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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Immigration does not like time deposits, your 800,000 baht for a retirement extension of stay has to be readily available to spend.

    Some immigration offices will allow and some will not.

    I have just over the 800,000 in a Bangkok Bank time deposit. The interest goes up annually for three years. If I take money out of the acc during that period of time, the Interest just reverts back to the first year. I forget the details now, but we are not talking life changing amounts.


  2. I have read the OP three times now and for the life of me I can’t make head nor tail of it…..I must be having an off day.:huh:

    Give that man a medal. I struggled and still didn't manage once. lol


    The OP is referring to an incident which happened a week or two ago in a Sukhumvit restaurant, there was another thread about this on here somewhere. During this incident someone disguised in a batman costume (yes like the Batman character from the movies) confronted another expat about his various transgressions and apparently listed his crimes, false identities, addresses, etc, etc and he says a knife was involved - this is new to me - it wasn't mentioned in the other thread. Also they then proceeded to humiliate the guy by handing out a leaflet containing various pieces of evidence of this guys ill gotten gains. Presumably the spoils from his drug trafficking and other criminal activities.

    The OP then goes onto mention how surprised he is that a British person can change their name so easily by using the 'deed poll' route and says that he's amazed that Britain allows people to get a new passport after having changed their name. He also assumes that the British government allows people to change their names at will so they can cover up crimes, etc which is horseshit but nevertheless this is what's annoying the OP more than anything else. Another thing that appears to get him riled is that the British government appear to be helping their nationals cover up crimes, etc whilst they often lecture poorer nations on how 'things should be done'........

    That wasn't that hard was it.

    Beats me.


  3. gravion - You have started some peculiar topics. This is one of them. Are you trolling ? :rolleyes:

    I think it is a good topic subject. My g/f suffers with the spots and blemishes. So I was looking for some good sensible answers. Must admit I did like the one about a good facial. Though I suppose it could be the whitening cream.


  4. "Anti-Global Warming Association" :ermm:

    Who does this organization actually represent? What is their real agenda? What do elevated walkways have to do with Global Warming?! :rolleyes:

    The elevated walkways that already exist are a fantastic way to avoid street level pollution- I look forward to their expansion.

    But surely the exshaust fumes from the traffic below would rise to meet you?


  5. Yes definitely all you guy shoppers are pretty sad :rolleyes:

    Ill make the story even more sad. I cook too more then the gf.

    The reason being if i want healthy food of good quality i better prepare it myself making sure its fits in my diet. That is also the reason that i shop. The wife usually is working so i do stuff like that. I kinda like it back in Holland i took care of myself why change it here.

    Hee Hee, robblok, same here I do just about all the cooking. Because I enjoy it and my dear lady is at work. Don't you just hate it when they are late and don't call you :whistling:


  6. I have a couple of properties in the UK that I rent out. Had an email from my accountant on Friday saying my tax return is all done and ready to be sent in, with £1.60 rebate due. Had another emale, yesterday (Saturday) she just got a letter informing her that the tax return was overdue. Fine £100.00 Great.

    I just think it better to pay anually rather than end up with a big tax bill. I am sure that rental is classed as earnings in the UK.So the tax man is going to want his cut.


  7. This thread is almost 3 years old, but nevermind.

    The answer is, that there is no answer.

    It all depends on the hotel`s policy and even that can differ from time to time.

    The best way is the phone the hotel before hand and explain what time you wish to check in and ask would this incur or not incur an extra day`s fee.

    Hee hee I didn't notice. Talk about Resurrection. :D


  8. Yes, have noticed bigger is not necessarily cheaper! Also, watch them when the cashiers scan the items...sometimes the scanned price is higher than the displayed price. So you think you got a "special price" according to the shelf label but cash register has not been updated and you end up paying the original higher price.

    Yes I also check the bar code. If it is different g/f chases after assistant, to check price, sometimes it is as marked up.

    Hey just as well this is all anonymous. Talk about losing street cred? :ph34r:


  9. My (then) girlfriend (now wife) came back to the UK with me last May, and I done exactly as you mentioned.

    Went through the UK passport line, then stood around the back of the immigration officers area on the other side waiting for my girlfriend.

    My girlfriend was asked 1 or 2 questions, then was asked 'where is your boyfriend/sponsor' my girlfriend then pointed me out and I came forward from behind the desk.

    Luckily the immigration officer was very nice, but she did say that next time I ought to wait and go through with my girlfriend (in the visitor's line)

    I am going back with my girlfriend in May. So I take it that this would be the best option for us?


  10. My mrs buys stuff at the '' Oriental Princess '' outlets, they sell roll on anti-perspirant deodorant in many '' flavours '', l tried it and it works great, wet for a few minutes but OK, think 95bht and lasts a long time so if your walking behind a guy that smells of cherry blossom, its me. :D

    PS. My gran told me she tried one of these new fangled modern deodorants, she said the instructions were'

    '' Unscrew the top and push up the bottom'', she said '' it was very painful but awsome when she farted '' :lol:

    trasam. I thought cherry blossom was a boot polish. :whistling:


  11. JB & Randee,

    You boys arnt playing very nicely. One might even suggest that your antics are a little bit foolish wink.gif

    Be kind to each other, remember each of us here is entitled to our own opinions, no need to call each other names. rolleyes.gif

    i agree. i just gave my point of view and he attacked me with an insult. i responded to him. (he started it)

    Hmm. Reminds me of the playground, (he started it)?

    Randee I will state again you need to do much research. The human body is full of little holes (pores) from which blood can be secreted. Hence when this happens during sexual intercourse, Vagina or Anus, the HIV or any other virus can be transmitted. I suggest you read my post again. At no point do I say that I indulge in anal sex. If I did it be my choice. When a lady boy and a guy get it together, they invariably do indulge in anal sex. Their choice. You indulge in hetro sex with a lady, yours and her choice. Be warned.


  12. I think that we all know that an erection is caused by flow of blood to the Penis. The Penis for that purpose has thousands of tiny blood vessels, many close to the surface. When you make love, the stiffness of the erection, making contact with the Virgina or Anus, causes many of those blood vessels to burst. Therefore secreting blood. That is where your partner, becomes lucky or not? The Virgina & the Anus also have many tiny blood vessels, that break during intercourse. Therefore the mixing of blood. You take the risk? It's your choice.


  13. If it were real, then more people would be dying from AIDS in Pattaya than from road accidents and that's just not so. Some would argue that to even question the equation 'HIV = AIDS' is dangerous - thus we must uphold the belief whether it is true or false.

    This is one of the dumbest things I've seen written in a long time. Keep your jimmy unwrapped, keep on bangin', and you'll find out how real HIV is.

    Could not agree more! banging anyone without a condom is pure lunacy and self denial. Its still shocking for me to hear supposedly intelligent guys recant a story where they bedded a working girl without a condom due to this reason and that reason...for me there is zero reason not use a condom. And to those guys smuggly thinking to themselves that they are married and do not need to use a condom...actually you are more at risk than the gun slinging playboy who bangs a working girl every night of the year and twice on sundays and who always wears a condom wether he is penetrating or not. Food for thought. Dont be so naive guys...if you are not going to abstain, use a rubber...ALWAYS. Anything else is just risk taking with your life and others lifes which is actually where the real criminality lies in the irresponsible use of not using protection. Bottom line...use a condom so you dont F*&k up the life of someone else regardless of their social standing.

    oh really. so why haven't i got aids then?

    its hard to get aids. aids comes when you start mixing blood. abnormal sex practices (gay and freaky sex) and doing hard drugs is where the problems are. do just normal healthy sex and live a healthy lifestyle and you'll be ok. dont put your life giving limb where its not supposed to go.

    you cant get aids from normal body fluids and juices. it comes from blood.

    You need to do some research, very quick. I have not finished reading all of this topic yet. But when I have, if know one else has attempted to educate you, I will have a go. Or are you joking?


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