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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. The holocaust narrative largely being fake. I know, I know, People died on all sides
  2. You're projecting strawman arguments. MANY Thai people go to mor doos in order to practice witchcraft/magick - whether you believe or not, It's demonic. Let's also not forget that western civilisation was built on the shared values of Christianity. Western societies been falling apart since Christianity was ditched in the 60s (eg. family disintegration, 25% of boomer women on antidepressants (UK & US + 12% of boomer men) and so on. But now we all 'follow the science' and believe in a 'big bang' and that the world and our lives are an accident, nothing has any meaning, there will be no hell after death etc. Christianity isn't bad as beliefs go.
  3. $ is monopoly money - they print it from nothing but only backed by force. Since they've stolen Russian reserves to fund the proxy Ukraine war no one trusts the US not to do the same to them, US did similarto the French in the early 70s when they wanted their dollars converted to gold - that was the 1st time the US defaulted So, lack of credibility/trust + nowadays US military is increasingly peopled by the likes of Rachel Levine (a former jewish bloke) so not very scary anymore - also spread too thin doing israel's bidding. Russia (natural resources)+ China (cheap workforce) will be a better bet than the US (dollar paper money printer). The israelis already have a big foothold in Russia but need to better infiltrate China before they can move operations and drop the US completely
  4. If China stop shipping actual finished goods in return for your coloured paper (US Dollars) what would the US do exactly? Invade? It's almost over for the US.
  5. Hence 'Farang Kee Nok'
  6. Use it (cash) or lose it. CBDC is trialling in Thailand and the 'elite' want it for control. Already in the EU, 1K Euros is the max they legally allow for cash payments - they want visibility and complete control ( and their cut of all transactions). CBDCs will enable controllers to remotely enforce rules on 'your' spending / 'money' But nothing to worry about right? Right? From the whorses mouth:
  7. They are *supposed* to be high IQ so I doubt it tbh. I'd guess blowhard brainwashed blue collar sherman
  8. Cool story but take care grandpa or I suspect the only thing you'll be in danger of 'smashing' is your hip (your dignity obvs went decades ago)
  9. OK Boomer. Blather on elsewhere
  10. If China stop shipping actual finished goods in return for your coloured paper (US Dollars) what would the US do exactly? Invade? It's almost over for the US. All you have left is your boomer brained arrogance. This is YOUR president FFS: All you have left is
  11. People died on all sides but that narrative has huge gaping holes (just like your gf ; ) Most clever people believe it was the CIA (or a loose group of affiliates - not the FBI or some guy with a broken gun like the TV told you to believe). In intelligence circles there's also some doubt as to whether it was Argentina or somewhere else
  12. If China stop shipping actual finished goods in return for your coloured paper (US Dollars) what would the US do exactly? Invade? Concentration / work camps so dumb yanks can have their stupid plastic toys, phones, microwaves, washing macchines, cars, fridges, aircon units and so on? If China downed tools the US would implode. Maybe that's why US has open southern border - build up workers who'll accept slave wages Fat americans and mexicans couldnt replace the work and value China produces
  13. Try again: Mossad's *official* motto: "By way of deception thou shalt do war" Why would you any non-Jew trust anything coming from a group who's motto brags that THEY ARE DECIEVERS???? You can't answer so start with the name calling but we see what you're up too!
  14. Learn from your TV boomer 👍 Those 2 cities were not even in the top 5 most destroyed cities in Japan Also look into Dresden NOT everything you see on the TV or in His story books reflects the truth
  15. Mossad *official* motto: "By way of deception thou shalt do war" Why would you rust anything coming from a group who's motto brags that THEY ARE DECIEVERS????
  16. Sounds ridiculous but makes sense in the context of decisions being made by boomers: They don't care about the costs to younger generations - as long as they can keep popping as many viagras as poss before the inevitable journey to hell
  17. TJinBKK is best placed to advise you on that - maybe you could inbox him
  18. I'm happy for you to keep on taking boosters. They are safe and effective and it's in society's interest that you stay up to date 👍
  19. Interesting difference in the eyes over 7 days. What do we think is going on here? Drugs or something else?
  20. Wonder how you survive Not sure about that but pro-vaxxing has proven to be deadly in some cases https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/aug/26/bbc-presenter-lisa-shaw-died-of-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-complications-coroner-finds
  21. ----4 years too late for some Fair enough but that would ruin the one size fits all marketing campaigns / messages and would also affect profit margins. Don't forget, the companies involved have been successfully prosecuted for fraudulent claims before https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_pharmaceutical_settlements It's a risk worth taking though as the profits are HUGE If your nephew has avoided the needle for 4 years he's probably a smart lad. The fact that you got bells palsy probably helped him make up his mind tbh but might have been another rare coincidence
  22. Botton line is 100% of NHS Frontline staff were offered that covid vaccine and almost 70% turned it down / refused it. spin it how you like but it is what it is. Maybe they know something you don't
  23. Thanks but the tide has turned.. Truth always makes itself evident with time.
  24. Well that's a surprise! We were told different - It's almost as if people are making it up as they go along How effective would YOU say covid vaccines are right now???? Definitely NOT what everyone was saying when that big chart you pasted came out (3 YEARS AGO)
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