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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. I find it remarkable that the embassy is so fussy,after all anyone seems to be able toor have already got into the UK.

    Maybe they feel they have a social responsibility to protect lovelorn bachelors and make them think with grey matter,instead of the tumescent matter.

    Certainly seems similar with aus although Aus is slightly tougher with anyone else too.

    Loooking at Entry Clearance - Facts and Figures (12/04/05) you can see that for the year 2003/4 the British embassy in Bangkok recieved 3086 settlement applications of which 2780 were accepted, approx 90%, which I think is encouraging

    Cheers GU22. I was going to ask what was the percentage of people getting in was, but 90% is a big success rate!

  2. Four Asian Countries Considered to Be Among the Most Corrupt

    Oct 21, 2004 Hong Kong

    Four developing Asian countries have ranked among the most corrupt in the world. A global corruption watchdog group says corruption is undermining the fight against poverty in the developing world.

    The Berlin-based corruption watchdog organization Transparency International says Pakistan, Indonesia, Burma and Bangladesh ranked worst among the 15 countries perceived to be most corrupt.

    These Asian countries scored less than three points in the global survey of businessmen, where 10 points mean a country is highly clean and zero, highly corrupt.

    Bangladesh, together with the Caribbean nation of Haiti, placed at the bottom of the 146-country survey.

    Corruption is among Bangladesh's biggest problems and this is not the first time the country has ranked at the bottom of this yearly survey. Bangladesh has been trying to correct the negative perception. Parliament passed a law earlier this year forming an independent anti-corruption agency.

    Transparency International's Asia-Pacific Director Peter Rooke says it is still too early to see the agency's impact.

    "It's a positive step forward but it needs to have real teeth, real independence and in particular, it needs the financial resources that would enable its job effectively because obviously it's a huge task."

    Transparency International says corruption impedes efforts to reduce poverty in developing Asia, where millions of people earn less than a dollar a day.

    The group notes that oil-exporting nations, including Indonesia, have low scores, reflecting the level of fraud plaguing the oil industry.

    The Asia Development Bank, a non-profit lender and financial advisory body, says corruption can cut a country's gross domestic product by as much as one-sixth.

    On the brighter side, surveyed businessmen ranked New Zealand as the world's second cleanest country. Singapore also ranks among the top 10 cleanest nations in the survey.

    Oh Well

    At least hes going after them,hopefuly their will be some high profile busts announced.

    Thailand has come down in the rankings of corrupt countries over last 5 years or so.

    Just more of the same nonsense 'reports' about tackling corruption. 4 1/2 years, and what has he actually done after talking?

    Nothing. Nada. Zero...

    In fact, more like just the opposite...

  3. Oh Well

    At least hes going after them,hopefuly their will be some high profile busts announced.

    Thailand has come down in the rankings of corrupt countries over last 5 years or so.

    Just more of the same nonsense 'reports' about tackling corruption. 4 1/2 years, and what has he actually done after talking?

    Nothing. Nada. Zero...

    In fact, more like just the opposite...

  4. As a many time traveller to Thailand ,the low standards of service in anything below a 5 or six star hotel never cease to amaze me.

    Reading the Comments from guests who have used one of the feedback sites on the booking engines confirms ,the Mai Pen Rai attitude.

    I know lots of rich kids get sent to hotel schools around the world from Thailand ,but do they learn anything??,or wont daddy let them put what they learn into practise??

    Any input on an up to 3k baht a night hotel in BKK central would be useful.

    My best value for money so far has been the newly renovated Park Avenue on soi22.

  5. Yes I think its a literal thing,my gal will see somone very fat and giggle moo uan.

    She replies the same.

    I guess the really fat is just unusual in Thailand.

    That said has anyone noticed how big the thai kids are getting these days?.

    Some of those schoolkids are looking very chubby.

    Prob the diet of Falang junk food,instead of the healthier diet of old.

    I was trying to explaing to my Thai g/f that she had been very rude when calling a female farang friend of mine fat and also saying she was similar to a pig.

    My g/f just replied with 'why is it rude she IS fat'.

  6. Sydneys the best,for nightlife,beaches,action,but it is pricey.

    Lots of thai students in central city,incl karaoke bars etc , and plenty thai food and ingredients available....very important :o

    My girlfriend, who is Thai, would like to go to Australia to learn English. She plans to apply for a student visa - visa class 570 for overseas students wanting to study English. (Really it is me who wants to go there for an extended stay, and she thinks it's a nice idea)

    My question is: is there a city in Australia that she would probably feel comfortable in (being a Thai girl of 28 years of age) that is still a vibrant, cosmopolitan city? Neither one of us looks like we could possible be from Australia, and so I wouldn't want to run into a lot of problems from people tired of other people from other countries.

    I'm thinking Sydney, but I know there are probably some other cities there that would be suitable, also. I've never been there myself.

  7. I will test them and report.

    I had to go to Phuket (Patong Bech) at the end of April and phoned around a few hotels to try and make a booking. One sounded so disinterested that I called back the next day to check if my booking was recorded. It wasn't. I called another who told me he had lots of rooms for the dates I wanted, but refused to take a booking over the phone, telling me I must book on the internet.

    When I got there I found almost nothing has been done there. Much of the beachside walking area is broken or not there at all (northern part of the beach), and many buildings are just shells. There are numerous dark green corregated iron walls blocking off damaged buildings, and there is the smell of wet cement around the few places that are being re-built. Just like report in The Nation about Phi Phi.

    Sure, there are people on their version of Walking Street', but the rest of the beach area is the last place I would choose for a holiday.

    Another thing - the touts are out trying to sell suits as usual because they're too stupid to realise that the last thing someone wants to buy when they're on a beach holiday in the tropics is to buy a suit. I was walking behind what I'd guess was a Scandinavian foursome, and when they turned down the offer of buying the tout said '<deleted> you and <deleted> you' to each couple. Nice way to try and encourage tourists back.

    Call the Phuket Palace Resort, they have rooms and will be more than happy to take your booking. (66 76) 344 154 www.phuketpalace.com

  8. Might have a chance of working if the franchise is owned by the Parent

    Is Subway a country licence or 100% Head office.

    Where are the other Subways in Bangkok

    they are spreading like a nasty virus , the latest outbreak is close to villa supermarket on sukhumvit near the emporium.

    i love sandwiches too , but i'm afraid it's stretching the imagination a bit to call a subway a good sandwich.

    anyway , each to his own.

    enjoy your meat product filled chemically garnished thingy at subway. :o

  9. Recent posters

    Planning maybe a few days in phuket next mth

    Recommendations....looking for four five star at least 60% off

    After all in a four star they will keep the staff employed in the bars and restaurants.

    Thirty percent off is not even worth considering given how overpriced and over blown Phuket is.

    my experience here in BKK... when I tried to book a package flight with hotel and flight to Pucket for 5000 Baht the travel agency told me it was only for Thai people or when flying together with at least one Thai person in the party... and the normal quote for the same period and time and hotel was suddenly about 15000 baht for Farangs .... not sure what to think about this behavior though. One thing is for sure ... my girlfriend does not want to go to Puhket for the obvious reasons ... too many ghosts around and I am convinced many  Thai residents are thinking in the same way, therefor with that special order (for Thai people only) there is only a very marginal group of Thai people that will use this opportunity and for Farangs (even resident here) the price stays at the level before the Tsunami

    Yeah places everwhere are offering 400 bt per night . No problems , especially now its very quiet right now here. :o

  10. I feel this is not written by a thai

    The grammar is pretty good.

    Def a cry for help,whatever the scenario as its a real problem for many.

    What's gotta happen is the guy (or gal) has to hit rock-bottom before there's any improvement.

    One of the things I love about Thailand is when a man reckons he's "over the line", he checks himself into the local Wat for an extended stay.

    I have a brother-in-law in this situation and he's happier now than he's ever been and doesn't plan to ever leave the Order.

    What the ###### of advice is this?? This is a serius post and if you have nothing to say, don't screw the post!!!!

    Yes now all the alcoholist in the church becoming monks and all the prostitutes becoming nuns!!! Such qualitity of an advice!!!

    Rock bottom??? Was it on a porno DVD???

    My Grandpa was alcoholist and I can tell you that there is no rock-bottom at all, the sooner you act the better it is (also for the health).

    Only professionals (AA) can do something.

    Have you been drinking too duke? Boons responce was resonable and going to a Temple here can help many people.Just because your grandfather was an "alcoholist" dosn't mean that everybody is the same!

    OP, try taking a hidden video of him when he is drunk.If you show him it when he is sober, it might make him seek help. :o

    Alchoolism is a srius/true sickness, unless inside the temple there is a AA branch .....

    May be we should suggest this wife to ask her husband in Europe to seek for a Buddist temple (or a church) and pay a visit, ......

    We are talking about his health and life, not his soul

  11. Unless they are falangs barred from the costa del sol and live in Pattaya!!!


    Quite frankly I've felt safer in China and Thailand and Malaysia and Singapore than any place I have even been in North America. :D

    Robbery I can understand. It's just economics. :D

    At least here and abouts I can go out for a drink without wondering if someone is going to 'kick my head in' because they don't like the way I look. :o


  12. I reckon Thailand needs a strongman.

    Thaksin for all his faults is doing better than the ageing and corrupt regime of the past.

    I mean at least Thailand is getting some kind of Telecoms Infrastructure even if he is making money out of it.

    Still way better than any other SE Asian country in my view.

    Keep on finding things to do for those 800 generals I say.

    ...Actually that digitally remastered photo of you on your profile page makes you look a lot like an cruiserweight Noel Coward.

    Is he the one between Blair and Bush? A sort of "Blush"? Or has he changed the photo since you posted?


  13. "Invest in land,they don't make it anymore...."

    Seems to be the mantra of most on samui.

    After all its only 40kx40k

    3m wont buy much though now unfort,maybe one rai enough to build two houses.

    Systemshock. Nice too see someone who can calculate.

    Your last sentence says it all. But even then you should be aware of the pitfalls. Areas that look nice now can change very quick. I see big changes in 5-6 months, nobody knows what will happen in a few years. Try to sell an old house when everybody wants to build their own or buy new. It will be almost impossible.

    I love(d) Samui but i am thinking of moving to a better place. Never thought it would change so much and so fast. I rent so i can go whenever i want. Other people i know are stuck, only because they used their money to buy and don't have enough cash to be able to move.  Not to talk about people with thai spouses who seperate, unable to sell because of wrongly setup companies, lease contracts etc..

    Headaches headaches.

    With rent you are trouble free, when you don't like it anymore.. move on.

  14. lucky you davey

    Just thinking of a few of my mates here in sydney

    Old fellas,company directors ,looking for the wind in the face,the throb between the legs,struggling to get their leg over anything leave alone the Harley!!!

    Hey how can you deny the ultimate freedom icon of the fat successful and 40 plus??


    Does this apply to alll bikes though?

    It should just be for the stupid boys who soup their bikes up but i do hope the police are'nt going to try and fine Harley's etc.

    Yes, "Harley's" should make a good starting point. This whole Harley culture is a bag of puerile nonsense ( for the benefit of all Harley owners.....for "puerile" read 'juvenile')...these guys riding their ultra-noisy, mechanically inefficent and outdated machines make me puke. These childish clones in their black T-sirts and their p*ss pot style helmets care for nobody. Last night my 3-year old daughter thought that it was the end of her young world when this jerk revved up his archaic machine only a few feet away from her.

    Generally, Harley owners show no consideration to the rest of us. Anyway, why not buy a decent bike?

    Your opinion and your entitled to it, I don't agree though. :D

    I'm only 32 though :o

  15. Hey how can you deny the ultimate freedom icon of the fat successful and 40 plus??


    Does this apply to alll bikes though?

    It should just be for the stupid boys who soup their bikes up but i do hope the police are'nt going to try and fine Harley's etc.

    Yes, "Harley's" should make a good starting point. This whole Harley culture is a bag of puerile nonsense ( for the benefit of all Harley owners.....for "puerile" read 'juvenile')...these guys riding their ultra-noisy, mechanically inefficent and outdated machines make me puke. These childish clones in their black T-sirts and their p*ss pot style helmets care for nobody. Last night my 3-year old daughter thought that it was the end of her young world when this jerk revved up his archaic machine only a few feet away from her.

    Generally, Harley owners show no consideration to the rest of us. Anyway, why not buy a decent bike?

    Your opinion and your entitled to it, I don't agree though. :o

  16. Guess you need to think about what room rate you want to pay??

    Some places are very expensive...some not so.


    Although I've spent a year in Thailand, I've never been to Krabi. :o I'm planning for a series of group health & wellness retreats for the upcoming season, and I'm thinking Krabi would be ideal.

    I am on the lookout for a relatively modest bungalow operation who would like to host/sponsor such programs on a regular basis.

    Unfortunately I'm stuck in Singapore at the moment and can't get up to have a look around for a few months yet. So I'm wondering if anyone can offer me some potential leads?

    The profile I'm looking for is: mid-range, modest but clean, quiet location, on or not too far from the beach, a space (sala) for exercise programs, thai-massage, friendly owners open to a new opportunity.

    Any info or leads you might provide would be most appreciated.


    hello Kartica,

    perhaps you would like to have a look at Palm Resort www.a-house-in-thailand.com

    its a real villa Resort with Yoga facilities and lots of space - in Ao Nang.



  17. relatively cheap and hassle free.


    hi agian everyone

    i am here in england waiting to sort out paper work for my thia wife so we can do settelment visa application no 2 in august,

    and i was hoping some one could help me or point me in the right way

    1, i have windows xp home

    2,i would like to type in english ,but come up in thia,so i can send it to my wife,and earn some brownie points

    3, will i have to get a thia /english keyboard ?

    4,will i have to down load any softwear ? and where from

    thanks all keep up the best forum pete

    Funny thing I'm reading this! I was in Thailand in February and brought a copy of Windows XP professional and I installed it on my computer when I got back to OZ,every thing started in Thai,even ICQ and MSN Messenger. I had to change all the Language settings back to English :o .

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