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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Another story for stickmans site.

    Well its been 2 years,shes still working to support the daughter and family,and has been with hundreds of men.

    Does this bother you?

    The family will have got well used to recieving 20-30k or more a month from this poor girl.

    She is obviously attractive is she works gogo.

    Has she told you if she has any falangs sending her money?

    Stay in touch,get a job and get there when you can.

    Just to be on the safe side keep records of all your correspondence ,it will help you get a visa.

    In reality you will be better off working for your dad or getting him to set you up something at home ,and getting her a visa to visit you so she can see what life is really like,and sending family 20-30 mth is peanuts in pounds.

    You run a risk of losing even your borrowed money if you come to pattaya and buy a business.

    Hi all.

    This is my first post and i'm sure many of you will be sighing and laughing as you read it.

    A couple of years ago I met a lovely lady in beer bar in Pattaya. We had fun for 4 days and I left. We kept in touch by email and she even phoned me 6 or 7 times. At the time I had only a little money so I sent her 7000baht.

    I tell her all the time I know her that I have no work and no money but she still writes to me. Last month my friend has to go to Hong Kong for business trip but he can't go because he is ill. I end up standing in for him as long as he pays for stopover in Thailand.

    I tell my lady I come to see her but only for 3 days. OK so we meet up and she is as lovely as ever. Now though she work in agogo. I know that she go with many men because I ask her and she tell me. On my birthday she secretly goes out and comes back with a specially decorated cake, candles and an expensive present for me. I am overwhelmed.

    Every night we have to go to her club so she can show me off to her work 'friends'. When she tells me how much men pay her I go weak because I only have very little money so I take her somewhere quiet to give her the bad news. She get angry with me and says 'you my boyfriend, i not want anything from you. I wait 2 years for you, i only want you'. So she won't take a penny from me. I then find out that she has had my picture stuck above her bed for the last 2 years. When I leave, she tell me everything about her work, she says she never lies to me...and I believe her because she tells me everything.

    When I get to airport I decide that I need to know her better so I phone her and tell her I come back if she ok with that. I cancel my flight and go back for another week. I worry because she loses money but she says that she just want s to be with me because I am good man (I hate agogo bars). We spend all week together and she won't take any money from me. I tell her that I love her and she feels same about me but tells me to go home and think very hard because she is bad lady because of her work. She tells me this many many times. She says she wants to leave Pattaya and go home (she has young daughter) but she needs money for her family. She has never once asked me for any money. I believe everything she tells me and think she is a good person and she does not lie to me. She phones me all the time in the UK because it is too expensive for me to call her. I tell her that I have no money and no work but I want to go out and find work so I can send money to her. I'm seriously thinking of trying to go out there and marry her but I read so many posts about stupid farangs falling for the same old sob stories. I try to look at it from her point of view. She knows I don't have money or much hope of becoming rich - ok I can make a decent living if I try - but she still says she loves me. I believe her and am willing to risk it (I can borrow enough money from my father to maybe buy a business to support us in Thailand). What do you think, is she too good to be true? I'm more worried about getting my heart broken than I am about losing money. I can honestly say that I have never met anyone like this girl before.

  2. Yes Samuis lovely and bophuts pretty.

    Quite a few old expats in the area and a few younger guys who have done quite well in property development.

    They all tend to hang mainly in the dark dingy english style pubs ,and play pool etc ,Couple of places do well there,the Billabong Aussie pub is well set up and has its good and bad days,and some of the restaurants that can command premium prices do well in the high season.

    I would say you definitely need a concept or theme.

    Dont rely on the expat trade,they are on a budget if they are retired.

    You need to focus on high quality food,drinks etc and with an edge that gets the tourists.

    What kind of money do you want to invest?

    Yes, just like everybody else, I have just returned from Samui and I'm looking for a way to live there.

    We have been there 3 times now for several weeks at a time and fall in love with the places everytime we go.

    Now, me and my partner tought of an idea to open a bar in Bohput. It wouldn't be run of the mill but I can't really tell you our idea incase some else tries this aswell!! :o

    I think it would be possible as there isn't a bar like this on Samui. We love Bohput as a location as it isn't as bussy as Chaweng.

    I read in a thread before that people treat bars as a "hang -out" so again with our idea, if it works i think people will travel from Chaweng to Bohput as it isn't that far anyway!!!

    Now can anybody tell me prices of buying a bar there, leases, keymoney etc.

    Also if we were to rent a bar, can we change the interior completely or will it have to stay the same as when we rent it?

    Also, I'm not expecting to make a lot of money but just to cover costs and enough to live on. Can anybody tell me what you could make in a bar?

    Any tips, advice will be greatly appreciated!! :D

    Thanks, Isabel

  3. Its all down to the music for sure.

    I find thai DJS fiddle around with the mixing too much and end up scrambling everything into one big noise with no musical quality at all.


    What is wrong with DJ Nakadia ?...looks ok to me. Maybe her skin is too dark for you guys. :o

    Other than the headphones and fleece, looks like she's just come out of the field. :D

    Actually, I think she is rather hot. Being a promoter, if she can really play she'd be a good crowd puller. Meaning she would attract a crowd. :D

  4. Even the name suggests carreerist femme public servant ,with gonads.

    Why did they ever get called public servants,seems they dont do much serving of the public.

    the leopoards still havnt changed their spots, they are still a bunch of aholes with gemma jackson is still calling the shots from behind the scenes.

    nothing has changed it's gotten worse, so if you are reading this gemma get your act together. :o  :D

    It's a bit late for that :D

  5. sounds good

    sick of the hiphop crap and those crappy bands at rivas and cm2 with the token black boys trying to be cool.

    will come and have a look



    Thats right every Friday and Saturday night at Liquid Lounge its now.

    500bht men 100bht women from 7pm until 11pm.

    Great night out at a great price.

    Liquid Lounge Web Site with map

    I'll be there tonight and will be playing there again next Saturday night.

    Also stay tuned new menu coming and afterwork happy hours are on the way.



  6. Thais and Whisky!

    Its still double murder though.

    I hope they get over the thai pride and connections thing and deal with him appropriately.

    Look at indo/bali where they are holding an innocent girl in jail .

    From Daily Telegraph, UK

    By Andrew Drummond

    The master sergeant, who was awarded the title of Kanchanaburi's most outstanding policeman in 2004, is charged with murdering Adam Lloyd, 25, and Miss Arscott.

    This guys connections go very high up the tree. We want to see him swing.....watch him walk !

  7. Cant believe they outsourced this function as per prev poster??

    That deal should have gone to tender,I wonder who got it...maybe they can be got at.

    I sent them a email and this is the reply that i received .

    Dear MrXXXXXXX

    I wish to thank you for your time to provide us the information regarding

    our new services in Bangkok. On behalf of the Department of Immigration and

    Multicultural and  Indigenous Affairs which committed to ensuring that all

    of its clients receive an efficient standard of service, your feed back is

    most appreciated as it will help us in making  the changes needed to

    improve our client service.

    Yours sincerely,

    David Merz

    First Secretary (Immigration)

    DIMIA Bangkok

  8. Mine hates being woken up when shes having a good dream....really annoys her.

    Bad ones she quite happy :D

    My girlfriend is the same.  She tells me about her dream the night before and what it means.  Her explanation always differs from mine though, especially the one last week. Apparently she dreamed I had sex with another girl and didn't use a condom.  As she was going back home for a few days this was interpreted as me going to Patpong (she actually named the place) and cheating on her.  Despite the fact that I have only been there twice before in my life, she still sulked for about an hour and kept asking me why.  :o

    My interpretation of the dream- you're crazy!!!  :D

  9. Very good idea

    Many parents of today seem to have the view we all love their little darlings!!!,and do nothing about supervising them.

    My last holiday to a very expensive hotel in fiji was ruined by two such families.

    I suspect many parents would avoid a kiddie flight though.


    new business coming on



    My best mate is married with three,they would love to go on a holiday where they never had to see ,hear kids!!!

    Grinchy I know but...

    Wish the airlines would extend that to babies under 2 years.

    Sick of being on flights with them screaming solidly for hours and hours.

    Or at least build a coner of silence down the rear of the plane.


    I wish some airline would have designated "Family flights". Special flights where parents don't have to worry that their kid might annoy everyone else because the majority of the other passengers would have kids with them too. Movies, and other entertainment could be geared more to kids to keep them occupied. If an airline does a dozen round trips a week, one designated for people with kids would probably fill up fast and be welcomed by both the parents and those who can take mostly kid-free flights thanks to it.


  10. Seems a very thai way of organising a process!!

    Definitely not enough experienced and well trained interviewers from an experince i had three years ago.

    Always staggering when you walk in there how many anxious looking falangs hanging round waiting to be be vilified,embarrassed,humiliated,frustrated and generaly treated like a third class citizen.


    The problem isn't so much the attitude of the staff - only one had the "<deleted> you, thats the way it is" attitude - but the system itself.

    You arrive and get a number to see an enquiry officer who checks that you have filled out the form correctly and have any other documents. She puts all your stuff in a little canvas satchel and gives you an invoice for the visa fee. We waited nearly four hours to see this person - only 3 on duty, 1 dealt with tourist agents I think.

    We then went to the cashier, paid the visa fee and were given a cheque made out to the embassy to put in our little satchel. This took 10 minutes.

    Then we waited over an hour to see the third person who we gave our satchel to, with the cheque to the embassy and paid the 428 baht service fee. We were then given an invoice/receipt which must be presented to be able to collect the passport. Passports can only be collected after 3pm and many people were still waiting their turn at 5.30pm...so I guess it will be another long wait in a few days time.

    The whole system is like something out of Yes Minister, why all the fees can't be paid in one go is beyond me. There were a lot of staff at the place but not a lot of productive work happening.

    The thais (the majority) waiting did so without a lot of consternation (but then I can't understand thai, so maybe a few were pissed off) but the farangs were all shaking their heads in amazement/anger/embarassment.

    ANd yes I intend to write to my local MP and the minister when I get back to Oz.

  11. Truly bad situation.

    the fees i would suspect more than cover the hire costs of competent staff.

    Jeez even aussie staff at that rate ,given the amount of applications they get.

    I am sure plenty of aussies would love a job there and be a lot more sympathetic than those condescending "educated" bitches currently on the counter.

    Thats a shame to hear about what was supposed to be a help not a hinderance to aquiring a visa.  Im sure that if other disgruntled users of this service sent emails to the embassy informing them of their displeasure and complaints something might get done.  The more emails sent might get the public servants off their backsides and getting the system fixed.

    Just goes to show the incompetancies of the Australian government aren't just confined  to their shores.

  12. I have a friend who bought a small plantation in buriram

    paid about 1m baht

    he reckons about 25-30k per mth nett return,not sure of the size,i will ask him next time i see him.

    not a bad pension investment really.

    News of rubber tree planting has been growing significantly for at least last 10 years around Isaan region. It might be worth referring to the requirements of rubber tree planting. Try http://www.agnet.org/library/article/eb354a.html

  13. do you have a link to this hotel??

    Or you can stay in a superbly appointed suite, that includes a full living room, large private patio, bedroom and modern bathroom, air conditioning, cable TV, everything you need for a comfortable stay, the price is $42.00 USD. There are no end of first class accommodations in either CM or CR for $20.00USD

    Actually $100,000 equals nearly 4 million baht!!

    We have been to nearly all of the countries in SE Asia, including a month in China and have also spent a lot of time in South American countries, the Middle East and Europe.

    We have found Thailand second only to Myanmar for the general everyday costs. Just as an example, I've been studying Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. Truly amazing. A tourist can take an all day 8 hour Thai cooking class that includes your dinner meal and stay overnight for free in a Thai village for 700 Baht. Or you can stay in a superbly appointed suite, that includes a full living room, large private patio, bedroom and modern bathroom, air conditioning, cable TV, everything you need for a comfortable stay, the price is $42.00 USD. There are no end of first class accommodations in either CM or CR for $20.00USD

    You can get reasonable meals for 200 Baht, there are all you can eat buffets for even less.

    Myanmar is even less, but Thai food is vastly superior.

    If it just wasn't so hot in Thailand.............

    definately cheap for most travellers, but not necessarily so cheap if you live here.

  14. hip hop sux

    thats the prob with the supposedly classy bars in bkk

    sherotten and cm2

    who wants to go and listen to that crap.

    Seems every trendy band in bkk has to have the token black boy .....yo yo yo


    Ban me then!

    I have'nt plugged the blues factory at all, Maybe a bit for C.E.B but who cares? I'm not gaining anything from it. :D

    The topic is called  "The Best Bar In Pattaya" is'nt it? :o

    Dave I didnt know the place existed till I came back to this site......now I even know where it is.... :D

  15. Pay 150 usd and take the Sheraton Sukhumvit.

    Not pure thai style but lovely rooms,and one of the best pools in bkk.

    Cheap if you want a standard-issue concrete box.  Not-so-cheap if you demand style.  These days, only the rich can live in Thai-style houses, wear Thai-style silk clothes, and stay in high-style hotels.


    aw well.. i tried.. i just really didnt think it would be so tough

    thanks PD :o

  16. Well the one in soi7 pattaya never looks busy.

    Thais wont eat the stuff either.

    How many Californian Expats in Los....not enough to support it I would suggest.

    I love Mexican food but it;s rare to find a Thai that does so the restaurant would have to have a good farang population in the vicinity.

    No, it just needs me -- I'll pay double and eat twice a day for at least a year, hehehehe. :o:D

  17. Thai start flying NY -BKK Direct very soon I believe,nice new plane too.

    Since I have been making 2-3 trips from NY to BKK each year I have been trying to find a way to get some sleep on the flights.  I have problems sleeping on airplanes and I saw an ad for a blow up pillow - '1st class sleeper".  It is wedge shaped and extends from the seat up and over your head.  It was designed by a pilot who could not sleep in plane seats.  It is supposed to give support from just below the beltline through the lumbar area to the upper back and  the head and neck.  It is also supposed to allow the body to stretch out in a straight position.  Any one ever used this product? (website...www.1st class sleeper.com) Anyone find any other products to help with this 24 hour journey?  Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated.  Peace, Mike

  18. Well its really down to what you want to show your kids.

    Hey Dad why are there no young men on the street ,here but lots of young women?

    Hey Dad this beach is ok but what are those old men doing to those young thai boys?

    Cossett them in a nice resort with pool .....maybe,do the tourist stuff that wld maybe take three days?

    And of course find a way to blow them off later so you can go and party.

    There's plenty to do for the whole family in Pattaya, beaches, Nong Nooch Gardens, a Water Park, para-sailing, jet-sking, coffee shops, ice cream shops, a great shopping mall, ... all the higher-end hotels have great pools and services, ..

    Heck, even Walking Street has weekend food fare booths to sample many different Thai foods all in one area.

    Just because there's a bar or two  :o   :D   you don't need to go in them,

    Everyone's going to have a great time where ever you decide to go.

    Best thing said yet !

    Bunch of puritanical old women on this forum.


  19. Disneyland for adult males thats for sure. :o

    Well I guess you would be surprised to learn that hundreds of thousands of Thais and their families and thousands of expat and their families live and work in Pattaya area and have nothing to do with the sex industry that you seem to thing permeates the entire area. It is not difficult to visit or live in the area and not "expose" your children to the "extreme" city


    Thai people know and obviously accept that the sex industry is today and historically part of their culture at many levels and would not therefore consider it as an unusual phenonomon.

    As for the expats 'Up to them' !

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