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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Back in the day (whenever that was) it could be quite difficult to travel overseas if you had a criminal record. My father use to remind us kids constantly to stay out of trouble as a record can prevent you from travelling. Nowadays unless it's stored somewhere electronically I have no idea how Thai immigration would know. In the past when you had to apply for a visa, many countries in their questionnaire asked if you had a criminal record. Aussie and NZ are quite strict on this. Many an Southeast Asian lady has been refused entry due to a likelihood of 'working' while on a tourist visa I suspect interpol maybe involved or the Australian Federal Police, could be outstanding warrants.
  2. That's probably true for a lot of countries. The cost of living has gone crazy. Housing in NZ is stupidly expensive.
  3. “Somethin’s up, Jed. … That’s Ben Potter’s horse, all right, but ain’t that Henry Morgan’s chicken ridin’ him?”
  4. A good ending for this dog. I honestly don't know how huskies survive in this heat.... Always thought they are a cold climate dog. But well done to the new owner
  5. Luckily most Thai women age slower than western women... And as a consequence some still have 'the look'. And know how to use it! I don't mind those with a bit of experience.
  6. Now that's a bong! Initially I thought it was a didgeridoo. And the guy in white is wearing a tie... Must have 'high' standards. And she's got a short as skirt. Cool black and white tv to the side, guy in blue looks well and truly wasted. Which one is you roo?
  7. Yes but you are now a FREE man. It took me 2 wives to wake up! There won't be a third. Sometimes it works out cheaper to pay as you go. If you prefer a newer model then you have that option too.
  8. 30yr old jealous husband, he doesn't deserve to be a husband and won't be again... Until he arrives in prison. Hopefully he'll become mommy and have a jealous husband. Karma can be a bitch. Glad his relatives gave him a parting gift too.
  9. Agree... that's quite bad. Makes one think twice about Yamaha looking at those photos. But then just about every brand has their donkey. In the western world there would be a recall or class action via the courts. Wishful thinking that that could occur here!
  10. If one party refuses then it's very difficult in most countries. However if both agree (In the Philippines) then it's still damn difficult. Only an annulment is available and they rare as hens teeth...and costly. Speaking from experience on that. I've still got an estranged one running around there somewhere!
  11. There are gold diggers everywhere albeit probably more concentrated in the likes of Pattaya. Surely the Aussie knew what he was in for especially if he knew prior that she was married to a Dane. He's partially to blame based on this story. Nothing is free, there will always be a cost. In this case user pays!
  12. I thankyou for the educational post. I was aware that NA beer was produced in a similar fashion but not of wine. Learning is good!
  13. Is that Bob in Pattaya? (Sorry I couldn't resist a jab at you!) Probably more likely to be GG with one of his playthings.
  14. A bit like the marketing ploy... Non alcoholic wine. That's called GRAPE JUICE you marketing Imbeciles. But naturally they expect you to pay more for it. The French are renown for their wines. Australia make some pretty good reds, NZ are OK with some whites. Thailand make great food. Play to your strengths.
  15. Conflicting stories... some reports suggested the Russian made lewd comments about her daughter. Either way I don't believe it was the intention to kill the guy...just a warning to back off/down that went way wrong.
  16. I'm always amused by these Thai names. It's like something Benny Hill or Monty Python would come up with. Noppasin Poolsawat... sounds like a joke name (No disrespect intended) https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DHrcbCW4y9Dw&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwi3laKG8sCGAxVwZmwGHfBnAAUQuAJ6BAgIEAI&usg=AOvVaw1dFO1B3BeWEhpHxb8PcJI3
  17. Now the police have the firearm, can I apply for the vacant position at the fruit shop? 1 day a week should be fine and I promise to make the bed afterwards.
  18. “Whoa! That was a good one! Try it, Hobbs—just poke his brain right where my finger is.”
  19. Yes I found that rather odd. True spirits should be at least 40%. Thai spirits is normally lower, like all that stuff: red cock, white cock, white spirits. Rocket fuel! Surprisingly SangSom is still 40%
  20. I've had street food in many countries without any health issues including Thailand. I was warned never to have seafood in Hong Kong and yet never suffered when I did. Maybe I have a cast iron gut? Yet my 1st wife got food poisoning from McDonald's in Singapore in the 80s. Id love to see the statistics of tourists admitted to hospital as a result of eating street food in Bangkok... Eating filthy food anywhere can cause problems.
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