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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. If only he'd knocked him over first, then kicked him in the head he'd have gotten away with a wai & 500 baht fine Live & learn
  2. Thailand is a boiling hot 2nd world (at best) destination. We don't send our best there.
  3. He's probably weak willed and/or in denial but, as an ex-smoker I can confirm that my system works a whole lot better without puffing cigarettes all day - about 20% better so the claim probably checks out.
  4. Years AFTER all the money has been made and who knows what has been injected into billions of people's arms 👍 Policy was the same on this site and EVERYWHERE in 2020 & 2021: Covid 'deniers' & (rushed) Vaccine Sceptics got an immediate BAN. Wonder how that policy was disseminated? Google, Facebook were both CIA seed funded / creations & we now know Twitter was under direct orders from the White House BUT what about minnows like thai visa?
  5. Linux is perhaps most useful for people with old macbooks who want equivalents to security patches/updates that Apple refuse to provide (in an attempt to make you buy more of their overpriced computers). Bit tricky to set up but, as GG says, it's a good challenge for retirees. Also it's not either / OR as you can have 2 or more OS installed on the same machine so if there are old Apple apps that you can't do without use that on app BUT use the Linux OS when you need security
  6. OK boomer. The media never lies and your politicians are all honest. Cool story bro.
  7. What are these 'facts' confirming the 'big bang' or 'evolution' that you refer to? Do you really have faith in the idea that there was nothing, then a 'big bang' and that humans magically evolved from the 'big bang' space dust? Try and explain in your own words if possible
  8. They're balls deep in perpetrating the same money laundering hoax on their own people.
  9. I rely on my sense and intuition - probably much less energy than you spent on queuing up for jabs, wearing pointless virtue signalling masks and so on.
  10. Capitalism requires perpetual growth in *borrowing( or it all collapses. In late 2019 there was a Repo (Banking) Crisis and banks stopped lending to each other. Covid (rebranded cold/flu) was used as the excuse to pump liquidity into the system / print gazillions in new cash from thin air. Of course the top 0.000001% got much much richer - Covid was the biggest wealth transfer in history. BlackRock involved... It was flu / cold rebranded:
  11. Evidence of what? In reality, the people making the extraordinary claims (space travel, moon landings, Muzzies did 9-11, Oswalk shot JFK etc.) should bear the burden of proof Now easy in a world of AI Deep Fakes. Question is: How long has that technology existed?
  12. Looks like a 4th grade recycling project. A certain type will never admit it though...
  13. Moon Landings never happened And yes, I know you stayed up to watch it on TV One of many many questions surrounding that (non) event... (Also consider technology to fly away. More air. Fuel. Bathroom. Hang the suits to fly home. Room to get dressed. Food. Back up supplies and maintenance tools. Communication devices. Heating /cooling system. Water.) Didn't happen
  14. Weird colours - I thought it may be a nod to tampongate They ARE occultists so maybe it was intentional:
  15. New entry... She hasn't been seen since December - other than in the infamous AI video on the bench
  16. Maybe Israel wants more jews to fill up all the land they're stealing. They win if countries start kicking jews out again as they have done in the past
  17. The holocaust narrative largely being fake. I know, I know, People died on all sides
  18. You're projecting strawman arguments. MANY Thai people go to mor doos in order to practice witchcraft/magick - whether you believe or not, It's demonic. Let's also not forget that western civilisation was built on the shared values of Christianity. Western societies been falling apart since Christianity was ditched in the 60s (eg. family disintegration, 25% of boomer women on antidepressants (UK & US + 12% of boomer men) and so on. But now we all 'follow the science' and believe in a 'big bang' and that the world and our lives are an accident, nothing has any meaning, there will be no hell after death etc. Christianity isn't bad as beliefs go.
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