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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Hi,

    We are living in Bangkok at the moment. We are thinking of moving to Rayong in the near future and are looking for an shop-house or lock up shop to rent. I have looked on the Internet with no luck. So my question is does anyone know of any smallish property's to let? If so it would be good to here from you.

    Cheers jb1

  2. Where is the sitting government's own anti corruption plan for all its MP's and teams including their convicted fugitive criminal PM in Dubai?

    Yes It's like, In the blue corner we have the government and in the red corner we have..... Oh wait a minuet weeee have the government?

    Corruption runs very deep in society and with the government/armed forces. It will take someone very honest and sincere to even be able to start to end it. Plus a lot of blood will be spilt.

    Mai Pen Rai.


  3. Wow you would have thought the family would have asked for 10-20 million baht, that Ferrari has to cost at least 10 million. I guess the BiB's family didn't like the deceased too much. Or Red Bull's lawyer strong armed the family -- "Listen you could take my client to court and try to get a big settlement but it might take years and we could probably bribe the court to throw the case out. You could get nothing. You should take this miniscule, er ah, I mean generous offer of 3 million baht."

    Not that it matters to much but the price of a Ferrari hear, around 30million Bt Depending on model of course.


  4. Public Health Minister Witthaya Buranasiri said he has instructed the Health Service Support Department (HSSD) to inspect and strictly control beauty and aesthetic clinics nationwide.

    Clinic operators who are found to be giving beauty injections without medical licenses will serve jail sentences, he added.

    How's this in any way going to deal with the kind of fraud and quackery involved in this particular case?

    The victim here had not gone to a medical office or beauty clinic, but instead, to the condo of some guy who presumably had no legal right to perform the procedure he performed on her.

    I suppose there are some actual clinics and salons that do illegally provide these kinds of treatments, using other than real doctors. But that wasn't what led to this unfortunate woman's demise.

    So It's murder now?


  5. Cocaine use can be determined quite simply using hair samples. They wouldn't even need to mess up his hair do, armpits or pubes will do....

    Hair drug testing

    Hair drug testing is a method that can detect drug use over a much longer period of time,[19] and is often used for highly safety-critical positions where there is zero tolerance of illegal drug use.[20] Standard hair follicle screen covers a period of 30 to 90 days. The growth of hair is usually at the rate of 0.5 inches per month. The hair sample is cut close to the scalp and 80 to 120 strands of hair are needed for the test. In the absence of hair on the head, body hair can be used as an acceptable substitute.[19] Even if the person being tested has a shaved head, hair can also be taken from almost any other area of the body. This includes facial hair, the underarms, arms, and legs or even pubic hair. Currently, most entities that use hair testing have prescribed consequences for individuals removing hair to avoid a hair drug test.

    The claim that a hair test cannot be tampered with has been shown to be debatable. One study has shown that THC does not readily deposit inside epithelial cells so it is possible for cosmetic and other forms of adulteration to reduce the amount of testable cannabinoids within a hair sample.[11]

    Yes that is for Cannabis (90 days) But I am sure if you check Wikki again, you will find that Cocaine & Heroin are just a few days. That is why they are the drug of choice in Prisons.


  6. "He said that though traces of a narcotic were found in the suspect's blood, it does not necessarily mean he had taken drugs because some medicines can affect test results."

    Let's just hope dad and a brown envelope get to the doctor before he mistakenly confirms cocaine was in the blood.

    Exactly. It's just the get out clause.


  7. A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

    For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

    The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

    What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

    I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

    Freedom of speech is practised in most of the free world. Just need to be cautious of blaspheme & or slander.


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