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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Who cares whether they all work together or not. They are all savage criminals who need to be eliminated. No need to elaborate who did this and who did that. They are all guilty of horrific acts.
  2. I tend to disagree with your assessment of Netanyahu's ability to manage the present conflict. Benny Ganz, who is a member of the war cabinet has a very impressive military career. Was he chosen by Netanyahu for political reasons? Maybe. Even if that were true, Ganz's considerable military experience, both as a non-com and high ranking officer could be a valuable asset in making strategic decisions. Remember, many times military goals align with political goals. Personally, I hope you are wrong.
  3. Living with me for many years my girl has learned not to stress out over things she has no control over. I guess that is why we discuss things, but never argue.
  4. If anyone has any inkling they are a candidate for this kind of behavior they have no business potentially putting others in jeopardy.
  5. Just showed this to my Thai girlfriend who normally does not show much interest politics. Nearly brought tears to her eyes.
  6. You are free to choose just as I am free to choose.
  7. No surprise. Just more incentive for Israel to finish the job. If any of the remaining hostages are accidentally harmed by Israeli gunfire we know who will be blamed. This tactic is straight from the Hamas playbook.
  8. The news site if you want to be misinformed. Al-jazeera. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/al-jazeera
  9. Although the expression of selling one's soul to the devil began as a religious saying, it also now has a secular meaning of gaining wealth, success, power, etc. by doing something bad or dishonest. There are also arguments that Israel is not an apartheid state. https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/10-reasons-israel-is-not-an-apartheid-state_b_9128056
  10. I would say this is an open challenge AND an invitation from Hamas for Israel to resume hostilities. Knowing the Israelis they will accept this invitation.
  11. A think tank's perspective: https://besacenter.org/why-israel-approved-development-of-the-gaza-marine-gas-field/
  12. War is hell and unfortunately, innocent people die, some accidentally and some intentionally. From what I have seen Hamas has intentionally killed innocent civilians in the most brutal ways.
  13. Someone has gotten up on the wrong side of the bed and has become very argumentative. It ain't you and it ain't me.
  14. Israel should get back to business. If Hamas is not destroyed or crippled they will be a threat again in the future; just like cancer cells need to be killed before they regrow.
  15. I suppose your intelligence source has revealed what Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Ganz are up to. You seem so stuck on bashing Netanyahu. Your prerogative.
  16. Netanyahu has some very capable, battle tested people advising him. Whether he takes their advice we may never know. The destruction of Hamas is very much what he intends to accomplish. If he succeeds he will viewed as a hero among most Israelis. If it brings him glory and political success, so be it. One of the greatest concerns many have is how much is this going to cost in lives lost on both sides. World opinion is another concern. The old saying "War is hell," surely applies.
  17. This is what I mentioned in a previous post. You don't publicize your strategy. Keep the enemy guessing.
  18. One point I disagree on is about 'squad' members. Rashida Tlaib faces a serious opponent in the Democratic primary. It's Shanelle Jackson, a Black woman who is pro-business and pro-Israel. She has an interesting private sector and political background. A very articulate person who seems quite capable to tackle the radical, left-wing congresswoman. Another one on shaky grounds is Ayanna Pressley. She is married to a supposedly reformed ex-con who served 10 years for drug trafficking. I think the more sordid details are exposed about the savagery of Hamas the more people will tend to dismiss the climbing Palestinian casualties. Some will rationalize that these people are getting what they deserve for putting Hamas in charge. Only time will tell which sentiment wins.
  19. Thanks. When I tested the link it went to a 404 message. This one does. Again, thank you.
  20. Two and a half years ago Iran-aligned Houthis attacked Saudi oil facilities with missiles and drones. Just the other day the Saudis reported Houthi missile attacks on various energy and desalination facilities. I would think that Saudis would be more upset with Iran than with the Israelis. Iran is intent on becoming a nuclear power. It would give them the clout to boss around the Arab states in the Middle East. A few years back the word was that if Israeli jets flew over Saudi airspace to knockout Iran's nuclear program they would look the other way. That won't work anymore since Iran has moved everything to the bomb-hardened Natanz nuclear enrichment site. Now what? One alternative is to establish a better relationship with Israel. This may include coming under Israel's nuclear umbrella. Sooner or later the Israelis, with or without U.S. involvement, will find a way to sabotage Iran's plans on becoming a nuclear power. Even Russia and China don't want to see Iran succeed.
  21. Just saw this from my Bloomberg Evening Briefing. "Saudi Arabia Tries It Hand at Reining In Iran." The article discusses the Saudi's attempt at diffusing the situation. The Saudi's have offered Iran economic incentives if they stop aiding Hamas and Hezbollah. They are also asking the U.S. to get involved. I tried furnishing a link, but the link doesn't work.
  22. I am sure you are aware of the WWII Pacific Theater where our gallant troops fought off Japanese imperialism. The cruelty of the Imperial Army was no less then that of the Nazi war machine. Hawaii is very proud of the bravery of the famed 442nd Infantry Regiment, the most decorated in U.S. history. Many of these GIs were from my home town whom I got to know later in life. Very humble guys.
  23. Some posters are hell bent on using unverified and/or doctored information to prove their point. Sooner or later their lies catch up to them. A fool is someone who doesn't know they are a fool.
  24. I saw the same thing. There is a lot more evidence of Hamas' savagery to come. This is why I think more support is growing for Israels campaign against Hamas.
  25. I failed to mentioned the importance of American support is for a successful and sustained campaign. The sentiment of the U.S. Congress seems to favor to continue backing Netanyahu, especially after the condemnation of a few Hamas supporting representatives, like Rashida Tlaib.
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