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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Wow, finally a respite to the hot weather. A passing bit if rain in Korat (Non Thai District go be precise) Temp is down to 29 degrees and it's bloody lovely. Hope it stays for a bit longer or humidity could become unbearable. Enjoying it while it lasts. Woo who!
  2. You may have to replace all locks... Surprisingly they are not expensive here. Ignition, fuel cap and seat all keyed alike. Getting the old ones off/out can be a bit difficult but most repair shops seem to have a knack doing it quickly
  3. Just having a cold Leo, production date 6 Mar 24. It's always good if it's really cold... as any beer should be. Yes didn't like Carabou lager, still looking for IPA. Will get a case of Dunkel before Songkran starts.
  4. Can still buy it in the Supermarkets in NZ. Unless it's all been sold/run out of stock. It wasn't a bad drop. But I think the stuff was Baltica no. 9. Huge cans too at 900ml
  5. I agree she definitely needs help. But I haven't seen her naked picture being plastered anywhere. There is a photo of her lying on a couch that has her pants blurred out but definitely no nudity. Why did she come to Thailand and how? I would have at least expected the authorities to contact her embassy or consulate.
  6. Crikey you're keen, that's probably one of the last things that I'd contemplate doing in this weather. Now sitting in an ice bath with a pint of beer.... I could handle that.
  7. Why is she still free to roam the streets? Everyone says she has a screw loose and a possible threat. At least a padded cell away from Joe Public.
  8. There use to be a place near Kalasan Night market that had a great selection of beer and spirits. Probably a bit North of the market but on the same side of Changklan road. Was my go to place for good dark Rum.
  9. I remember years back that it was an offence to give grog to the Aborigine peoples . I think that it was mainly confined to their reservations tho. Good story!
  10. Way to go... Get rid of this junta and have new elections. I wish them all the best in the future.
  11. Agreed. Lavender in beer? For goodness sakes what is this world coming to? I've had some with lime and that was OK, Monteiths Radler in NZ is a very nice summer drop. I suppose a bit like Corona with that lemon wedge shoved into it. That does some people's heads in. Again personal tastes vary.
  12. Saw this shop in Antwerp (Belgium) and thought I'd died and ended up in heaven.
  13. A bit like McDonald's burger buns huh? Preservatives to keep the old folks alive.. Or preserved
  14. Come on Sig, tell us how you really feel. I hear you. And can't believe that these cretins allow this to happen. Lock em all up until they get summoned to the Haig.
  15. Yep the weather is damn hot. I put a big plastic pan (Full of water) out for the dogs to cool off in. Stupid mutts weren't having a bar of it. Put them in and they hated it. Even leaving them alone thru would not hop in. Yet the dogs I had in Mae Rim loved it. It was their go to escape in the heat. These dogs would rather sit there and pant. Go figure.
  16. I'd love to move to the South and be close to the Andaman Sea but the ongoing problems down there are a cause for concern. Pity about that.
  17. OK I'll give that a go. I've tried many Tooheys of various types and Castlemaine XXXX but keen to try others. I must admit VB was a bit difficult to swallow but some people swear by it. Cheers for the heads up.
  18. I smell a possible cover up in the making. Time will tell.
  19. I wonder if the rest of the world is aware that this is happening here in Thailand? I'll be checking world news in the next few days.
  20. I had a beer in Karachi once.... never again. It gave me the squirts big time for 2 days. What looked like Lux flakes in the beer should have been ample warning but as I hadn't a beer for a few months, desire overtook common sense. That was a wake up call. Now I'm very cautious (initially) when in new countries.
  21. I have been looking for this but not located it locally. I've tried the Dark and the Lager. May have to go into the city methinks....
  22. Interesting place, cheers for that. I'll be sure to pop in and 'sample' what's on offer before coming back to the LOS. Probably defer my return by 24hrs...likely hangover!
  23. What's your favourite drop in Oz? I'm looking at heading to WA (Moxy driver) within the next month.
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