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dutch boy

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Everything posted by dutch boy

  1. And why do you care or are you trying to incite more hatred for Trump?
  2. Netherlands but of course! Thailand would be next to last somewhere near Somalia.
  3. Just like Vietnam and Germany the Ukraine war is not winnable. You cannot win against Russia, the Germans tried that in WW2 with millions of its soldiers and look where it got them. I certainly applaud the Ukraine people for their tough fight but it is hopeless. I think Trump realizes this and is trying to end the slaughter and destruction of the Ukraine.
  4. This might seem strange to some but I am being honest. I live in a three bedroom condo right on Wong Amat Beach facing the beach. I am able to have all four slider doors open for most of the day and have the wind flow through. Today I had to close some because of excessive wind. The best part is that I am always naked as a 'Jay Bird.' Never having to wear clothing. I cannot do that in my home country.
  5. Why is it always the Brits? Do they have a chip on their shoulders?
  6. So true Harrisfan, Europe is a cesspool of socialism and has been riding the coat-tails of the United States since WW2. Europe certainly has the right to be socialist but not the right to have the U.S. support their socialism.
  7. I guess I just do not understand the mind of the left wing socialists in America. Why do they want to waste money on ridiculous projects around the world: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/02/16/usda-axes-millions-contracts-including-230k-brazilian-forest-gender-consultant/ Spending millions of dollars on “Central American gender assessment consultant.” What is with this fascination with "Gender" amongst the left wing? Are they not happy with themselves and how they were born? Its as if something genetically is screwed up in their minds. They used to put people like this in institutions now they vote for them for President (Biden/Harris.) America is on the right path with Trump as the new President and Musk at the helm of the new DOGE.
  8. I do not live in Jomtien but I also take advantage of these agents. I never do a 90 day report or keep 800K in my Thailand bank account. Not because I do not have the money but because I would rather invest it in my home country. I used to be a good dutch boy, for many years, but have become jaded by the hypocrisy of the Thai society.
  9. Interesting, I might give Stigmata a read. Some of my ancestors where French Huguenots that fled France during the Catholic persecution and moved to the Netherlands.
  10. Only a fool with a death wish gets on a motorbike in Thailand!
  11. So very true, it seems the Thai people are born with a corruption gene from birth. No amount of schooling or training will enable these people to escape their wanton disregard for law. Thailand is a pig with lipstick on and no one is fooled.
  12. A few years ago the police tried to raid a Nigerian church in the Bang Na area of Bangkok. Over one hundred Nigerians fought the police and the police left. https://www.nairaland.com/8223172/nigerian-pastor-arrested-thailand-over
  13. Maybe I just do not understand, why would a real man, not a girly man, want to vote for a diversity woman that cackles like a chicken?
  14. Very Interesting studies. When I met my Thai wife in Thailand she was enrolled at King Mongut University for a PhD in Information Technology. Unfortunately, she had to withdraw from the program after I took her back to my country for marriage. We stayed out of Thailand for five years. Now back in Thailand she is again enrolled in a PhD program for Technology Management from a Thai University in Bangkok. This University is not ranked on the list posted on this forum. While back in my country she completed another Master's degree in computer science. She now has two. Even though she now has a good grasp of English in both reading, writing and speaking, it has been a tremendous struggle complete her PhD dissertation in English. I think a universities ranking means nothing to a student who's independent research involves outside sources of information.
  15. Electric cars are very dangerous to your health: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/interstate-80-closed-after-tesla-semi-catches-fire-releases-toxic-fumes-in-placer-county-chp-says/ar-AA1p380q
  16. Thanks for the post, I will have to try their burgers.
  17. Rather than take a cold shower when I am aroused and unable to satisfy this arousal, I take a look at a picture of Kamala Harris and the arousal instantly goes away.
  18. The Axis of evil, Russia, China, North Korea must be happy with the endorsement of Harris as President. I do not think the Democrats could have come up with a more unqualified candidate than this woman. I have watched some of her Word Salad speeches and it seems this woman does not have a brain.
  19. Oh My, funny but also a chilling reminder that all is not well in America.
  20. So the Democrats are finally throwing Biden under the bus but allowing him to serve until the election. I would think this is not a good idea since Biden is obviously cognitively not able to function as President. But the alternative, Harris, is unfathomable. This cannot be good for the rest of the world that depends on America for security.
  21. I think this proves to the world how despicable the left wing Democrats are in the United States. The Democrats have been un-masked by Biden's disastrous performance at the last debate and now will revert to murder to prop up their dementia laden old man. Trump is a fighter and the most fit person to lead the United States going forward. God bless Trump.
  22. A very interesting question that I have been grappling with for some time. Watching my mother die of bowel cancer at her age of 58 was very traumatic for me. I swore at the time that I would never go through what she did trying to stay alive for a few more months. I would prefer to stay in Thailand but also want to die in my home town.
  23. Lazada has some great Trump hats. MAGA 2024
  24. Unbelievable, I think even the most ardent Biden supporter must realize that their candidate is not fit to be the president of the United States. This was so obvious in this debate. Biden's performance was so embarrassing that I could not even watch it after awhile. This is serious folks, the Russians and Chinese are salivating at the prospect of another four years of this incoherent man being president. If the democrats were smart and care for the U.S. they would choose another candidate as soon as possible.
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