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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Whilst all the "Thai Bashers" are frothing in their late morning beer and shakely whacking at their computers before engaging brain, think what is happening in Southern Germany, Austria and North Yorkshire..............!bah.gif Are we becoming a pathetic sad lot who can only see fault in Thailand? Time to go home me thinks or remember why you decided to come to this lovely Country in the first place.

    North Yorkshire... Is that anywhere near Prague?


    Only about 3.5cm on the map I'm looking at.

    You need a larger map then?


  2. Whilst all the "Thai Bashers" are frothing in their late morning beer and shakely whacking at their computers before engaging brain, think what is happening in Southern Germany, Austria and North Yorkshire..............!bah.gif Are we becoming a pathetic sad lot who can only see fault in Thailand? Time to go home me thinks or remember why you decided to come to this lovely Country in the first place.

    North Yorkshire... Is that anywhere near Prague?


  3. The floods of 2011 were not a natural disaster. The rain and subsequent flooding could have easily been controlled! Instead those in charge of such things waited until it was too late, as usual!

    It's easy to control rain?

    So in 2012 all the panicking flappers drained the dams in case there was a repeat, had an unusually LOW amount of rain, and ended up with no water - until now 2013 most of the dams are well below their optimum level and they're struggling to keep water flowing. Dry khlong everywhere.

    If there's a repeat of 2012's lack of a substantial rainy season this year, Thailand is in deep doggy-doo.

    Yeah, predicting and controlling the weather is real easy...

    If it is easy to control rain then why is there so much flooding in other parts of the world? And why is there so much drought in other parts of the world. Obviously there are ways to mitigate the mass destruction, by flood prevention schemes but it all costs money and like the western world, what flood prevention is in place did not happen over night. Thailand has come a long way and will make decisions in their own interest, as have the western world in how and what priority comes first.

    If only some wonderful scientific institute would offer to come to Thailand and study the rainfall patterns for free with world class scientists and equipment. We might learn so much, huh?

    I do believe the Dutch tried that?


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  4. before to buy such car I would advise to LEARN how to drive ..not to mention he was probably not driving low speed. I dont understand those people here , get a brain and then a proper driving license. A managing director who believe in his amulets ..... I thought I have red everything .

    Certainly when you order a car such as that new, you are offered lessons on how to handle it. How he must wish he hadn't put face first.


  5. he was driving from Bangkok to attend his father′s funeral at a temple in Chonburi,

    Shame his dad isn't around to tell his son to slow the Xxxx down. Not to be glib, but I wonder if the first thing he did when his father passed away was to buy a Lamborghini.

    Either they are keeping the body for a long time or ordering and shipping is a lot quicker than I thought.

    There are Lambos on sale in Bangkok right now. In fact there are two up country where I live in a showroom

    Instantly available or show cars ?

    The ones here are available. A friend runs the business. But you can spec to order and wait.

    I wouldn't think too many grey dealers keep 50mn baht of stock just for show. Sales of 2nd hand nearly new from the UK are booming also.

    I wouldn't think too many grey dealers keep 50mn baht of stock just for

    show. Sales of 2nd hand nearly new from the UK are booming also.

    Nicked to order


  6. sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics...

    Whilst I do agree with you. Surely now it is up to Islam to get it's house in order. The same goes for the British government? There will certainly be reprisals over this. Sadly more Innocent people will be harmed.


    Erm, how do you think Islam can get its house in order?.......it's way past that.

    Well according to you we are well and truly f***** then?


  7. I

    That's why the two murderers were shouting Allahu Akbar. It's strange how such violent acts have apparently no basis in Islam, yet this seems to be misunderstood worldwide on a daily basis. I wonder why no other religion seems to be so misunderstood.

    The UK has left it too late. Enoch Powell warned about this back in the sixties. Who remembers his speech about "rivers of blood in our country"? There was one MP who knew what he was talking about.

    Enoch Powell made his speech in 1968,and could not have forseen a Federal Europe,which mean't open borders right across the whole of Europe,and our laws coming from Europe,which is why there is extreme pressure to give the British people a Referendum,on whether to stay in Europe or get our Country back.hopefully this will happen in less than 5 years.

    I see your point, but the two Muslims murdering the soldier in London, and the ones responsible for the London bombings in 2005 didn't come from Europe, as far as I know, they were born in Britain.

    And there is the larger problem.


  8. One of the two terrorists was heard to say that he butchered the soldier because 'he has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries."

    If he was so concerned about his fellow brethren, his efforts could have been more appropriately channelled by jumping on a flight to Afghanistan or Iraq and campaigning for the end of the mass slaughter of Muslims, by Muslims, in those two Muslim countries.

    There are no winners in this deplorable event.

    The soldier met a horrific death, and his family and friends will somehow have to deal with the memories.

    The two thugs failed to commit suicide by police fire, and so, will be denied passage as martyrs to the Kingdom of Allah.

    And, now the British taxpayers will have to meet the costs of their medical treatment and convalescence, their legal defence, and a soft bed, three square meals a day, and all the other little luxuries that the Governor of the UK Prisons is obliged to provide them with.

    Further, they will be in a position to fill the empty heads of other inmates and nurture them with their religious hatred.


    I remember after Boston, the BBC reporter said, those 2 would most likely spend the rest of their life in solitary confinement. That's what the UK should do with people carrying out these atrocities.

    You can bet that they will not be mixing with the general prison population... Sadly?


  9. Methamphetamine is not a narcotic drug. Stop using the word "narcotics" to refer to drugs in general, whether illegal or legal, as it makes you look stupid and/or ignorant. Narcotics are sleep-inducing and/or pain relieving drugs. The word comes from ancient greek for "benumb". There are many legal narcotics around, such as Hydrocodone and Oxycodone.

    Call drugs "drugs", or illegal drugs "illegal drugs", or by their specific identifiable name, e.g. "methamphetamine".

    There'll always be a difference between American and British English.

    Narcotics are drugs such as opium or heroin which make you sleepy and stop you feeling pain. You can also use narcotics, especially in American English, to mean any kind of illegal drug.

    The sad side of the story is that drugs will be much more expensive now and all the Jaba freaks and ice users will do more crimes. The guys behind the "deal" will -of course- never be found.-wai2.gif


    I would call it a difference between American and English. Just nitpicking.


  10. ^^ Of course.. but that still doesn't mean they're innocent.

    With the biggest haul in history they're sure to get the death penalty.

    The teenager (probably 19, so quite missleading really) will just get 70 or 80 years or so.

    The way it works here.. you buy the drugs from the army, the police get you.. you buy from the police and the army get you.. lose lose LOSE!!

    Yes I was wondering if there had been 1 and 1/2 billion baht worth of drugs go missing from the drugs collected by the BIB.

    Just another case of Low level people in the industry getting caught. I can't understand the problem with not catching a high level personage in the trade.

    All they have to do is look in to their police stations and head quarters.

    Me thinks that you answered your own question. With your last sentence?


  11. ^^ Of course.. but that still doesn't mean they're innocent.

    With the biggest haul in history they're sure to get the death penalty.

    The teenager (probably 19, so quite missleading really) will just get 70 or 80 years or so.

    The way it works here.. you buy the drugs from the army, the police get you.. you buy from the police and the army get you.. lose lose LOSE!!

    Makes you wonder what the actual amount really was? I think higher.


  12. How can a person represent such a racist party when he has a Thai wife?

    UKIP aren't racist. That would imply they discriminate and/or persecute people based on their race. They don't.

    They are anti EU and advocate strict immigration controls and rules.


    Isn't it funny how, if you say anything about immigration, your classed as a racist.

    Try saying something against Thailand. lol


  13. I have a suggestion for the 'authorities'. How about a 'first bicycle' program? They would, ideally, be distributed at 'no cost' to the participants, with the contract that they would not be resold and they would be used regularly for commuting. This program (if they were actually used in large numbers) could have the additional effect of irritating, primarily, the motorbike riders and some motorists. Not that I would ever desire to irritate a motorbike rider (not while as a passenger on a motorbike, anyway). The auto drivers are probably irritated enough as it is.

    Just Imagine, a million? slow moving bicycles criss crossing all over the roads. Surely a good way to cull a nation.


  14. Personal non-performing loans are predicted to amount to Bt280 billion this year, 11 per cent higher than last year, he said.

    A 10% rise in individual NPL, time to cancel those weekday tee-offs, old boy.

    That is a really bad indicator - 11% higher than last year, so what was last year 10%??? They are making bad loans on overpriced property people can't afford.... Ummm that is the beginning of a bubble...

    These are personal loans. Although what they are secured on, who knows, cars, chanotes????

    I think that you will find the answer is Chanotes. My girlfriends mother just took out a loan on a house they are building in Udon. Secured on the strength of Chanotes she holds on land. Loan given by local government bank.


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