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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. Do you live in Thailand?
  2. Nobody takes advice from haters.
  3. Nothing to like about Biden. Old man who doesn't know what month it is.
  4. What's his net worth?
  5. Compared to how many now?
  6. Never blamed Biden for economic cycles.
  7. Biden failed on borders, failed on wars. You should learn to read better.
  8. Whatever you say. Waste of time talking to the left.
  9. Trump didn't start wars, controlled the borders. Did a good job. The others failed to do their job.
  10. The only cult I see are irrational people making anti Trump rants. The economic cycles dictate a lot of the outcomes however a President can have a major say in wars or border controls. Biden failed. Time to go. I wouldn't ever expect a rational response from a Trump hater though.
  11. You should learn the basics before insulting people. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-much-impact-can-a-president-have-on-the-economy/
  12. Easily discredited: The stock answer is that presidents get too much credit when the economy does well and too much blame when it slumps. The boom-and-bust cycles that are inherent in capitalist economies depend on forces that are independent of any president’s actions. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-much-impact-can-a-president-have-on-the-economy/
  13. The women and lifestyles are better in those places.
  14. They hate being called Marxists too which most of them are.
  15. You told him to tip?
  16. Could mean renovations. That resort is old now.
  17. Maybe they think hybrids will help the climate.
  18. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/is-there-uk-deep-state/
  19. Hard right is just right of centre. The left has moved 5000 miles to the west.
  20. 66% gay, 33% straight. That's 2024 for you.
  21. Maybe you should. A mild recovery does not mean recession over yet. Measured based on quarters.
  22. Most of those people are busy.
  23. Same every year if you look at the weather reports.
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