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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. I've spent years traveling around Mexico. Absolutely love that country. Your experience was exactly opposite mine. But! After 30, they do tend to get large. LOL
  2. Don't have to prove anything to you. Your head is stuck in the maga cult members sandbox.
  3. Did you read the article? He's a well respected economist.
  4. From the article. @maesariang and you seem to be in this group. Before I get there, let’s talk about two kinds of people who refuse to acknowledge this good news. First, there are inflation truthers — people who claim that the official numbers can’t be trusted and that inflation isn’t really way down. In general, people who say such things have no idea how the Bureau of Labor Statistics goes about collecting price data and how hard it would be to fake the numbers. The other major inflation party-poopers are those who say that it’s not enough to get inflation — the rate at which prices are rising — down; we should get the level of prices back down to what it was in the past. Like many economists, I’ve tried, without much success, to argue that this is a really bad idea. But let me try again, by talking about wages.
  5. The change over the past two years has been startling. Consumer price inflation, which peaked at 9 percent, is now under 3 percent. And the true inflation picture is arguably even better. U.S. inflation numbers place a large weight on a price nobody pays — the imputed rent on owner-occupied housing, which among other things lags far behind market rental rates. If we measure inflation the way other countries do, without that imputation, we’re all the way down to prepandemic inflation: Although the unemployment rate has drifted up a bit, it remains historically low — yet as I’ve been saying, inflation appears to have been beaten anyway. What went right? The simplest, most plausible answer is that high inflation was mainly caused by disruptions related to Covid. The pandemic caused big changes in both how we spent our money and how we worked, and it took time for the economy to adjust. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/20/opinion/inflation-biden-economy.html
  6. The US is a divided nation, driven a lot by dodgy politicians and fake news right wing media outlets. The latter proven by the fact many on the right still fall for the big lie, started by the divider in chief, Trump. One reason I won't move back. Sucks.
  7. Another lie from the world's biggest liar. Who would have guessed.
  8. After a certain age, probably. But Trump's never been an intelligent person. But for sure, a great con man. Just like his father
  9. Immigration has been a dog whistle for decades. Don't fall for it. Make the politicians solve it. Change the laws. Trump had control of both houses of congress and didn't get it done. Why?he's using it as a dog whistle now and many are falling for it. Like riclag. Sheeple https://www.vox.com/politics/2024/1/25/24050278/senate-immigration-border-ukraine-trump-mcconnell-romney Why Trump fears a Biden-GOP immigration deal “He doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it.”
  10. Who calls his supporters basement dwellers
  11. Right. Just trolling with one liners. Back up your claims with proof.
  12. I'm guessing you didn't listen to Stephanie Grisham? Many of his closest friends don't speak highly of him. Stop trolling
  13. So you admit you were wrong. Making progress!
  14. And quality of life. Luckily, I'm focusing on this.
  15. You really believe that? Drank the kool-aid for sure. Try reading factual news rather than Faux News
  16. You don't follow the economic news much? Rate cut is coming. Look at the mortgage rates
  17. Bootlicking Time? You've lost the plot
  18. I'll discuss it with you once you've read about it. From a reliable source. I like facts, not alternative facts
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