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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. Correct lol Harris website 0 policies
  2. This website has 30 from the far left. They don't admit the truth ever. You are correct. Trump smashes people in debates.
  3. Trump wins poll by 5 https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/election_2024_trump_49_harris_44_rfk_jr_3
  4. Walz only wants 1.
  5. Polling ahead. Just won a national poll and 5/7 swing states.
  6. Why she is scared of 3. Trump destroyed Clinton and Biden. Covid saved Biden in 2020.
  7. Trump had 3.5% unemployment and low inflation. Only fools don't know this.
  8. A mirror will show myself, good looking.
  9. Because Trump has black friends and he does not.
  10. Stupid post. Most networks are left wing. Cbs Abc Nbc Msnbc Cnn
  11. 24 years lol He served 24 days a year in training only
  12. Military guys have ripped Walz a new one.
  13. Ukraine be over by March. Harris is clueless.
  14. No tax on tips or social security. Low inflation. No wars. Secure borders. Trump 2024
  15. Trump won last 5 of 7 swing state polls.
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