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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. I have heard the same. Working girls get targeted too late night either walking or on their motorbike being surrounded by motorbike thugs on the darker quiter soi’s. They know many are cashed up heading home.
  2. So you’re board certified in psychology now? Have you examined this nutter? What were your findings?
  3. Was unaware Putin owned the Big Ditch. Your knowledge is stifling.
  4. Trump was right! The batch let in by Biden were primarily released from prisons and mental institutions all in the name of increasing Democratic representation and votes. Why wasn’t he picking lettuce as Biden wanted us to believe.
  5. Jimmy Carter. The best friend Panama ever had.
  6. Seems to be an over abundance of shops rather than a shortage.
  7. Is there a shortage of vegemite?
  8. About 200k baht for both eyes. Including overnight stay for observation.
  9. Only losers keep bringing him up on forum, such as yourself. I enjoy responding back. Please continue.
  10. “once” I’ve observed them ticketing Thais on numerous occasions.
  11. As expected, you’re clueless on the subject.
  12. Take your own picture I have nothing to prove to you nor would I take any orders from a chump.
  13. Yes I do. Soi 9 police check point. Thais get ticketed too. I walk by there daily and see it daily. Yes I do
  14. Time to open your eyes. I see Thais pulled over just as often. Yes I do.
  15. Trump 24/7 in your brain. Have you found a cure yet?
  16. I already voted for him. Consider that my reach around.
  17. So you do know where. You certainly have plenty of experience in that place.
  18. The only place you’re qualified to live in me is about 4 feet 180 degrees directly south of my head. Guess where.
  19. GammaGobulin, GeorgieGeorgie, Barboy, Bob. Same Same?
  20. When do I get my reach around?
  21. “Don't post replies to people if you don't like responses back” Pot, Kettle, Black.
  22. Get a job in the mines. Pay is better and you might be able to save more. In ten years you should have enough to retire.
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