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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. And you can stay with your thicket of friends with that attitude.
  2. So following on from that, there must be how many million fools on Thailand roads every day? Get a grip. The only fool on a motorbike is the one who causes or is involved in an accident. Your logic is seriously flawed. It's like saying it's only a matter of time that a diver will drown or a skydiver/parachuter will hit the ground hard. That in itself doesn't make them a fool. There are millions of bike riders in Thailand that live to a ripe old age. Some don't. And? I agree there is more risk... as there is in crossing the road. This is Thailand.
  3. She looks Russian, possibly the same who had the 'fling' with a Korean based American soldier. Is that Putin in the bear costume? Giving her the next mission? Is he grabbing her derriere or just splitting the difference?
  4. I can understand stopping to take a call, but do it safely. Unfortunately safely doesn't mean much here. Wherever they want seems to be their choice... It is however their country (As we are constantly reminded by other posts). Education and Enforcement as Kwilco (above) stated are unfortunately lacking big time. The only thing moving forward is time... and that's sometimes debatable!
  5. What a clown. Is he also looking for a new ringmaster?
  6. Great story. I do miss my time from up there and Mae Rim. It's an easy place to scoot around. Lots of alleyways in the city that allow you to get where you want with less traffic. I hope the finish that darn cable project soon. Must be a bit of a pain, hopefully no one else falls into one of the holes!
  7. Now that's a melon and a half if ever I saw one...
  8. The few buses that I've been on, the drivers have actually been quite good. One from BKK to Korat even slowed right down once we hit some torrential rain around Pak Chong/Khao Yai area. Cars going opposite direction weren't and resulted in a 6 car pile up... Speed and aqua planning. Dumb arse drivers (probably bald tyres too)
  9. “So then I says to Borg, ‘You know, as long as we’re under siege, one of us oughta moon these Saxon dogs.’”
  10. An American, Brit, and an Aussie are about to get executed in Russia. The executioner approaches the American prisoner and says, “How would you like to die? By firing squad, hung by the neck, or on the electric chair?” “I’ll take the chair” the American says. So he gets strapped into the electric chair. When they flip the switch, nothing happens! In Mother Russia, such an act of divine intervention means you get released. As the American prisoner is being led away he passes the Brit, who’s getting pulled up next, he whispers to him, “The electric chair isn’t working!” The executioner approaches the British man and says, “How would you like to die? By firing squad, hung by the neck, or on the electric chair? " I’ll take the chair.” the Brit says. So he gets strapped into the electric chair. When they flip the switch, nothing happens! And he also gets released. As the British prisoner passes the Aussie who’s getting pulled up next, he also whispers, “The electric chair isn’t working!” The executioner approaches the Aussie man and says, “How would you like to die? By firing squad, hung by the neck, or on the electric chair?” “Well crikey, mate! The electric chair isn’t working, so firing squad I guess!”
  11. A redneck with a bucket full of live fish was approached by a Texas game warden. The game warden asked the man, “May I see your fishing license please?” “Naw, sir,” replied the redneck. “I don’t need none of them there papers. These here are my pet fish.” “Pet fish?!” “Yep. Once a week, I bring these here fish o’mine down to the lake and let ’em swim ’round for a while. Then when I whistle, they swim right back into my net and I take ’em home.” “What a line of baloney… you’re under arrest.” The redneck said, “It’s the truth, I’ll show ya! We do this all the time!!” “WE do, now, do WE?” smirked the warden. “PROVE it!” The redneck released the fish into the lake and stood and waited. After a few minutes, the warden said, “Well?” “Well, WHUT?” said the redneck. The warden asked, “When are you going to call em back?” “Call who back?” “The FISH,” replied the warden! “Whut fish?” asked the redneck.
  12. Some of what you wrote on Monday I agree with. Particularly with learned or passed down bad driving habits. Parents don't always make the best teachers! Prior to getting a full unrestricted motorbike licence in NZ I attended a few Ride for Life courses. It taught me a lot and highlighted many faults in my level of riding. As a result I became more safe on the road, aware of more hazards etc etc That is perhaps one of the many reasons why so many die on the roads here. Lack of education.
  13. I agree that being in a car is safer, as you have a safety cage around you. You cannot predict when some moron will run a red light. But that too is part of being an alert defensive driver/rider. More so when on a bike. I don't just do an obligatory glance when riding. Its more of a scan... looking for possible trouble/idiots. And it's not always directly in your area. It can be 4 or 5 vehicles away. Try and have an escape plan. Everything in life has an element of risk involved. It all depends as an individual on the amount you're willing to accept. Would I run a red light here? No way, in fact not in any country. When on a bike I always: Ride to the conditions Follow the rules Wear safety gear (minimum footwear and helmet) Leave the booze alone. I've ridden bikes since a teenager, I'm now 62. Only been in 2 accidents, both minor and due to my inexperience/stupidity. If you don't feel safe with what you're doing then don't do it. That doesn't just relate to bikes. Hopefully I'll be riding bikes for a few more years to come. Roads here don't scare me yet, maybe later they will. Some drivers I've seen lately could make that occur sooner. You'll never catch me riding in Pattaya. I'm not use to that place and from what I've seen is (to me) organised chaos. Risk factor too high. Each to their own!
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