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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. I'm sure all the BGs would be able to spot the fakes from across a room. Whereas the LBs could probably spot it from the other end of a street! Me... I don't wear gold. Prefer silver wearing any jewellery, but gave that up years ago.
  2. Yeah, good luck with that one. Have they actually seen how much single use plastic this country uses? It would be mind boggling. Just in my small town the amount is phenomenal. Local morning market, plastic bags everywhere. The NZ government banned single use plastic bags a few years ago. It's good to see paper bags back in the Supermarkets. But NZ is very small population wise. I can't see this happening here... too many mindsets to change and probably no enforcement of the rules.
  3. My God.... She had legs that went all the way up!
  4. Yeah, what's with that man-tail/pony tail thing? Probably wearing a wife-beater singlet to boot! Sorry I had to laugh at your description, because it's so apt a lot of the times!
  5. No worries Bob, Don't go riding your bike mate... too many cops about!
  6. Yes there are other roads that can be used Bob, but in the OP it was asked if he can use his 160cc bike on the motorway from Pattaya to Bangkok. Your initial reply was 'Yes' That I now believe is partially true. However no motorcycle (Either scooter or larger) can enter the toll way system... which is part of motorway 7.
  7. I agree 100% re those stinky fish. They fair pong.
  8. Bob? Scooters and motorbikes aren't allowed on the motorway. There is even signage stating such.
  9. Just to add to my last... You wouldn't want to risk your life on that motorway. Drivers of pickups, cars and trucks are crazy on that road. Most wouldn't see you and that's not good for your health. Even on a large bike, I'd be very hesitant to ride it (Not that you can anyway) To me it's that dangerous.
  10. Belgium Malinois I think. Used by a lot of Police and Military forces. Similar to German shepherd but lighter on their feet. This one is very well trained. Make very loyal pets and great protection for the family... known to be fearless. Nice dog.
  11. No bikes are allowed on any motorway. You have to use other roadways.
  12. Yep, that would put a dent in your holiday. Partially why I stick to Agoda or Booking.com. Haven't been scammed yet!
  13. Yes it does make you wonder. Lucky for them it wasn't against Thais or that they weren't on long term stay. Mind you NZ is getting that way too. Sentencing takes into account cultural upbringing, drug dependancy/history, family upbringing etc etc. It's gone crazy. Blame everything else apart from the guilty bastard.
  14. My my how this post has turned ugly all of a sudden. Come on guys. Let's stop the personal attacks and focus on the subject. Food courts aren't everyone's fine dining experience and that's ok. They serve their purpose. Some are better than others and if we can pass on our experiences, then others may benefit.
  15. I'd be looking at getting your hands on a Wise account/card. Better exchange rates and less fees. Western Union are not the most economical way of transferring money. Very much like a convience store.
  16. You'd probably be right... not a popular drink round these parts. Would have more luck getting fresh Tiger in Singapore and you run the gauntlet trying to reminisce here. I've done the same, seen a beer that I hadn't for a while. Bought it and then wondered why it didn't taste the same from memory.
  17. Last time I had anything to eat a Big C food court was probably in Chiang Mai. It wasn't the food I was mainly after tho. You could get beer there, not sure if they still do that. And if you were really thirsty they had beer towers too. Haven't been into Big C for about 5 years!
  18. Yet another committee albeit an ad hoc one. I thought actions speak louder than words. Sorry wrong country. Let's just talk about it... It might just then go away by itself. Yeah right!
  19. Come on Japan, if they return fine them big time and revoke their visa. It's what Thailand would do to you.
  20. Time to fire a warning shot... between his eyes.
  21. I thought this power couple had split some time ago. Maybe it's a family outing but Brad's sleeping in a different resort?
  22. I agree with Folkguitar, get a flat bottom wok. As long as the base is magnetic it will work fine.
  23. Some lighters are banned, not all. The Bic branded lighters are allowed, heavier plastic and safer apparently. My partner was authorised to bring in carry on luggage from NZ.... wasn't a problem.
  24. It's raining in Non Thai (Korat) and temp is at 29. Damn it's really nice. Beats 39-42 that we've had for the last 2 weeks. I feel like I should be singing in the rain. Yeehaaa!
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