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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. What? Personally I don't really care or think about that if I'm thinking marriage or relationship. We aren't all perfect and if a woman already has experience, maybe she could teach me a thing or two. I certainly wouldn't be throwing big dollars just because of virginity. Way too much hype associated with that. I'm sure I could teach a few things too. I don't put $ values on sex and that's what virginity is, isn't it.
  2. I'd be flipping a coin between the X-Max or the ADV 350. Better still hire each one for a couple of days. Personal preference will kick in.
  3. Capsicum spray... Not sure where you can buy that legally. Or make up your own with chilli peppers. Basically put chillies in a pot with some water. Slow boil so the chilli oil infuses into the water but not do much that it's a thick soup. Cool/strain the liquid and put into a spray bottle or water pistol. It's got to be able to shoot a stream not a mist. Back in NZ we use to be able to get small palm sized water pistols, very good for concealment and not awkward to lug about. A shot from that into a dogs face will see them back off quick smart. Stings like heck in your eyes too... Be careful!
  4. Maxi scooter.... Way to go and generally brakes and suspension are ok. Easy to get upgrades although for a few shekels more the Honda Adv 350 is pretty much kitted out. Quicker than an Ethiopian with a Mcdonalds voucher.
  5. It would be a bit sad if your nose was located on ya butt crack GG. Then you'd smell what we have to put up with in your blogs all the time. Joking!.....
  6. Funny you should say that. I met this tiny kiwi lass outside a shop in NZ. She was riding a Street Triple. Extremely tidy bike and she was in full leathers (Tidy too!) She loved the bike and said she'd been looking at one for ages. Took the plunge and said she never regretted doing so. I watched her mount the bike and disappear. Her feet barely touched the tarmac but she knew how to handle it.
  7. Thruxton, Street Twin? .... what's the 3rd bike? Very nice collection.... I'm envious!
  8. Currently 41.3 where I am and it's got at least another hour before it may drop. Next week I'm gonna get a bloody a/c but into the bedroom. It's just a bit too warm and a fan is just circulating hot air... Another words it's like a blast furnace. Having to jump into the shower about 6 times a day to cool off.
  9. I think if you're not in a main city, then a maxi scooter is brilliant. They can handle long distances easily. Climb hills with ease and don't get blown around by big trucks. Comfort and power, what's not to like.
  10. Yep more money than brains over there... Mind you I did spend one night in a slammer in Fujairah once. It was a mix up of work related things and I was released the next morning. Took 4 days to get my passport back tho. Saw lots of Emiratees hooning in the dunes between there and Dubai.
  11. He's hardly off the gravel berm and he got stuck! Bloody expensive outing. As another posted.... is this a bigger fine than the clowns roaring up and down the beach near the water mark? Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the amounts dished out. Maybe he will head back under cover of darkness and get his 'moneys worth'...
  12. I'm currently on a small scooter in Korat. Brother in Law dumped this and bought a Yamaha xmax 300. So it was a project scoot for me. Replaced: Tyres Seat Brakes front/rear (Rotors/ calipers) Brake resivour Brake levers Speedo cover Front light cluster (After I accidently put a spanner thru it) Decals All lights changed to LED Horn All fluids and filters New Carburettor Also a complete respray Before photo After photo Now it's a fun scoot.... until I decide on something bigger!
  13. I too started young on motorbikes. The first was a Yamaha AG100 that my father bought for the farm. A gutless piece of crap but it withstood a beating from me and 4 brothers. Many firebreak were tamed on this toy. My first actually owned bike was a 1980 Yamaha XS250 special. Sort of like a small easy rider bike. 6 speed box that was only good for down hill. It was overweight and underpowered. Did many miles on that and I still wonder why. After a few years in the military (And a marriage) I needed something new. The Army were disposing of a few Kawasaki KLR250s so I went and won one at a local auction. It wasn't a bad bike but open road speed pretty much topped out at 110kmph. It was a heavy beastie too. Got rid of that after about 2 years. Move forward a few years and various trips to the Middle East (For work) and I settled down in Chiang Mai. Tried to find a decent bike over 250cc but back in 2009 there wasn't much to choose from. Most bikes like a DR400SM were grey imports and you couldn't register them. CM police were always on the lookout to confiscate said bikes so I settled on another 250 in the form of a Honda CRF250M. It was a good bike for its size. Only problem that I had with it in 3 years was constantly getting punctures in the rear tyre! Once I moved back to NZ, I finally decided to get something with more oomph. Went to a few bike shops and got interested in a KTM 690 SMC R. A real light bike with ample power. But... being a single cylinder it was rather vibey. Still it was fun to ride and flick around winding roads. Then arthritis started to appear in one hip. The KTM wasn't so much fun anymore. Looking at local classifieds I spotted a Yamaha T-Max 500 going cheap. Took it for a test ride and bought it. My first maxi scooter. What a hoot it was. At over 250kg it wasn't light but it stuck to the road and was a smooth ride. My last bike was purchased about 1.5 years ago back in NZ. I didn't really need it but the price was too good to turn down. A 2012 BMW C600 (It's actually a 650 twin) maxi scooter. What a fun bike with good acceleration too. Previous owner spend over $3000 fixing stuff and general maintenance on it. I managed to get it for $2500. Its still in storage in NZ and damn I wish I had it here. So what's with these scooters? Comfort would be the main point. You can ride for hours without your arse cheeks going to sleep. They are a smooth ride and react like a super bike. Brilliant cruising machine and tackle hills with ease. Love em
  14. Next time he should get permission and authority before he sells. Then he should be fine?
  15. Embassies don't step in with cash. They may help with information and offer advice but that's about it. They could get in touch with her family if she wants but that doesn't guarantee anything. Based on what has been reported, she hasn't asked for assistance and ran away from her family when they tried to help. Some people you just can't help.
  16. Correct, but I have heard of Little Britain. It's not one that I could get into. A bit like Red Dwarf. Parts were funny (to me) but I never went out of my way to watch it. But with your explanation... I can understand now. Cheers
  17. And I'd suppose you've got heaps of room in your knickers too! Just joking... but I agree most women if they do the math would concur.
  18. A man saw a lady with big breasts. He asked, "Excuse me, can I bite your breasts for $1000?" She agrees, so they go to a secluded corner. She opens her blouse and the man puts his face in her breasts for 10 minutes." Eventually the lady asks, "Aren't you gonna bite them?" He replies, "No, it's too expensive."
  19. Possibly closer to the truth if they called it a maggot.
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