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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. No wars Trump 2 wars Harris Yep you are right.
  2. Huh? Really that ignorant? The US market has been in an uptrend since 1935. They have 7/10 biggest companies.
  3. Just admit you never studied economics. Stop embarrassing yourself.
  4. US not in top 70 for gdp growth. Laos is higher https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/gdp-annual-growth-rate?continent=world
  5. She can't talk without a teleprompter. She is an actor as Vance said.
  6. There are no radical right wingers. Only radical left.
  7. Trump should do a 2nd one plus Rogan.
  8. They failed to collect bonds. They also can't name 1 policy Kamala has because she has none.
  9. Trump has 20 policies. Kamala has none.
  10. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/05/200528115829.htm They were nomads
  11. Because they weren't muslims until 623ad
  12. Attacking terrorists.
  13. Like copy Trump policies?
  14. Kamala has no policies. Not 1. We would like to see at least 10.
  15. He promotes cc extremist ideas.
  16. Canaanites were not one ethnic group, but composed of a variety of different groups: the Perizzites, the Hittites, the Hivites
  17. And it states they conquered the previous people
  18. She has no policies
  19. Oh dear They invaded the land themselves https://factsanddetails.com/world/cat55/sub389/item1391.html#chapter-1
  20. You support a 60yo with no policies. She has had 42 years to develop 1 policy, can't do it
  21. 59/60yo she can't think of 1 policy to put on her website. Who is the real Kamala? Nobody knows.
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