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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Never... That is sacrilege. Stick to your instant coffee with that carry on.... Unless you mean only to heat up the cup/mug. I would never use a microwave to heat up proper (espresso) coffee.
  2. The soft serve icecream in Australia years ago was horrendous. You need not even finish a cone and you could scrape a wax/fat type substance from the roof of your mouth. Nasty stuff... Probably pig fat as has been mentioned
  3. Just get the hell out. Change your phone simcard, move to a new district/province/country and stop communicating with this leech. Start anew. It's invigorating getting YOUR life back. Do it!
  4. Just to make you green, it's currently raining here in Korat. Temp dropped to 29 and a thunderstorm passing overhead. It's damn near liveable again!
  5. I should have bought my machine over from NZ. 2nd hand but fully refurbished cost 17500 baht. But big to fit in my bag tho. Maybe next visit I'll box it up. I find a lot of coffee they serve here is never hot enough for my taste. It's like drinking lukewarm beer! Our current breville machine is about 10yrs old but still going strong, pulls a good shot and steams up milk ok.
  6. Hillkoff in Chiang Mai had a huge retail shop. Both for machines and expendibles. Amazing selection of beans. A breville BES878 is a great starter machine at around 31500 baht but they have machines all the way upto about 200k. I like coffee but not that much!
  7. Agree 100%. I have done that in the past. And I'll probably never return to the Philippines.
  8. I'd use it to check probably one a week or once every 2 weeks. If your battery is holding charge then you should be good to go. I've had batteries that only sat on a charger for less than 5 minutes to be fully charged. Then I'd only check them once a month.
  9. Stabbing may be quicker... But the mess! Strangulation like you said isn't the easiest, breaking his neck might help.
  10. Your one isn't a trickle charger however if its left plugged in its not going to overcharge. It's got auto shut off or standby mode. Personally I'd probably unplug to be safe. Neighbour back in NZ had a dodgy aftermarket charger for his lithium battery powered vacuum cleaner. He went away for the weekend and returned to a burnt out garage. Charger overheated and caught fire. I saw the smoke and checked no one was in his house whereas the other neighbour called the fire brigade. Massive amount of heat buckled all the tin walls and dropped the roof. Lost his caravan too.
  11. I'm dreaming for it to drop that low here in Korat. At 8:15 last night it was still 36° Currently sitting on 39.7°. however hoping to get rain tomorrow afternoon. 85% chance with possibly 10mm of rain. Fingers crossed!
  12. I wouldn't say I'm a coffee snob but I don't like instant. For value I buy Sole cafe beans from Makro. 380 baht for the 1kg bag. They also have pre-ground coffee from the same brand, but I prefer to grind my own. I've tried others that were frankly just so bitter it was nasty.
  13. Yes they do the job quite nicely and are cheap as chips. Glad you're happy with it. The only reason why I bought a different model as I needed one that can charge LiFePo4 (lithium ion) batteries. So I've got 2 chargers now that look very similar to this one and they're both great. Good stuff!
  14. My that's one butt ugly car, did Homer Simpson design that too? Didn't Fiat have something similar a few years ago? Like this (ICE) I'd much rather have this: It's a Chinese Neta U Pro. Fully electric. I rode in one in Vientiane, private taxi. Very quiet but comfortable. Not 100% sure on price maybe around USD 18000 - 20000. Not cheap but better quality compared to some.
  15. I'd just ignore them and keep walking. It'll be some sort of scam.
  16. It was a piece of green that they had, not Greenpeace.
  17. Come come now, this is Thailand. Do you expect government organisations/companies to pay for their own maintenance? And if you the user pay for said maintenance, do you actually expect them to perform this maintenance? Most maintenance occurs once it breaks or once there is a fatality. It's just the way it is. So where does all the money go? Well there is admin fees. New cars for senior staff Emergency fund for when things do go wrong. Not much left after that sorry.
  18. Pour some acid on his (the monks) wanger... the amulet will protect him. Heres 200 baht in case it goes wrong. All good? Great
  19. Did you hear about the blind guy that got a cheese grater for Christmas? He said it was the most violent book he's ever read.
  20. Korat Kiwi


    Yes this was covered before and not that long ago. Most bloggers mentioned that NZ Mainland is a good cheddar cheese. With the vintage having the best 'bite'. Available at most Makro outlets. Anchor make a 2kg block but it's a lot milder than the Mainland Vintage.
  21. Stilleto shoes are a dangerous weapon. I remember getting a few stitches in a local hospital when a couple of cops came through in a hurry. Apparently a guy tried to molest a girl/young lady. She reacted by smacking him in the head with her Stilleto shoe. Left a good hole and blood was everywhere. They found him hiding in a hospital toilet... blood trail was a giveaway.
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