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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Jeez what a mess that would be.

    Access would be impossible and it would be an ecological disaster on that island.

    I hope its just a rumour.

    It was my understanding the GOVT wanted Pattaya as home to the casino,and quite a bit of activity (ie:prop purchasing )near its proposed site has been happening.

    Pattaya makes more sense....much easier for the Thai community to get to it.

    I have been told by various people that the island opposite the very top of Chaweng beach (near Papillon) namely Matlaing Island, I think, has been bought by or on behalf of Mr Thaksin and is earmarked for a casino, can anyone confirm this? I believe casinos are illegal here, but if it is Thaksin's island...

  2. Perhaps Koh Chang may be a bit closer to old samui but its changing rapidly.

    chaweng and lamai.....have become  disgusting shanty town strips of concrete , electrical junction boxes and wiring and plastic dross. eyesore and pustule are words that dont even come close to describing the mess there...  blackpool on a saurday night in november has more class....and chaweng or lamai if you have no taste or class. !!

    WOW...Thanks for your thoughts and some tips on other parts of the Island...I must say that is probably the harshest rebuke of Lamai/Chaweng I have read anywhere....I suppose I will have to just go there and judge for myself, and if I really want to find what I experienced there 15 years ago maybe I'll have to move on to Koh Phangan or Koh Tao....in any event, I'm not adverse to a little nightlife and action, although I probably don't know what I'm in store for...thanks again for your input though.

  3. Not a lot of charm left.

    Samui is a boomtown now,driven by foreign retiree investors and wealthy expats from HK and Singapore.

    Lamai is the grungy end of town with lots of bars and the flotsam that goes with it.

    Chaweng is the capital with glossy boutiques ,italian restaurants by the dozen and lots of junky souvenir shops.

    I was in Samui for about 4 weeks total almost 15 years ago in 1990. I stayed in Lamai at a small bungalow complex called Mira Mare, it was walking distance to the main town (Bauhaus etc). Back then it was all dirt roads and very modest development.

    Am I going to be shocked at how much it has changed? I'm sure the dirt roads are gone and concrete is there now. What can I expect to see today? In my heart I wish it was going to be like it was 15 years ago, when it was truly somewhat even undiscovered, but I'm hoping development and progress won't have changed the great Samui charm.

  4. The sons of these hard working refugees from Beirut are Victims of their parents focus on making a new life and money.

    Many of these Leb kids have never had a job and dropped out of school to be supported by the doting family.

    They get bought cars and given money and are basicly ignorant bludgers.

    They hunt in packs and anything female and attractive is a victim.

    They go out and raise ######,come home in the morning Kiss their loving mother and pretend to be good muslim boys.

    This Sheikh whatever knows this and is a total hypocrite.

    I cant beleive someone so young has gained so much influence in the community anyway.

    Sydney Morning Herald ^ | April 24, 2005 | Miranda Devine

    Sheik Faiz declined requests on Friday to be interviewed, so we don't know if he is aware of the implications of what he said. But in a community still reeling from the spate of racially motivated gang rapes by Lebanese Muslim males from Bankstown and surrounds, it was extraordinarily impolitic.

    "Strapless, backless, sleeveless, nothing but satanic skirts, slit skirts, translucent blouses, miniskirts, tight jeans," he shouted into the microphone. "All this to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature."

    Mostly he appealed to Muslim women to wear the hijab (head covering), which, incidentally, has become fashionable on global catwalks since France banned it in public schools last year.

    Born in Sydney of Lebanese parents, Faiz embraced Islam at 19 and spent several years studying in Saudi Arabia. On the one hand, he numbers among his friends and students such positive role models as Bulldogs league star Hazem El Masri and boxing champion Anthony Mundine, testament to the clean-living discipline of Islam.

    On the other hand, the centre at which he teaches has attracted controversy over the actions of two former students. Supermarket shelf-stacker Zaky Mallah, 21, was last week sentenced to two years' jail for threatening to kill Commonwealth officials and Muslim convert Jack Roche, 51, was convicted last year of plotting to blow up the Israeli embassy in Canberra.

    Many in Sydney's Lebanese Muslim community reject Faiz's comments but are reluctant to speak on the record.

    "Islam teaches that a woman could walk in front of you naked and you are supposed to be strong enough to say no," said one Muslim leader. "It is a test of your faith."

    Faiz could be a good influence on young people, "if he calms down and gets rid of his anger . . . and understood the impact of his words. It's not what he would do [that's a problem]. It's what he says; he colours the minds of young people."

    A non-Muslim who lives in Auburn and attended Faiz's lecture said: "My biggest concern is that the Muslims who come to our country and just want to mind their own business, get a job, have a family and a home life with freedom, are progressively being pressured by their own community leaders to conform. The mould [they] are being pressed into is not good for them and not good for Australian society."

    Faiz's view that unveiled women invite rape does Muslims a disservice by promoting an image which is repugnant to the majority of his fellow citizens. After all, when a judge feels so strongly that he would stand in front of a group of strangers, as one did in recent weeks, and make the comment that Lebanese Muslim men are a "cancer", you know the community has an image problem which Faiz isn't helping.

    Faiz may not care but his words are a slap in the face to the brave young woman, known to the courts as Miss C, who was raped 25 times by 14 men over six hours outside the Bankstown Trotting Club and elsewhere in 2000.

    At worst, his words sanction the kind of contempt for non-Muslim women that led those gang rapists to regard 18-year-old Miss C, dressed in her best suit for a job interview, sitting on a train reading The Great Gatsby, as an "Aussie pig" and slut.

    "I looked in his eyes. I had never seen such indifference," Miss C testified.


  5. I think its an outmoded thing.

    The reality is if you marry in thai you will be helping the family financialy anyway.

    My missuses daughter who is aust thai is marrying a thai boy,he very sheepishsly came and asked the missus about what she wanted for a dowry and the ,missus said just treat my daughter well....his parents who are in BKK were very relieved.

    Forget a dowery- it's BS.

    Are we suggesting that Thai culture is BS? I mean it is a core part of Thai cultire and Thai do not see it as BS. Perhaps Thailand is not the place for those how feel this way.

    Traditionally one would send a Phu Yai to the bride's house to help negotiate the dowery. This might be an elder family member or a village elder. Being a Farang removed a few steps from traditional Thai culture you will have to rely upon the bride for advice and it serves as a good litnus test. She should be willing to provide her family with an honorable dowery that does not cause financial hardship on her new family, that being the groom and her. I would think that B200,000 is a very fair amount these days, almost cheap.

  6. Very Funny.

    What does amaze me is they still seem unhappy here.

    Jeez the letters to ed in the pattayamail always seem to have some old whinger going on about some small thing.

    I suppose the nett of it is,they come for all the things they cant get in the uk,Sexy available young women,cheap beer,tropical climate etc etc ,but I suspect a big portion still pine for the old blighty.

    Jeez I am sure there are more English food restaurants in Pattaya than Thai.

    To enjoy a climate wherein they may display their tattoos, bald heads, and protruding bellies without fear of contracting a chill;

    To escape the necessity of having deeper relationships with those like themselves;

    To be able at last to place in trivia contests, here among other Brit expats whose dearth of intelligence and education compares with their own;

    To ensure that all screens and tellies are turned to "footie," so to numb the brains of expats of other nations;

    To teach non-native speakers the incorrect pronunciation of words like "aluminum" before Yanks can teach them the correct one;

    To pose as experts among those unable to understand what they are saying and freely make uninformed pronouncements on every conceivable subject;

    To stab one another in the back without fear of suffering any important consequences, given that so many are retired or living off investments;

    To affirm the overwhelming superiority of Orthodox British foodstuffs and lagers by bemoaning their absence elsewhere;

    To meet Yanks and express their sincere gratitude that they are able to speak English rather than German.

    :o  :D  :D

  7. Dardenelles

    56k turks

    26k British

    8709 AUS

    2701 Kiwis.


    Who will come Walzting Matilda with me,

    Great coverage on AUS and NZ sky......even though Murdochs Father only lasted three days there as a reporter!!!!

  8. Well obviously the quality Tourist TOT is looking for.

    Oh if only the Pound was worth 20 baht...ya wouldnt see these scumbags.

    Perhaps a flying chippy would help.

    Last week coming back fromKrabi I was sitting at the departure lounge atKrabi airport watching these two brittish ######s in their tank tops covered in tattoos and looking pretty/sounding aggressive. Found myself thinking I hope I dont have to sit near them on the flight and listen to the <deleted> coming out of their gobs........sure enough.......smack behind the pair of them. All was ok until the food comes out......really just a snack for the one hour flight.......then they started complaining that is was'nt fit for pigs blah blah blah........they both had pretty dumpy looking girlfriends comlete with braided hair and overtanned look.........and you shoul dhave heard the tripe coming out of their mouths......it was embarrassing.

    When they called for the boss to come so they could complain about the snack food, I thought ...poor guy......but to my surprise the Thai guy gave back as good as they could give out.......and these two gits just sat there gutless to do anymore. The Thai guy really put them in their place.......then they start asking for ID's of the flight staff and taking photos of the food......geesus....... why do people like this have to carry on like pork chops ?

  9. Sad but true.

    More sad is some agree.

    Walking home one (not too late) evening i passed 2 israeli guys arguing with a BG over how much, trying to get her to drop the price. As they see me walk past they had the cheek to ask me if i wanted to go 3rds to make it cheaper for them? Huh! Not sure if thats stupid or just ###### ignorant. Told the Thai girl in Thai then repeated it in English for the benefit of the israeli tossers that she could do better than them, then carried on home... ALONE. Yuk still makes me shudder.  :o

  10. Kennedy said

    "Ask Not what your country can do for you."

    "Ask what you can do for your country".

    How many of us or our spoilt and mollycoddled kids wouldvolunteer, and endure,for a common cause in the face of obviously blinding incompetence?.

    Brave men.

    Lets hope this will always be remembered for the bravery of two nations from the other side of the worlds youth .

    we can never give enough thanks, they gave their live's so that we may live. Let us never forget.

  11. Samui is going crazy,since Phuket took the hit.

    I looked at these ones


    Cheapest are about 450 usd up to 1m usd.

    5% rental gaurantee first year.

    Best finish I have seen on the island.

    People who bought off the plan 2 years ago have had 50-100% gains.

    Lot of expats buying in who live/work in Sing and HK.

    I think prop values in general on samui have double over 2 years.

    Will they again ......possibly.

    20k gets you a nice falang style house in a complex with a pool.

    30k prob gets you a nice house with own pool etc.

    I am thinking of investing in a Condo on Ko Samui as a second home as my wife hails from Surat and we want to have somewhere to stay for long periods of time .

    I dont really fancy staying for long periods in Surat. Can anyone advise me if

    Are there are any  Condominiums on Samui ?

    who are the best agents in town ?

    in the current economical climate is it better to rent or buy.? If renting what would 20-30,000 baht get me a month?

    Many thanks in advance

    Thai Pauly

  12. Suffer every now and again from gout.

    The missus says its because I eat too much chicken,esp her chicken wings....something to do with eating joints of the bird or something.

    Anyway now chicken is off menu for me.

    ###### I lover her spicy chicken wings.

    I suppose I could own up and tell her its the Alcohol....but hey I suppose I can sacrifice chicken.


    (here's an english one)

    Eating lots of MARMITE will put hairs on your chest.

    Have you told RDN or is it to late? :D

  13. Absolutely Not.

    Having seen how much damage the Thai expats have done to their personal finances here in AUST at casinos,it would be a backward step for Thai Society.

    Thais just do not know the word stop when gambling.

    I have personaly seen one girl here gamble away a 250k marriage settlement in two mths.

    I have met another from whom my missus bought some gold,in a house the estranged hubby owns in a trust thank god,with no furniture left to sell.

  14. Yeah only a name

    Makes me think of a UK tv show called "The Gnomes of Dulwich"

    If Dulwich arent happy,the standards are lax or they are not getting paid!

    further info..

    Overseas franchises

    The College has established three franchise schools and is considering another two.

    The principle behind the franchise school programme is that, with no capital investment on the part of the College, it is able to establish an agreement which provides an annual income for the College.£££

    Just like a Mac Ds...HAMburger joint but probabally Not any cheaper in LOS.

    One of their old Alis...

    Anand Panyarachun

    Born 1932. School No. 15391. At Dulwich College 1948-1952

    et....a wee song to FINI

    Pueri Alleynienses. quotquot annos. quotquot menses

    Fertur principum memoria.

    Vivit Fundatoris nomen, unicae virtutis omen

    Detur soli Deo Gloria.


  15. OK

    Just stating a fact I can back up with personal experience in helping some of the victims.

    Without mentioning race the major problem in Syd and Melb is the money lenders operate in and around the casinos ,lending money at very high rates(5-20% per mth) and then when the girls cant pay up ,they get a new job in a brothel owned by the lenders or friends which is very hard to get out of.

    Also both of the last two published cases slavery cases one in syd and one in melb were in non Au or Thai owned establishments.

    That sleaze was prob just the minder.

    *rest of post edited because snoophound decided to slander an entire race as the source of the problem. Don't bring your racism here plese.*

    And I hope Mr Pick gets a bit of sex slave action in jail!

    he better :o

  16. A smaller version of Pattayas Exzyte.

    Needs some competition for Reggae and the mango.

    A good jazz cafe/ pub sounds ok to me ... soft music , easy drinks , not to loud volume and a pool table inside with sigars ... sounds good . Find a good band , that is the problem i think ( music like Sade or something like that ...  ) .

    The second choice would also attract people , but a different kind . Like Khun Jean said , tourism in Samui is changing and with a good bar together with good band could attract every type of costumer . If you have a girl you could go there, but if you are a family you could go there as well , i don't think you'll attract many single man ( they are in the other bar  :o ) . Maybe the combination is a possibillaty , for ex. the waitresses are goodlooking and wearing not to revealing but very sexy classy outfitts .

    Ooops just read your other post ... you hate jazz . Allthough i like New Wave and punk , and there isn't any competition for you when opening such a bar , i don't really think you will have many costumers .

  17. New years eve Samui

    Outside Cocoboncos...veryrutted dirt road...now sealed.

    Two very pissed and ugly bald headed scotsmen came to grief in a rut.

    The bar opposite all screamed with laughter at them.

    20 mins later these two pratts came back armed with clubs and proceeded to abuse and threaten the people in the bar.

    Some thai boys disarmed them and then the girls got hold the the clubs and dealt with them.

    Standard Moronic falangs you see pissed outside green mango every night.

    Saw another last week

    Usual ugly tatooed lager lout bodybuilder picking on a young guy half his size.

    He had his ugly mug two inches from this young guys face ,young guy to his credit stood his ground until Fugly kinghits him.

    What a tosser.

    Cant they keep this activity in their soccer stadiums back home.

  18. yes you dont think to call reception to ask how much when making a local call.

    I know they skin you on toll calls

    most hotels in thailand charge on a per call basis.

    Didnt have this problem at the sheraton.

    Novotel certainly got my guest comment card.

    Will also make noise with head office.

    That is extortinate, but I can't help feeling you should have checked the costs first, hotels are known to always have expensive tel charges aren't they?

    You should pen a letter or email to the Novotel chain head office if your really pissed off about it, and also mention the asst managers lack of help when you first made the complaint.

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