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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Maybe all the 501 crims about to get deported from Australia can be sent to Phuket instead of NZ? Could join up with their Ruskie friends. Then they could build a fence around it and call it a penal colony.
  2. Yes their outlook seems to be, if it isn't broken (yet) don't fix it. Preventative maintenance is a foreign idea... Not for Thai.
  3. Why... Do you predict an accident is about to happen?
  4. I agree re the tinting. Some of it is beyond pathetic. Can't see through these vehicles to check what's in front/side/wherever. Sister in Law has a silver/mirror type tint on all her windows, hate it. Poorly applied as well, bubbles everywhere. Re the wrap... I'd probably look at a respray. Paintwork here and in the Philippines is pretty good.
  5. Saw one of these in Chiang Mai about 7 years ago. Chrome wrap bling bling!
  6. So now he's gone from selling happy water and landed in hot water. I don't think he will see Happy Valley for some time.
  7. Typical response, rarely a one on one. Thainess to the fore.
  8. I do not believe that there is any restriction, however many blood tests have to be performed (On the deceased body) before it can be 'donated'. Not every medical practitioner knows how to do this. It's probably best to contact the hospital in the 'North East' to get their take on it. Maybe rules have changed?
  9. Thank you for pointing out where the original news come from. I didn't see that. And that's all I needed. Not the rest of your jumped up egotistical palaver that you seem to dump on anyone that makes an error. Have a nice afternoon.
  10. It's not like the water can become more polluted. There's already a lot of junk floating in it.
  11. No that's the same story with no mention of the emergency vehicle apart from the one YOU added.
  12. Oh go hunting in the Bangkok News.... Why have 2 seperate stories then FFS
  13. I think he was pointing to the fact that the original OP didn't show or mention an emergency vehicle. So where did the photo of this emergency vehicle come from?
  14. I believe London has heaps of CCTV. What say all you guys from there.... A good or bad thing?
  15. Her excuse? She is pointing at his undies... You see those skid marks? I am not cleaning those. He made mess, he clean his mess. I not his slave.
  16. Maybe the home owner was employing the woman to clean more than just the house, then his wife found out. Pure supposition.
  17. Geez I didn't know it had gotten that bad over there.
  18. It just that they don't know the saying.... 'If you've got nothing good to say, then say nothing' You see it a lot on AN.
  19. Soon it will be like Singapore with armed guards (Shotgun in hand) standing outside gold merchants. I wonder how many itchy trigger fingers will 'slip' in the coming years. In NZ there is a proliferation of kids doing ram raids, not just on convience stores but within malls too. Why? Because they know they can get away with it. If they do get caught they are of the age where they don't go to jail but attend a youth court. Too soft IMHO. There has to be a deterent or it will continue.
  20. Lately I've found that meat from the supermarket whose name is like a water plant/flower'ssss does not keep for very long. I'm less than 5 minutes away and the meat goes straight into the fridge. 4 days max and it's not looking or smelling good. Chicken seems to spoils quicker than pork. The missus says just to wash it and it will be OK. I say you can eat it but I'm not touching it. Even the dogs won't touch it. I've had food poisoning twice in my lifetime and that was twice too often. Good way at losing weight but not very pleasant. I've found local wet market to have better meat but then we go there at 4am. It certainly appears fresher and not previously frozen like some in Lotus'sss. (Woops shouldn't mention their name).
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