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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. What makes you think all restaurant workers practice safe sanitation? A lot of unthinkable things go on behind closed doors that you don't see even in developed countries.
  2. Just back from Laem Sing. Fairly decent rooms with air con and breakfast started at $41.
  3. The so-called blue bloods are at it again, behaving like a bunch peasants. Good example in how NOT to educate their kids.
  4. I did not attempt to refute anything you posted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and what you posted is your opinion. The only requirement is to be elected President of the U.S. who is also the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
  5. Easier said than done. Everyone is politically connected one way or another. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff.
  6. I agree. The news has hit bank stock prices really hard, even very conservative banks. A free fall in the market affects everyone, not just investors.
  7. " Trump.......He has never been in any way qualified to have access to the nuclear codes." Over the years there has been much discussion about access. So far only talk. https://www.westernjournal.com/dozens-house-democrats-request-biden-hand-nuclear-codes/
  8. Djibouti is one, Cambodia is another. They are attempting to establish one in the Solomon Islands. And the sovereignty of the artificial islands in the South China Sea are in dispute. The Belt and Road Initiative has given the Chinese a foothold in Sri Lanka and Pakistan and other Central Asian countries.
  9. The U.S. has three branches of government so no one person or group has absolute power. Unfortunate for whom? Depends what side of the issue you are on.
  10. In the Korean Conflict the U.S. and U.N. forces were not allowed to cross the Yalu River for fear of an escalation with the Red Chinese, although the Chinese continued to send wave after wave of troops. Viet Nam, same thing......Hanoi was off limits. Iraq and Afghanistan was again more ridiculous rules. War is hell. Why start one if you have no intentions of winning. However, Ukraine was invaded by Russia and the U.S. and its allies have been intimidated by Putin's threat of nuclear weapons. Ukraine's supporters are between a rock and a hard place as Russia continues their onslaught on the Ukrainian people and the destruction of their cities and infrastructure. What happens next will be very interesting.
  11. The only defense that I know of is to destroy their launch sites.
  12. Manipulating statistics always backfire no matter who is in charge. Xi and his CCP evidently think that cooking the books will not have any serious repercussions. They might fool their countrymen, but will soon discover that breaking the basic rules of fiscal management is inviting disaster.
  13. Lack of enforcement of poorly written laws and a money centric culture are contributing factors that make this "possible."
  14. One of the main purposes of the notarization of signatures is to remove doubt about the validity of the document. As far as loosing face Asian cultures need to wake up to the fact that while this trait can lessen the chance of confrontations there can also be a steep price to pay.
  15. Much of this type of fraud could be avoided if Thailand would require notarization of signatures on all important documents such as transfers of title. While not foolproof it would add a layer of protection for the victims. Yes, I know corrupt notaries are a problem. So, prosecute them with stiff penalties.
  16. My biggest worry is flight delays or cancellations that result in missed connections. That is why I prefer layovers with a minimum of 3 hours.
  17. Ketchup, also spelled catsup, is flavored with vinegar, sugar, and other spices, whereas most tomato sauces contain only salt. For this reason it is not recommended for making pasta sauces. I make my pasta sauce with tomato sauce or tomato paste and add crushed or pureed tomatoes for the extra "body." I also add a little sugar to cut the acidity of the tomatoes.
  18. He also bought a beachfront property in Hawaii that is already having major problems with erosion.
  19. No where in my post did I mention invading Mexico. I simply stated how bad the problem is. The pills are showing up in my community and local authorities are warning residents, especially those with children. Here in Hawaii narcan is being made availible to all law enforcement and medical emergency services personnel. And yes, I am well aware how potent fentanyl is.
  20. The scary thing is the targeting of young children with fentanyl laced candy. More and more tragic incidents making the headlines.
  21. Today I bought 1/2 kilo of cucumbers, one head of cauliflower, 1 small head of won bok (Napa cabbage), 1 kilo of boiled bamboo shoots, 1 kilo of belly pork and 3/4 kilo of pork ribs, all for 265 baht from the vegetable truck. The meat was fresh as I used some of the belly pork for our dinner and marinated the ribs for tomorrow. I also bought a lot of organic green leaf lettuce from a neighbor and was given 5 large heads of organic bok choi as a bonus.
  22. Then I saw a restaurant patron sprinkle a tablespoon of sugar on his bowl of noodles. It reminded me of sweet spaghetti sauce common in the Philippines. Neither sweetened noodles or sweet pasta sauce appeal to me.
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