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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. I'm not even American so cannot have TDS. I REALISE that none of those old fools make any difference at all - just world stage actors and that the US is a plutocracy run via lobbyists & Israel. In making EVERYTHING about Trumpus you are falling for the MSM WWF Clown Show. Grow up! There's still time!
  2. What happened to make western women change into 'feminists'? Were boomer men that useless that western women had to take charge & 'wear the pants'? or Did the ownership class & dusual suspects trick & brainwash them via hollywood / advertising etc? https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/feminism-in-united-states I think the owners brainwashed them but this guy blames weak men for lack of leadership
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20240612230832/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13519209/AstraZeneca-covid-vaccine-blood-clot-compensation.html "Here we share some harrowing stories from our readers who fear the vaccine caused deaths or lifelong serious health problems... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13519209/AstraZeneca-covid-vaccine-blood-clot-compensation.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=social-twitter_mailonline - Scroll down to the comments section for more reader's covid vaccine experiences
  4. or jabs 💉 bet all these kids were jabbed too but obvs so called 'lOnG cOvId' is nothing to do with jabs right? Right? 👀
  5. I bet all these kids were jabbed too but obvs it's not that right? Right? 👀
  6. More nonsense. So called 'Long Covid' includes any and every symptom you could think of. Congrats to these kids for leveraging the adult's BS to get out of school 👍
  7. It's not that deep. Most are just here to get laid - that's why retirees in Thailand are 99.999% male.
  8. Trump Derangement Syndrome FWIW Booby's probably a compromised pea doh as is your other hero Joe Biden. All 3 are massive c units Mandatory euthanasia at 70 solves this
  9. What did they do to him in the hospital? What drugs did they give him?
  10. Newsflash: MOST Thais outside of your Pattaya bubble look down on you like you down on UK muslims. Doubt you left your country because you 'love the temples' or the boiling hot weather either. You've go a LOT more in common with those muzzies than you realise 👍
  11. Agreed - standing there like a mannaquin - as if he wouldn't move his right arm. Also who's taking the pictures?. Fact check: BS Fake News. Up yer game Thaiger!
  12. He's not really racist - he's kinda like a 'gay for pay' guy - gets paid by Israelis inc Robert *Shillman* (lol) to <> stir in the UK so the UK Govt can continue to send millions in 'aid' to Israel so they can bomb muzzies out of their homes and.... Send them to the UK 🙄 More Israeli, US & UK bombing in the ME means more space for Israel and more muslims moving westwards. Unlike RabbiSon's supporters those Jews ain't dumb. Most of his supporters are thick as mince though so he keeps he keeps the grift going and the shekels rolling in https://archive.ph/RpKyq ...
  13. Absolute nonsense. How would they work that out? Cough in someone's unmasked face and then put a mask on them & do the same? Makes NO sense. Recommended for idiots only
  14. Tommy bangs on about muslim rape gangs, "stands wiv Israel", said he'd fight for Israel in the war on the front lines (yeah right) and so on but you'll never hear him mention the Jews taking back and refusing extradition of their pea dohs. Double standards much? 'Just a working class lad' who wants Gazans sent the the UK after his Israeli pals have evicted them and stolen their land and homes 👍 Can anyone explain why so-called 'UK nationalist hero' 'Tommy' RabbiSon always is always kissing Jewish ass? Mugs who fall for his race grifting are not brits they are <deleted but rhymes with it's> I'd deport you all to Pattaya but no need since most of you are no doubt there already https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/israel-safe-haven-paedophiles-jerusalem-sex-abuse-jewish-community-watch-a7445246.html
  15. fact is most people who allegedly dies of covid were ANCIENT: Median age for a woman who 'dIeD oV cOFid' was 85!!!!! Eighty Bleedin Five!!!! Look at the numbers:::: https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/averageageofthosewhohaddiedwithcovid19
  16. Could also be an insurance scam.
  17. Or the flu? Unlikely / Low probability either way - Average 'covid death' in the UK was much the same as life expectancy. Choice for doctors: Spend your time trying to work out a write up a genuine cause of death or just call every death a 'covid death' and take the rest of the day off? Really tough choice! https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/averageageofthosewhohaddiedwithcovid19
  18. Giant conspiracy like when Doctors universally prescribed Thalidomide to pregnant mothers or when everyone sprayed their kids with DDT??? Do you mean those types of 'conspiracies'? No doubt muh "studies, experts and idiots (the majority) parroted DDT being 'safe and effective' at the time but now we know better right?
  19. 'Non-disputed'? / 'No risk'? 👀 Maybe you should tell her widowed husband and daughter about your beloved 'research' & 'studies' https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/aug/26/bbc-presenter-lisa-shaw-died-of-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-complications-coroner-finds
  20. I think that's the issue: people with "substantial wealth" only visit Thailand for short holidays in private type resorts unless they have certain predelictions. NOT taxing foreigners attracts low class people. Low class people repel middle class and high class people. IMHO the problem is the atmosphere that the low class thousand yard stare pensioners waiting for death bring with them. If those sorts can be pushed to Cambodia or Phils then job done. Clean slate to work from Apparently Singapore was a s&^$hole a few years ago so it's possible to turn the situation around
  21. I agree, if people still want them they should be given as many as they want - free of charge too. Great investment for our home country's Governments as thge main takers (boomer pensioners) no longer contribute to the system and others could spend that money just as well
  22. 'A whole lot of money' maybe by your standards. They are aspire to be another Singapore, not the giant asian benidorm that it currently is. Thanksin will have done his homework while away so the changes will keep coming until many chuck the towel in.
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