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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Stay home and keep your janitorial job is my advice to you.
  2. I have. I file a fbar every year for over 10k USD in a foreign bank. In this day and age I prefer to confirm with the bank in person if I receive an email stating instructions I’ve never heard of. You, on the other hand can do it your way.
  3. I already knew how it’s funded. I was saying the funds have been used for other purposes along with SS.
  4. The issue wasn’t about what the trust fund are invested in.
  5. The leftists house of cards is crumbling. Expect more good news as time goes on.
  6. Who told you that? Lyndon Johnson?
  7. You are correct. Dano wasn’t with his earlier statement. I went through the exact same process as you. The primary reason I was vaccinated was to re enter Thailand on my OA visa with te entry permit. Not because of following the science. The requirement for the pre-travel test ALONG with vaccination records was mandatory at that time Tested again at my SHA hotel upon arrival. I was fortunate to only have to spend 24hrs at the Avani as the requirement for a week stay had been eliminated.
  8. OMG! Is this breaking news? No one here on the forum has ever heard that before. May we recommend you for journalists of the year for this news. Be aware that the current holder of this prestigious award will not give it up easily.
  9. Another clueless reply but one must consider the source. Peoples Temples, Heavens Gate, Scientology to name a few are recognized cults. You have no proof, evidence or anything else to back your claim that Trump supporters are in a “Trump Cult”. Nor do you have any proof 20% were “conned”. Nothing but typical leftist lies and propaganda. Exactly one of the reasons why Americans voted Trump for President. We The People saw through Leftists the bull<deleted>—. Illegal aliens were not being let in by Biden during the past 4 years to pick lettuce. We have lettuce pickers under the H2A visa program. Trump isolationist? Was that a joke? He has met with numerous world leaders already and he hasn’t been sworn in yet Chances are high he will have the hostages being held by Hamas released before or shortly after he is sworn in. Meanwhile Biden isolates himself extremely well from world leaders. Do you agree?
  10. “And the decision to let people sleep in the streets is a political one in the US” For the majority it’s a lifestyle choice.
  11. I see you haven’t come to the realization that Hamas uses the Palestinian people as their personal shields. They could care less about them. My original post is still valid. Nuff said. Enough thread Fuc——. Now run off the the closet American University and join the riots. Don’t forget your head scarf.
  12. Agree 100%. It’s mind boggling to think of the shi- they put up with.
  13. So you support state sponsored terrorist. All I can say to you is one word…loser.
  14. Would you prefer that money went to Hamas?
  15. You failed to mention the Never Trumpers or just Trump haters. Keep it fair and balanced.
  16. Was that from Confucius?
  17. You deserve a brand new hat No need to pay me back. Consider it a gift, courtesy of yours truly.
  18. We’ve never seen this vicious side of you Bob. Should we steer clear?
  19. Personally, no. Enough threads on the subjects I have mentioned throughout the years. No desire whatsoever for village life. If one does, good for them.
  20. Barboy, You can exchange the farang ghetto for a more simple life in the countryside or Thai village. 2 distinct benefits: 1. Yabba heads plentiful so they know exactly who to go to for a loan or to steal from. 2. Thais entering your home. Uninvited, without permission for any reason. Very social. Ditto for loans. You’re better than a bank.
  21. So, replies to your post are now considered trolling? Of course, only for those who disagree with your posts When you post, you subject yourself to replies. Strange concept, even to you. Perhaps the forum isn’t for you if you can’t accept replies that don’t agree with you.
  22. And yours are acceptable behavior?
  23. Tattletale ? Sounds like a softer name for a rat. I know exactly who you’re referring to.
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