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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. I don’t care where they come from. They have to apply and pass the requirements. Just like I had to for the LTR visa in Thailand.
  2. Yes we do thanks to the dumbing down of students by the leftists liberal education system. Actions speak louder than words.
  3. We desperately need H1B. You can’t make this shi- up!
  4. Review the videos I posted above. It will all become crystal clear.
  5. You are posting lies I never said. Go back and read my post slowly. 2 or 3 times if needed for you to comprehend. Then quote your claim of “ sore loser “ from my text.
  6. As I recall you mentioned the Pope. Did you need a divine intervention to help you deal with your agony over Trump winning the election?
  7. Your assessment is correct. Not in the top 3..
  8. Time for you to sleep it off.
  9. I see more Red on the horizon.
  10. I agree! Consider that a Hail Mary.
  11. This is part of the reason why H1B visas are needed.
  12. They are needed due to the liberal education systems lack of priorities in education. Woke, critical race theory, drag queens, minors gender reassignment over math, science and history. Along with the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. Indian and Chinese surpass American students in these categories.
  13. Vespa has the 125, 150 and 300. Take your pick and stand out from the crowd.
  14. Best not to post under the influence.
  15. If you keep crying hard enough the red might change to blue. It’s over for the lefties. America doesn’t want them.
  16. You’re on track. None of your predictions have ever become reality. Posting here won’t make your pipe dreams come true. You have no idea what is going to happen in the future than these fools did. Best to get out of the prediction business. You look like a fool. If it helps, you’re not alone.
  17. Sorry to disappoint you. The dumb leftists way hasn’t worked out. The evidence is in the election results.
  18. Funny how when the leftists politicians are caught red handed in lies all of their minions start screaming ALL politicians lie. When Trump is accused of a lie he’s surgically targeted. We all knew Biden was lying about his China involvement. Just like when he said he wouldn’t pardon his son. Just like his administration lied about his cognitive decline. I award them and their minions here a new cap.
  19. The illegitimate response I expect from you. Please explain your former slaver reference if you’re capable.
  20. Ok. Former slavers. What are you on about now?
  21. Slavers? What are you on about now? Will you be demanding reparations next? Good to see you back after the election results. Thought you were another goner like Danderman.
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