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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Come on Bob. You already mentioned that 3 times.
  2. What you say and what I have heard are two different stories. I’m not talking specifically about AN. If @KhunHeineken cares to interject he can explain better than I can. He was there. I’m sure you know who he is. Up to him. Bottom line. Get off your high horse.
  3. Make sure you let us know. You appear to be tracking this like a bloodhound. Is Trump going to prison?
  4. Leftists predictions have not gone well in the past. It just might be wise to get out of that business.
  5. “The case will proceed“ When?
  6. You two should get a room together.
  7. Lol. You haven’t yet!
  8. I thought you were leaving. Not the first time you mentioned that.
  9. Another one that lives in the past dreaming of a Harris victory that never happened.
  10. Try using more paragraphs. I don’t want you to experience the wrath of @Lacessit
  11. Ah yes! More kangaroo court cases.
  12. Where are you going? Why do always run away like a scared cat?
  13. Your posts indicates you are the crazy one.
  14. Who told you that? Better yet you believe it all. Trump hasn’t been sworn in yet and you’re still afraid of the boogeyman. Was this part of Project 2025?
  15. Another useless reply. Keep trying.
  16. You’re still living in the past just like the rest of the fools. But that’s all you have left. No one has proven beyond on reasonable doubt the 2020 election results were what the Democrats claimed. Too much BS.
  17. 1. Read the first sentence of my post. You keep deflecting. 2. My post does make sense but you’re in deep denial. Pity. 3. While you’re posting others moral behavior make sure you include Biden and Harris.
  18. No , read my post again Bob
  19. You are aware that Fox has beaten every other MSM news in ratings for months now, What part of this news isn’t true and your facts to back it up? Your batting average isn’t very good from what I have heard about you from your posts and multiple usernames on other forums. Most notably the Australian forums. Not a good reputation so now you’re posting on American threads. Clueless at that.
  20. How many times is irrelevant. You’re still clueless.
  21. The lunatics of the left can’t stop Trump from being sworn in unless they assassinate him. Which is a very real possibility. The Biden administration can create enough chaos in the world in the final 3 weeks to declare martial law in which they could delay Trump’s inauguration Time will tell what these nasty people will do
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