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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. Big bag of antibiotics is Thai docs answer to *everything*
  2. Morons everywhere. 'c19' was a proper wake up call for all *thinking* people Now we know how people act so brutally in wars - 'other' them by name calling etc & then exclude, isolate & exterminate. Beware the people you deal with everyday...
  3. And how many jabs has the mother had?
  4. Tight, stingy, literal translation: sticky isht Stereotypes exist for a reason my precious Probably - look it up
  5. Or poster guy for pushing the establishment narrative? Most people have worked it out by now 👀
  6. How many jabs have you given the boy? ...🤔
  7. Yep, there's a LOT of revisionism going on so NEVER FORGET
  8. Probably kinny / haggling all the way hence got dropped off early
  9. I'd try not to either but, hell or wherever, maybe your journey is only just beginning 👍
  10. Is fear of death fear of hell or just the unknown?
  11. Probably bunged up system - maybe try steaming your face over a sink ?
  12. But not as much as she'd get from the German govt for being a hollocause survivor
  13. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/examining-potential-hearing-problems-linked-covid-vaccines-rcna21911 Have you been jabbed recently?
  14. Blacks are 5% of the population and are heavily over represented among statistics for stabbers. Racial differences are REAL (culture, IQ level, levels of criminality etc.) - why pretend there aren't any?
  15. What is it about deluded dyed in the wool socialist labour voting left wing 'immigration is great' members that they deny reality? You live in Thailand, you're clueless.
  16. Like alcohol, thc affects different people in different ways so to say that cannabis is damaging is true (look up cannabis psychosis). https://everybrainmatters.org/thc-psychosis-and-violence/ For every bob marley (who did great work under the influence), there are many more who smoked their lives away at best and quite a few who hear voices and will stab you if you look at them 'wrong'. Having saif that, cash rules in thailand so I'd guess the alcohol lobby is probably behind this (late) gambit.
  17. Thanks - didn't know that Filapinas are also into witchcraft. Maybe that's why these peoples never develop and their countries stay stuck. Idk for sure though.
  18. Your 'the science' starts with a big bang from NOTHING. Believing that as a child is understandable. Believing that as a grown adult is inexplicable.
  19. Stupid idea but listening to murder music on repeat while high on skunk will warp your young mind so beware. Your life though. As previous comment, I'm happy for the stabbings to continue and for them to all stab each other to death 👍
  20. TBF to him, everyone with any non-mainstreat opinion was banned from twitter under the last management - kind of like TV in CoughID times
  21. Sorry but this is a media platform and it is social There's a fair bit of that behaviour on here too imho - less pictures but in terms of opinions pretty much the same
  22. Double edge sword - depends how you use it. Twitter/X has filled a massive void since 'journalists' do ZERO journalism nowadays and free speech is not tolerated on most platforms (eg. cofid (which went unnoticed in Africa)). The ability to interact with, question and debate top top minds is a great thing. Just don't forget to turn off your phone and live a life too. Dark side is that it can be used for nefarious purposes (see facebook/cambridge analytica).
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