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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Read my post again. You appear confused about who is the potential victim. Here’s a hint. It’s the girl.
  2. How did ICE work its way into that brain of yours?
  3. What is your cult? Or even better. What species do you identify as today? Wolf, cat or squirrel perhaps?
  4. Demise of democracy, you don’t know what is going to happen, nothing looks good, sociopath and criminal. And now you throw in ICE. WTF. How they all correlate is only a mind affected by long term alcohol use can comprehend. I certainly can’t.
  5. We have both answered your question. Pre born.
  6. Not a struggle for me, sorry to disappoint. You keep regurgitating the same nonsense. Keep trying if it makes you happy.
  7. How many pre borns are serial killers burying their victims under the crawl space of his house? Gacy How many pre borns go on a killing rampage of coeds? Bundy
  8. Great! How many more threads are you planning after the third bottle?
  9. Not drinking. You? Just reposting what you posted to prove you’re making no sense. Been proven.
  10. Do you have documented proof he is a sociopath? I didn’t think so. I do have proof he will be the next President of the United States on January 20th. I also have proof We the People works in a Democracy. Merry Christmas!
  11. So your knowledge isn’t so precious after all. Tbe Thai certainly found a gullible knobhead to scam 5000 baht from. Your friend, remember him?
  12. “getting his face punched daily “ A wise and accurate statement.
  13. She is obviously into fat guys. AKA Chubby Chaser.
  14. She’s broke/skint and wants a “never have to pay back “ loan.
  15. So you finally realized that isn’t going to happen under Trump.
  16. ..”. anyone for whom money has any form of influence on friendship is not a friend, of course, everyone knows this“ Have you passed your precious knowledge on to the Thais?
  17. Still upset over losing the election I see. It's all you have left. Make up BS replies about Trump. Just like the rest of your types.
  18. “Real men too” Says the “pegman”.
  19. At least he has a friend for life now. 🙂
  20. I have no issues paying extra by searching flights with a short layover time . When I was still working part time before COVID I flew through the ME often going to/from BKK to/from CAI. Never Saudi as a transit airport. No way Jose. Only Qatar or Dubai or Abra Cadabra. Currently JAL, Just over 1 hour layover in Tokyo. Between SAN and BKK. Sweet.
  21. Thai friendships increase dramatically when one spends more money on them. I may of just created a new law of physics. Spend more money equates to more Thai friendships.
  22. I’m surprised I haven’t read “It was Trump’s fault “ yet.
  23. I always get kick out of “The Point “ in these photos.
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