. You can also add shredded carrots and finely sliced onions.
  8. Ever try to make your own salad? Wrapping veggies in paper towels and putting them in plastic bags before refrigerating keeps them fresher and extends the shelf life. If done right the used paper towels can be reused or recycled for other uses.
  9. While statistics show Hawaii as being the healthiest of the 50 states, I find that obesity is rising at an alarming rate along with the associated medical problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  10. If you refer to being glued to a cellphone or TV screen all day long, I agree. This type of activity burns off very few calories.
  11. Too bad there isn't an international "no fly" list for these kinds of jerks.
  12. Unfortunately, greed is not only limited to the airline industry.
  13. I don't have a problem with MSG and use it in my cooking. I also use nam pla, but not often and not much because of its high sodium content.. A friend of mine who had a heart transplant was told by his cardiologist to avoid black pepper. Something to do about it not dissolving when consumed.
  14. I have eaten at restaurants here that specialize in serving healthy food like brown rice and dishes without nam pla and msg.
  15. Each time I visit Thailand I notice there are more obese women. Not a good sign.
  16. Agree. I am in my eighties and in fairly good physical health with a low BMI. All my life I have eaten a variety of ethnic foods, including so-called unhealthy foods. Like you say, most individuals can handle them if eaten in moderation and not a substantial part of ones diet.
  17. You must be referring to the U.S. Lucky if you live in Hawaii, although it won't be long before this deadly disease reaches Honolulu and spreads to the outer islands.
  18. Who better to send than these symbols of authority to remind them who is in power. Not a good idea, in my opinion.
  19. Add more immigration counters will not help if they are not manned.
  20. Dogs like many animals have their own unique personalities. A properly trained dog knows how to behave and wants to please his master. They last two dogs I had were rescued from indifferent owners. They were respectful and very good with children and knew not to be rough with toddlers. Both lived long, happy lives. I miss them.
  21. While grocery shopping today I saw a special on chicken leg quarters, 10lb bag (4.5 kilos) for $5 (165 baht).
  22. We are sometimes called survivalists. And yes, I have empathy for them and feel sorry for the children, but such is life.
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