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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Watch Biden’s speech tonight and witness the greatest liar of any American president.
  2. Fan mail is all caught up with so Ladies, put your hand bags away for a while. Going for a Buddha Hill walk on this warm Pattaya sunset. Back later to answer fan mail.
  3. That’s what he claims on the forum. In a bar he has to have a cover story, so most likely tells the chap on the bar stool next to him he’s SAS, Delta, Rangers or SEAL. But not just any SEAL, DEVGRU. He could tell them he’s CIA, but he would have to kill the poor chap afterwards. That’s lesson plan 5 at the CCC (CIA Correspondence Course). He may appear online soon to confirm. But be prepared for a very lengthy explanation.
  4. I believe you’re confused , not surprised. What source are you referring to?
  5. Really! So all they have to do is show up at the Southern Border. Biden will let them in with his open border policies. And they can vote for Trump. Not that he needs them but theoretically they could. Similar to what Biden is doing to get more votes with the rest of the illegal aliens.
  6. Not going to re invent the wheel again every time some left wing loon demands proof that’s available and has been seen by millions already. One minute google search will prove everything., which you already knew.
  7. My crystal ball says basement. Just like last time. Only president in history to allegedly win the presidency by campaigning in his basement of eating a ice cream cone.
  8. So, you are claiming Pelosi’s daughter was not there, cameras not ready for the propaganda campaign?
  9. As much as I would love to see this debate, I have a suspicion that the Democrats are going to do everything they can to limit Bidens exposure to the public as they are well aware of his ability in making a fool of himself. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-calls-debates-biden-anytime-anywhere-anyplace
  10. You could be right. He sounds like one of the loony Citizens of The World types.
  11. Have you considered terminating your UK citizenship, purchasing a one way ticket to any Middle Eastern or Muslim country popular with jihadist? You could be their expat poster child.
  12. Make sure you send the same message to Islamic Jihadist that practice beheadings of westerners on television.
  13. If you were an American, you’d be a Trumper. I feel your pain
  14. The officer did nothing because he was directed not to. Pelosi needed to make sure her daughter had sufficient footage for Pelosi films Inc.
  15. Envy? Not all. Everything I have I worked for. Don’t need aid, a kindler and gentler word for government welfare. Zelensky has become much richer thanks to the American taxpayer.
  16. She had to make sure her daughter who was on standby, cameras ready to roll, had footage to provide for the propaganda campaign to “get trump”.
  17. History truly does repeat itself (Marshall plan) Whether the nonstop funding from Uncle Sam and the taxpayers comes from war aid or rebuilding, two things are certain. Zelensky will be able to keep his luxury yacht and ensure his bank accounts are topped off .
  18. Another dumber than dumb Democrat. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/democrat-senator-thwarts-gop-effort-pass-bill-detaining-illegal-immigrants-charged-violent-crime
  19. Mostly burning the U.S. flag . All black uniforms of Antifa soldiers should count.
  20. Rioters! Protesting election results. Condoned by no one except themselves. Shall I post photos of the “mostly peaceful “ summer of love? Not an insurrection.
  21. An armed man does not equate to insurrectionist. He’s an armed man and should be dealt with accordingly. Did the officer do anything about it?
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