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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Apricot kernels and the seeds of apples and pears contain a naturally occurring toxin (amygdalin). When eaten, this toxin can react with stomach enzymes and release a poison (cyanide) in the gut. This can cause stomach ache, illness, and can be fatal, especially for children. Apricot kernels, in particular, should not be eaten. Apricot kernels are safe to eat in processed products, like almond biscuits. The baking process reduces the level of the toxin. You should avoid eating seeds from apples and pears, which also have the toxin. Accidentally eating the occasional seed is not generally a problem.
  2. Yes the Nazis used Zyklon B which has hydrogen cyanide as an ingredient. Also used in pest control. Nasty stuff Cyanide has a slight almond smell. I used to smell it in my neighbour's shed as he made up a cyanide paste to kill possums.
  3. “I lift, you grab. … Was that concept just a little too complex, Carl?”
  4. He apologised only because he got caught. Mr Big when he discharged the gun at the boy, scared whimp when tear gas and stun grenade used on him. Hopefully he'll be locked up for a long time.
  5. I joined up with faecebook years ago. But in less than 12hrs decided it wasn't for me. Took about 6 months to fully cancel the account and stop all the spam coming through. I was surprised by the amount of questions they asked about my cancellation. Don't miss it.
  6. Yes and this crutch may lead you to another crutch, preferably of the female kind.
  7. A possible conflict of interest? No never... Not that he would tell if there was/is.
  8. Back in the day when the fur trade was alive and kicking, cyanide was one way of 'trapping' oppossums in NZ. It was in a paste form and usually had a flour mixed with aniseed lure sprinkled on top. Very effective. Once the possum got a whiff of the cyanide, all over red rover. They would get no more than 10 feet and be dead. My friends dad use to have a block of bush that he use to spend a few months in each year. He helped his dad make up the paste but I'm sure he got a bit of poisoning himself. We were waiting for the school bus and he complained of a real strong headache. At one stage he sneezed and this really long blood clot came out of his nose. A few days later he was ok. Lucky lad.
  9. I was surprised by the guy actually looking behind before changing lanes... wise move. Next buy a helmet!
  10. So if you run away from military service you simply get dismissed... Wow In war its called cowardess. Seems it's applicable to him during peacetime as well. As a military police officer he should have been leading by example. Seems he is just a PoS.
  11. If the police suspect the driver had been drinking... Then conduct the booze test to confirm. It's not rocket science! In NZ and probably a lot of other countries it is mandatory for a booze test when there is an 'accident' involving injury.
  12. Little punk kid. Make him do some hard labour and confiscate his cellphone if he has one.
  13. Could have dressed the vehicle up a bit for the movie... Battle truck seems applicable. Wonder if they've finally caught the driver?
  14. “You’re gonna be okay, mister, but I can’t say the same for your little buddy over there. … The way I hear it, he’s the one that mouthed off to them gunfighters in the first place.”
  15. And where are they holding/detaining these 108,875 undocumented workers? That's one big building! An average of 3064 people a day over the last 36 days. I suppose that's possible. Who is going to replace these workers? Are the businesses going to survive? So many questions about this 'round up' will go unanswered.
  16. Reagan knew how to reply to an assassination attempt. He was giving a message when a balloon burst in the crowd....
  17. I think this was the best from Ronnie after the assassination attempt on his life... giving a speech and a balloon popped somewhere
  18. On a NZ news site it has been mentioned that the RTP found traces of cyanide in tea/coffee cups and a thermette (flask) A husband and wife among the dead had invested money with two of the other victims, suggesting that money could be a motive, (information obtained from relatives of the victims). The investment was meant to build a hospital in Japan and the group might have been meeting to settle the matter. The six had last been seen alive when food was delivered to the room on Monday afternoon. A seventh person whose name was part of the hotel booking was identified by police as a sibling of one of the six victims, who left the country on July 10. Police believe the seventh person had no involvement in the deaths. RTP Lt Col. Trairong said a mass suicide was also unlikely because some of the victims had arranged future things for their trip, such as guides and drivers. He added that the bodies were not grouped in the same place — some were in the bedroom, some in the living room — suggesting that they did not knowingly consume poison and wait for their death together.
  19. Who knows what goes through deranged people's minds. Sad state of affairs really.
  20. Pol. Maj. Gen. Witwat Chinkam noted that discovering whether the deaths are due to natural causes or foul play is of urgent importance. Are they really even contemplating that these 6 deaths could be due to natural causes? Causes such as? Come on now... Something is definitely not right. 6 people don't naturally die together at the same time.
  21. That's a bit out there fellah! I would think most countries have those degenerates too. (Unfortunately)
  22. HM is still used as a type of last resort... to clear blockages of the airway on conscious patients. It's not advisable on small children. Further research shows that it IS still taught in some countries. In NZ it is not promoted/taught as it once was. Myself... I wouldn't hesitate to use it if the back slap method didn't work. A bit like CPR... You can break ribs but it does save lives.
  23. He was damn lucky. The Heimlich manoeuvre is rarely used and not taught in first aid these days. This is due in part to causing possible damage to internal organs or even breaking ribs. But as a last ditch effort... saved this guys life. Well done!
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