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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Of all the things to do on a holiday in a foreign country, shoplifting would never appear on my list. How bloody stupid can one be? I hope they make an example out of her. Big fine and deportation with a red stamp in her passport. Dumb ass.
  2. Ms Bang On... didn't get to bang off. Just another nutter still on the outside. Glad the cops got to her in time.
  3. Where is the forklift safety cage? It's designed to protect the driver. Time to question the owner
  4. When questioned by the police he became a bit animated. His christian name wouldn't be Car by any chance?
  5. Looking at the photo.... Honestly officer, they WERE selling them on the side of the road and they were this big and not just black.
  6. Aye, the haggis had terrible eyes and is watching me.... Oh Robbie save me! Oh the things people do on holiday. Seems like she's new to weed and over consumed.
  7. Jeepers the things some people do! Was he trying suicide by fire or drowning? Well if the 1st one doesn't work may the 2nd one might. Failed on both counts. Strange fellow.
  8. A lot of freight transportation companies in NZ have sensors in their truck doing exactly that. It also records time date location etc so the company can do a follow up medical of the driver if necessary.
  9. The gun was justified... It wasn't an ordinary stick, this one was pointed!
  10. Unbelievable. So what's stopping this fruit loop getting more acid and throwing it at someone else while police await an arrest warrant? She has a history and it's pretty clear cut she did this. Get her off the streets before it happens again. She's like a loaded gun just waiting for someone to pull her trigger. Who gets hurt next?
  11. So where did this hooligan get the 32000 baht from to pay for the gun? That ain't chump change based on minimum daily rate of pay (400 baht)
  12. By the look of the water, I doubt any shellfish would be good for your health. Booze and swimming are not a good combination at the best of times.
  13. I'm reasonably happy with both Lazada and Aliexpress. Perhaps my main gripe is with the delivery date and/or couriers. Sometimes I'll order from one company over another purely because they have it in stock and can deliver the fastest (via Lazada) , only to find that to be false. Item is coming via China. Then I'll get a txt saying delivery in the next hour.... But the courier turns up 3 hours later. Laz delivery is probably best, Flash Express is hopeless. Self delivery by company is like flipping a coin. Only had 1 bad buy via Aliexpress . Motorcycle boots... What arrived were a mismatched pair of cheap sneakers, different sizes. Complained and managed to get vendor taken off the site. No refund (only 300baht)
  14. Sex toys... AND? If you're luck enough to have a partner that is willing/happy to experiment then what's the problem. Funnily enough it's not something openly talked about in the Western world (Apart from Germany where they are a bit more than kinky). Conservative be buggered. Life is too short. A bit of spice is nice!
  15. It's the same as NZ lamb. All the good stuff gets exported to the UK. And it's cheaper there than in NZ. Now please don't start on the sheep shagger jokes!
  16. Agree, however I spotted an Indian whisky (Really?) in Lotus'sss a while back. Just 299 baht. Surprisingly OK. I've just finished the 2nd bottle and now Lowt Arse has put the price upto 428 baht. Bastards. I think they initially got their price wrong actually. It's a 41% ABV so it demands a higher tax. That aside it actually tasted quite good... Brown Barley Whisky. Give it a go.
  17. Well, at one stage she opened more than her heart for him... He saw the hole and fell into it.
  18. I was about to come up with a cliché ... but we've heard it all before.
  19. If that's a face massager... You could end up with dental bills!
  20. “That does it! … I’m going to go up there and give those people hell!”
  21. Hydroplaning (also called “aquaplaning”) is what happens when your tires drive over wet pavement or standing water and lose contact with the road surface, resulting in a loss of traction and an inability to steer the car. Lack of tread doesn't help
  22. This is something the Australian couple should read.... Forewarned is forearmed and all that!
  23. Round these fakrs up, cut their balls off and then feed em to the pigs. Not their balls tho... Pigs might choke on them.
  24. Too fast for the conditions?.... Seems about right. Some people never learn, slow the freak down. Hydroplaining (?) .
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