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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Un freakn believable. Will be interesting to see what becomes of this. Will justice be served?
  2. Never trust a Pitbull. Double that if mixed with another breed. If it bites once it will do it again. Next time could be fatal. The dog needs to be put down now.
  3. And will the grandson learn anything from this? From what has been reported, I doubt it. Seems to be a spoilt brat.
  4. Riding in convoy is generally safer for all riders, however all riders still need to be aware of their abilities/capabilities. Stick to the road rules and ride safely. Personally I dislike riders that swerve in and out of traffic as if they are on a race track. That increases risk to all. From the reports mentioned, it appears they were hooning and going well outside their capabilities. Also endangering other road users. These 2 have paid the ultimate price by being a pillion passenger behind stupid riders. Will the riders in charge of the bikes learn anything from this? One hopes they do.
  5. Promises: Baby it you. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DeqM3P7LziIc&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwja59ysl86GAxVrxDgGHVl8BhIQtwJ6BAgAEAE&usg=AOvVaw2LD1OWNDtkPQTx2w9uYCaX Sorry I don't know how to attach videos yet!
  6. So over 10yrs ago he put his name forward as a contactor. Then he was incorrectly indebted to the tune of 20 million to the tax man. How does one become incorrectly indebted? You'd think that would be pretty easy to sort. Did he not know about the court case where the legal ruling was made? If he was named surely he would have been informed. To many holes in this story.
  7. Be careful foreigners, you may get fined! I'm sure this is a job reserved for Thais. Good on you for helping.
  8. Where does this p.o.s get off? I hope the phrase 'money can't buy you everything' actually occurs and the boy does time. As for these ridiculous fraud claims, the judge should throw them out.
  9. There are different levels of spicy. I've yet to find a real burner of a curry, whereas chilli dishes can get up there damn quickly. I love curries but are yet to get to India (Goa in particular). Thai curries are ok in their own right but I prefer Thai chilli. A good vindaloo is great with beer!
  10. Initially I thought she had her pants on the wrong way and that was her bum.... sorry my bad.
  11. Looks like he's giving the bride away... who's the lucky cellmate going to be? Pick a door
  12. Back in the day (whenever that was) it could be quite difficult to travel overseas if you had a criminal record. My father use to remind us kids constantly to stay out of trouble as a record can prevent you from travelling. Nowadays unless it's stored somewhere electronically I have no idea how Thai immigration would know. In the past when you had to apply for a visa, many countries in their questionnaire asked if you had a criminal record. Aussie and NZ are quite strict on this. Many an Southeast Asian lady has been refused entry due to a likelihood of 'working' while on a tourist visa I suspect interpol maybe involved or the Australian Federal Police, could be outstanding warrants.
  13. That's probably true for a lot of countries. The cost of living has gone crazy. Housing in NZ is stupidly expensive.
  14. “Somethin’s up, Jed. … That’s Ben Potter’s horse, all right, but ain’t that Henry Morgan’s chicken ridin’ him?”
  15. A good ending for this dog. I honestly don't know how huskies survive in this heat.... Always thought they are a cold climate dog. But well done to the new owner
  16. Luckily most Thai women age slower than western women... And as a consequence some still have 'the look'. And know how to use it! I don't mind those with a bit of experience.
  17. Now that's a bong! Initially I thought it was a didgeridoo. And the guy in white is wearing a tie... Must have 'high' standards. And she's got a short as skirt. Cool black and white tv to the side, guy in blue looks well and truly wasted. Which one is you roo?
  18. Yes but you are now a FREE man. It took me 2 wives to wake up! There won't be a third. Sometimes it works out cheaper to pay as you go. If you prefer a newer model then you have that option too.
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