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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Women, food and booze.... Oh you mean this forum? Good point!
  2. Maybe Ms. Mizaniaparco Fatemi Ali, 41, identifies as a man (but without a cock).
  3. Strange, one would think that these 'leaders' should know that you have to be squeeky clean to survive in politics. Possibly why so many don't. Or they don't have enough money to cover up their corruption.
  4. Send them home with a letter to the Iranian police. I'm sure they won't steal after they've been dealt with by Islamic law. I detest thieves.
  5. WOW, that's a bit of a delay. What's causing such delay? I read using ACH are generally free but done in batches which can cause delays. Thankfully I haven't had that occur so far. The biggest delay is from NZ bank into Wise but only approx 10-20 mins tops.
  6. Any relation to the chicken tribe? Maybe they're dying out as I see lots of chicken gibberlets in the supermarket
  7. I remember that... Some members on this forum however can't accept that this happens. Even volunteer work requires a special visa! No I didn't make that up. It's on an immigration website.
  8. Stupid and paranoid farangs probably are amazing... Do you know any?
  9. "The first victim, a 14-year-old male, had suffered a severe laceration to his left palm, with his left thumb having been blown off." And how did this occur? Maybe he was the one that owned said bomb? If one plays with fire....
  10. I was thinking similar... maybe he/she/it was encroaching on someone else's territory?
  11. Maybe the BiB should set up a sting operation outside Global/DoHome/Mega and the like. Bound to get heaps of foreigners going to their vehicles carrying tools. These tools could be used for jobs reserved for Thais! Unbelievable. I use to help my missus run her guesthouse. General maintenance.... plumbing, small electrical repairs and general upkeep. She was always worried someone might report me.
  12. I just tried one of these. Nice taste but a little too sweet for me. Tried it also with normal espresso coffee (Yeah I've got a machine) and it was good. I only keep 3 in 1 in case I run out of coffee beans. Gotta have my morning fix!
  13. My pension goes into NZ account. I transfer what I require into Wise account. No fee and takes a maxm of 30 minutes. Then I convert to THB within Wise. Minimal transaction fee and done instantly. If I need cash I transfer from Wise THB to my Bangkok Bank. Takes seconds and minimal fee again. Then use Bangkok Bank ATM which has 49 baht fee regardless of amount taken. Payment at places like supermarkets are done via Wise card. No fees It works and works well.
  14. 100,000 Euro in tax... My god what salary are you on to pay that sort of tax? My peasant income wasn't anywhere close to that tax bill!
  15. My apologies. I didnt identify/acknowledge NXT360 as written. I better go to Specsavers soon!
  16. I use to like this but it can be a bit too sweet. But I haven't tried this version yet
  17. Hummers are generally soft skinned. Military use to drape their body armour over the door for protection. Now this is cool. Armoured and heavy as hell... MRAP
  18. It seems like every couple of days someone dreams up a new idea to restore/revitalise tourism. Have any of their previous hairbrained ideas worked? I'd think those coming to Thailand would do their own research or have an idea on what they want to do prior. Glossy brochures ain't gonna change that a lot.
  19. At least she moved on from a double brown paper bag to a full face dark visor helmet... She's probably a triple bag lady, one for you in case the first 2 rip.
  20. I'm waiting for these boffins to suddenly increase the fares on all tourist or long stay foreigners. Just like what has occurred in areas where tourism didn't reach the numbers predicted. For example: Room rate 700 baht But only 10 customers = 7000baht so bump rate to 1000 baht 10000 baht, now good money. Dumb way of thinking but some stick to this and wonder why they now have no customers. Or commercial property owners who would rather leave a building empty (Sometimes for years) rather than take a lower lease rate. Thailand seems to be heading that way... shooting itself in the foot. But don't worry, China is on its way.
  21. Sorry to carry this on in the Joke section but... The carriage,/zipper part had a pin sticking out on either end. This acts as the swivel so the carriage can spin. Their locking pin to hold it into place on the main structure was just No. 8 wire through a hole and wrapped around the pin. It looked bloody suspect. Although the wire probably has a good shear strength I wasn't keen to get on the ride again, and probably wouldn't have in the 1st place if I'd spotted that prior.
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