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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. People selling knockoffs, fakes, or copies need to make a living too. The creaters of the original products are still making boat-loads of money.

    Many people can't afford to purchase the real thing.....it's okay to offer a cheaper version. Knockoffs, fakes, copies...........whatever you want to call it allow low-income people to enjoy what upper class people can easily get.

    That is a rather unique view.

    Using that logic, the jetski mafias need to make a living, too, as do the drug dealers on Soi 0.

    I can't afford a Ferrari, so I doubt I will ever get to "enjoy what upper class people can easily get," but you know, I'm OK with that.

    You can always buy a replica Ferrari.


  2. Whilst Thailand is happy to see the baht grow stronger and stronger Australia is working overtime to try and bring the strong aisssie dollar down. Tourism, local manufacturing and exports are suffering. The car industry is in danger of going under and job loses are on the rise. It is putting a strain on the government purses. The strong dollar is good for aussies travelling abroad and expats but back home it is not so rosie.

    what makes you think "Thailand is happy to see the Baht grow stronger and stronger?" did you conduct a poll or interviewed "Thailand"? huh.png
    For every winner there is a loser, I haven't heard the weak currency rich country argument in the long term.

    in my [not so] humble view a rather ignorant uninformed opinion. but that's besides the point. my question was "what makes you think "Thailand is happy to see the Baht grow stronger and stronger?"

    Please be gentle with me here. But would it be for the reason that they appear to have done nothing to curb it's rise?


  3. The present strength of the Thai Baht is really bad for inward investors as your Pound/Euro/Dollar now gets around 1/3 less Baht than it did at the high point 5 years ago (68 Baht to the pound then 44 Baht now)

    I presently only bring in the money I need for living expenses and I am waiting for a change back to better rates so that I can continue to invest in the Kingdom.

    I love Thailand and her people with a passion but as I am an elderly man, and not a millionaire, I need to make sure that I get the maximum "bang for the buck" to ensure that my retirement will continue to be comfortable

    I hope that this situation is temporary as the hard working people and companies in Thailand will obviously struggle to export at these rates and it will therefore hurt employment.

    House prices, and rental charges in Thai Baht will now need to drop to attract customers in the international market with a consequent fall in present income for a lot of people who have already invested in Thailand

    Other than cheaper imports I cannot see any positives in the present exchange rates

    I presently only bring in the money I need for living expenses and I am

    waiting for a change back to better rates so that I can continue to

    invest in the Kingdom.. Exactly what I have been doing for the past 4 years. Still waiting.


  4. If I couldn't do that I would be unhappy.


    If circumstances were such that you had to make do on less, I would hope you'd find a way to still find happiness.

    Just to give some perspective, some of the Jews waiting to be exterminated by the Nazis found ways to be happy.



  5. "The arrest followed Jonathan King of the UK-based Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) meeting Royal Thai Police Immigration chief Lt Gen Pharnu Kerdlarpphon in Bangkok last Thursday".

    Ironic that a Mr King of SOCA should trap a pedo!

    There is also another UK based Jonathan King. Ex 60s pop star so they say. Also a peedo I do believe?


  6. Oxy is oxyacetylene - not oxygen.

    Oxygen & Acetylene are two totally separate gasses that are mixed for use in gas welding.


    what colour canister are those then the orange ? oxygen is blue lpg grey or green

    Oxygen should be black if industrial and black with a white top if medical, acetylene is all over maroon.

    That is correct and the thread on the Oxygen bottle where the gauge fixes is right hand and on the Acetylene bottle it is left hand.


  7. Don't want to get into a fight here, but my husband has previously talked about 'oxy' and oxygen tanks in a welding capacity. Not saying it's the same thing, but it sounds plausible to me. I have to say the rest of his post is fairly spot on, talking about blocked fire exits.

    Oxy is oxyacetylene - not oxygen.

    Oxygen & Acetylene are two totally separate gasses that are mixed for use in gas welding.


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