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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. I can speak from personal experience,from girls from my old bar in pattaya and students i know here in AUS.

    Yes the fortunate few have the perfect wife/girlfriend.

    I count my self among them,she has been in Au 10 years and has a au passport.

    She loves Thailand,for the food and the shopping and will never go back to live....I think its becuase she truly thinks she will loose me if we live there.

    I know girls from my bar who have been to the UK and Denmark,and germany .

    ALL came back....a couple have been more than once....reasons....The guy changed,life wasnt what they thought,the money they saw in thailand was not forthcoming,not to mention language,lack of ting tong Tv,Somthai, hideous weather and of course loneliness for family and friends.

    I know students here who will marry for an au passport,I know an older lady who just got hers after marrying here ,and that poor sod will be getting the ultimatum soon.

    The Nett of it is,get to know the girl well, ,get visitor visa and dont marry.

    The pysche of some of these girls esp BGS is they are doing you a favor going with you,their priority is too make some money to secure hers and her families future.

    Some of the guys on here have seen this and some are truly fortunate to have the lady they have.

    Main thing is dont rush it.

    Just be yourself man, you got $$$, you are welcome.  :o

  2. Yes its truly fascinating how limited the knowledge of the rest of the world is in the USA.

    I travel a lot on business and it never ceased to amaze me how few educated americans knew where New Zealand was......until XENA and now of course Lord of the Rings. :o

    I think people who worry about what their countryman think are paranoid. A few years ago I went back to the states and was quizzed about what I was doing and where I lived. I replied that I was very happy living in THAILAND! One of the guys said he had heard about that place. Since he is a know it all I just ignored him. His next question was, "So what do you think about the people in TAIWAN".

    The bottom line here is that it is my life and I must live it to suit myself. There is only one person on earth who can make you happy or unhappy. YOU!

  3. Thats a lot of money to leave in a safe in your apt.

    Wonder what his business was??

    Wife robs husband of Bt12 million

    Published on May 16 , 2005

    A Thai woman has been arrested for allegedly stealing a safe containing Bt12 million in cash from her husband, an English businessman.

    At a press conference yesterday, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt Gen Pansiri Prapawat said Suree Sriwipat, 38, was placed under arrest on Sunday.

    A sports utility wagon worth Bt1.12 million and Bt10.9 million in cash in various currencies were impounded. The woman is suspected of having bought the car with some of her ill-gotten gains.

    On May 7, Brandon Gered reported his safe stolen. He said the safe with its contents - Bt12 million in cash - disappeared from inside his apartment in Suan Luang district.

    The subsequent investigation pointed to the man's Thai wife, Suree. She was soon arrested in Roi Et province and has been charged with theft, Pansiri said.

    Suree said she stole the cash to get back at her husband who she claimed often scolded her when she asked him for money. Suree, who has been diagnosed with cervical cancer, said Gered had also often left her alone at home while he went on business.

    After the arrest, Gered said he had was saddened by Suree's conduct but did not want to press charges.

    However, because the alleged theft constitutes a criminal offence, police are bound by law to begin legal proceedings.

    source : The Nation

  4. Lets see if the AUS Justice system has any teeth. :o

    A TEENAGER who drowned two sex workers in a crocodile-infested Northern Territory river could face deportation if he is found not to be an Australian citizen, a court heard yesterday.

    Vietnamese-born Phu Ngoc Trinh and Ben William McLean continue to deny they murdered sex workers Phuangsri Kroksamrang, 58, and Somjai Insamnan, 27, as a judge prepares to lock them up for at least 25 years.

    The women were bound with cable ties, weighed down with car batteries and thrown alive into the Adelaide River near Darwin after having consensual sex with Trinh and McLean in March last year.

    Their floating bodies were discovered by crocodile-spotting tour guides a few days later.


    Justice Dean Mildren said there was no apparent motive for the murders.

    Lawyers for the two 19-year-old high school friends yesterday urged the NT Supreme Court to set only the minimum 25-year non-parole period, after a jury found them guilty in March.

    The prosecution said it would not seek more than 25 years.

    However, Justice Mildren said it might "seem a bit unjust" if Trinh, the primary offender, received the same sentence as McLean.

    The court heard Trinh strangled the women in the back of his family van while McLean drove to the river, where both men threw them off a bridge, apparently unaware the women were still alive.

    Justice Mildren queried the immigration status of Trinh, who was born in a rural village in Vietnam and came to Australia as a refugee.

    Trinh told his lawyer he was a citizen, but Justice Mildren ordered the defence to produce documentation or "he might face deportation". McLean's lawyer, Suzan Cox, said her client had never been in trouble with the police until now and was of good character.

    Meanwhile, a victim impact statement, signed by Thailand's ambassador to Australia, said Ms Insamnan's family continued to suffer after her death, as she provided the main source of income for the impoverished family in a Thai village.

    As well as the trauma of losing a loved one, the family had found it difficult to pay for the return of Ms Insamnan's ashes to Thailand and for her funeral, and now lacked financial support.

    Trinh and McLean, who are appealing against their convictions, will be sentenced today.

  5. At work there are 50 or so couriers, which i hardly see as we work alone but when we have chance to talk, (start/end of day) i feel as though they find it really funny or weird. I dont mix with these people and dont really know them well

    Are you going to be taking her on your courier run???

    Dont worry,they will all be lusting after her and booking trips to Thailand. :D

    Its tougher if you are an exec with the usual dinner circle committments.again the men lust and the women snicker.

    Couldnt fit the whole question on the title,

    How do/did your friends/collegues or people you know act when they found out you have a Thai partner?

    The reason i ask is just being curious.

    As this will be my 3rd trip i have been to thailand this year, alot of people ask me obviously why i keep going back. (I see alot of the same people every day who i know to talk too as i deliver to them, being a courier)

    Alot of my usual deliveries are to people who know i have a thai fiance, and know the story. But to people who generally ask where i am going on holiday or if i have a girlfriend, seem to well........ Look at me funny or to put it better i feel i know what they are thinking (with the stero typing of thai girls).

    Sometimes people ask where i'm going. Thailand! i say. only to be replied with "ohh we know why your going there!" and when i reply my fiance is thai they look at me strange and look a bit embarrassed. This i suppose can be expected, but i feel i get it a lot when ever i mention to someone who doesnt really know me, that i have a thai partner.

    At work there are 50 or so couriers, which i hardly see as we work alone but when we have chance to talk, (start/end of day) i feel as though they find it really funny or weird. I dont mix with these people and dont really know them well.

    Now i would expect it if i was 40 or 50 plus, old, ugly, with a 20 year old girl friend.

    but im not, im 30, atheletic, ive been told im good looking,  :o previous 3 girlfriends were models, so its not that they find amusing. So what is it?

    I'm not really putting the question across very good and i am finding it difficult to find the right words to explain what i mean.  :D

    Basically, do you have the same reaction when people find out for the first time you are envolved with a thai? Do you feel like people are talking about it behind your back? I have walked into a room with so call friends talking and laughing about it.

    It doesnt bother me one little bit, i love my GF and thats all i care about but has anyone experienced something similar.

    Or is it those little voices in my head again. :D

    Hope you understand what im trying to say!!!

  6. HMMM

    Went their once a couple years back

    The music if you could call the overly mixed crap that was so loud that the floor was shaking and making all of my groups ears ring.

    wasnt busy there.....apart from some thai daddys boys outside showing off their flash cars.

    Were DJ S ever cool??

    No, though many have thought they are and are seen as being cool by some.

    The worst are those that -often pretentiously- draw attention away from the music&atmosphere towards themselves.

    The best are those who are not pretentious/over-ambitious with the music, and simply do their job.

    I remember a few pseudo-celebrity DJ's turning up at The Ministry of Sound, Bangkok a couple of years back, and emptying the place within 30 minutes. This was at 1am on a Saturday night at the club's peak hours.

    Unfortunately, it's one of those things that has lots of pretenders and few that can do it well... .

  7. Siam definitely conjours up a more romantic,exotic view of the place to me anyway.

    As in Kingdom of Siam VS Kingdom of Thailand.

    Thailland means the "Land of Thai people".

    it actually means Free land or land of the free due to it never having been colonised by a foreign power.

    Like **** it does. Find me a credible source for "Thai" meaning "free", without refering to that bizarre factoid. Sometimes I think they just invent bits of historical translation so they can have a laugh at foreigners.

    "Thai" is the same word as the linguistic language group, "Tai". It's spelt with a H for the same reason as "Thanon" and every other Thai word beginning with a "proper" T sound. It's correctly pronounced "Tailand". It's a spelling mistake. Another good reason to change it back to Siam...

    While we're at it, Charoen Krung doesn't mean New Road.

    [/end rant]

    From the New Model Thai English dictionary compiled by So Sethaputra.....

    ไทย Free, Freedom loving, pertaining to Thailand or the Thai, the Thai language เป็นไทยแก่ตัว to be free, independant.


    On my understanding, thai people คนไทย, khonthai.

    Freedom, n., ไท, tai, or อิสรภาพ, itsarapaap also independence, n.

    Independence of a country, n. เอกราช, eekgaraat.

    Free or liberal, adj. เป็นอิสระ, bpenitsara.

    Spelling from eng-thai-eng dic. by Paiboon Publishing.

    Spelling is different, so the word is different. It seems to be a word play with land of free and land of thai. Same pronounciation, different spelling.

    Linguistics in the western world defines a basic language family, Tai or Tai-Kadai or Kam-Tai. Largest spoken languages of this family are Thai, Lao, Zhuang, Shan, Lanna, Red-Tai, Black-Tai, etc. There are also minority groups living in SE-Asia called Tai, Black Tai, etc. They are not Thai people in etnical sense, even they would live in Thailand.

    By the way, Finland is also known as Suomi, at least by the finnish people, in our language. Should we change that to be international? It could be confused with a minority group of northern Finland though, the Saami. :D

    This is all very interesting but I think Thai government should use their time on some more important things like education for the people.

    Anyway I woted for Siyam. It sounds cool, but it could result with a confusion with siamese cats.... :D

  8. Any one been following the story of boo yen?,the 105 year old man who lives on his boat on the river.

    From lonely life ,supporting himself ,having kids throw rocks at him to celebrity.

    Lovely story,would make a great human interest story for global media.

    First decent bit of thai tv i have seen.

  9. Depends what your lifestyle desire is

    Brisbane being larger is more cosmopolitan.

    Rents and property costs higher and less tropical than darwin.

    Also depends where you like to travel to and whether you need to work or not.

    More jobs in Brisbane,unless you have a trade.

    Darwin is growing in leaps and bounds,but I would prefer North Queensland....Cairns or Port Douglas.

    All aspects considered, where would you choose to live, Brisbane or Darwin?

  10. Dont know much about the guys political sympathies.

    But this book is worth amazoning

    You cant buy it in Thailand I am told

    The Revolutionary King

    William Stevenson.

    I found it an interesting read.

    Helps you put some things in a context.

    Is it the right one?

    So does anyone have any constructive input on alternate options??

    back to the generals clique who will kindly repatriate all the moneys in their Swiss banks to help the poor??


    Seems like an unbiased account of things. Makes recent times seem a bit quiet and dull by comparision :o

  11. believe a buffalo was caught recently trying to swim to australia,he was arrested by immigration officials off the coast of Pattaya.

    Now has new home courtesy of a concerned dignitary.

    astral   Posted Today, 2005-05-07 08:17:49

       I thought the Buffalo had been phased out in favour of the E-Tan,

    multl-purpose engine.

    Did they check the Buffalo Bank for the missing animals, no I am not joking.

    There is a Bank where you can rent a buffalo for a period of time,

    then return it for someone else to use.

    I am not sure what the interest rate is, but the loan is a performing one,

    as it supplies manure as well. biggrin.gif

    the loan was based on breeding and keeping one calf and then percentage of calves per female/male, the King developed the program to strengthen the buffalos since thai were selling the big sturdy ones for meat and the less big ones were breeding stock so the buffalo genetics reduced to low quality. the idea was to develop a breeding program to get the larger stronger buffalo again. also many thai farmers were castrating the bigger bulls and therefore losing out on breeding stock... bad animal husbandry.

    its no joke; in the states, many breeds of donkey, goat cow have become whats called heirloom quality and lpeople pay tons of $$ for maintaining the breeds for show and heritage pride... you'll see, the buffalo will come back in style when thai yuppies 'return to their roots' and will want to have a buffalo for prestige (like people here breed white cyprus donkeys, lots of $$$, they used to be working animals, now its just for show)


    Buffalo Bank for Farmers

    Story by Tasanee Yawaprapas

    Pictures by Uthorm Sriphantha

    The pen with the names of the farmers receiving the service from the Buffalo Bank "Buffalo bank is a concept in which buffaloes and oxen are put together under a proper accounting system for due maintenance, distribution and rental for various purposes. Following the banking system, it is designed to benefit agriculture while increasing the number of buffaloes."

    "The buffalo babk is a truly new concept that arises from the necessity of the present when machinery is widely used in agribusiness. The rising prices of gasoline make machinery less cost-effective, so farmers have to turn to the animals which they used to rely upon before machinery took over. But the return proves to be problematic, as money is needed to buy buffaloes to work on the fields."

    "The buffalo bank is reminiscent of commercial banks which are, by definition, involved in operations of useful and valuable matters. The establishment of buffalo banks, however, does not involve construction of factories to keep buffaloes and oxwen. Only centers are needed. The Livestock Department, for example, can serve the purpose."

    "Those who wish to make donations to the bank need not give buffaloes or oxen. The donation can be in the form of money...."

    The above is an excerpt from an address given by His Majesty the King to a group of farmers who had been given a royal audience in the grounds of His Majesty's agricultural projects at Chitralada Palce on Farmers's Day, May 14, 1980.

    The project was inspired by His Majesty's visit to royal sponsored projects in Prachin Buri Province, where he saw the hardship of poor farmers. The farmers had to rent buffaloes and cows at such exprbitant rates that sometimes they were left penniless after the rent had been deducted from the sales of their produce.

    His Majesty thus thought of setting up a buffalo bank to give poor farmers access to buffaloes either by renting or hire-purchase. The first such bank was set up in 1979. Eventually, by order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, the Livestock Department took over the project.

    His Majesty's objective in setting up the buffalo bank is to help raise the living standard of poor farmers, who can buy buffaloes from the bank at reasonable prices or on easy long-term hire-purchase plan. Those in need of buffalo during the planting season can also rent an animal at an inexpensive rate.

    Services provided by the bank can be classified into five different categories, as follows:

    1. Loan of buffalo for breeding purposes. Under this plan, a poor farmer can borrow a female buffalo from the bank. One year after it has given birth, the farmer can keep the calf and return the mother to the bank, but if he wants to keep the mother so that he can have more calves, he can obtain approval from the bank or the Provincial Livestock Office under the following arrangement: The first, third and fifth calves subsequently born must be given to the bank one year after their birth while the farmer can keep, the second, fourth and sixth for himself.

    2. Leasing to enable farmers to own their own buffaloes. The easy, interest-free plan is for farmer to pay for the buffalo within three years: 40 percent the first year, 30 percent the second year, and the remaining 30 percent the third year.

    3. Loan of male breeders to villages who have no less than five female buffaloes loaned by the bank for breeding purposes.

    4. Buffaloes are rented to till the land at 300 baht a year per head.

    5. Farmers wishing to rent livestock for services other than those mentioned above must seek approval from the Provincial Livestock Office or the bank itself.

    Farmers wishing to avail themselves of the bank's services must be Thai nationals at least 20years old. They must poor, engaged in agriculture, and be willing to cooperate with bank authorities. They must not have used the service before, and must have the ability to care for the animals. The bank has a screening committee which determines the applicants qualified to receive assistance.

    The public can participate in the project by donating buffaloes or money to the bank, which receives requests and distributes donated animals to farmers in various parts of country. Last year, however, 150 farmers from Damnoen Saduak in Ratchaburi Province had been selected to benefit from thr project.

    Without exception, all the beneficiaries expressed deep gratitude to His Majesty and pledged that they will do their best to care for the animals. Those who received female buffaloes intend to keep them for breeding.

    To date, 24,561 farmers have already benefited from the buffalo bank, most of them farmers in northern and northeastern Thailand. Members of the publice who wish to contribute to the project can contact the Special Project Office, Planning Division, Livestock Department, or call (66 2) 252-6941 or 251-5136-8, extension 191. The Livestock Department is on Phyathai Road, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400.

    King's Buffalo Bank for Farmers, KINNAREE, Thai Airways International Domestic Inflight Magazine, March 1996, P. 89-94.

    Buffalo Typification

    There are two types of buffaloes: wild and domesticated. Two of the most commonly found among domesticated buffaloes are :

    1. Swamp Buffalo is typically found all over Southeast Asia - Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia. They are usually found helping farmers in the field, or pulling transport cart. They're also normally bound for slaughterhouse when they grow too old to work. A swamp buffalo is strong, with big hooves. The slow mover has very little tolerance for heat and it loves to wallow in mud to keep away from the heat and insects. Swamp buffaloes in Thailand are very similar in size and colour (dark gray and pink if they're albinoid) as those found in Burma, Laos and Malaysia.

    2. River Buffalo Common in India, Pakistan, Egypt, southern Europe. The River Buffalo is more of the milk type, loves clean water, does not enjoy wallowing in mud. The species was brought into Thailand during the reign of King RamaV and raised in government-sponsored projects.

    In Thailand, buffaloes have very much been left to their own devices - not much has been done in terms of improving the stock. Only those bulls found to be too fierce are castrated. However, attention has been paid to breeding development of late, with His Majesty the King initiating the Buffalo Bank Project in Prachinburi province in 1979.

    General Features of A Buffalo:

    Size: A buffalo is fully grown aged between 5-8 years, weighed 520-560 kilogrammes for male and 360-440 kgs for the female. Appearance: Short, stout, with round belly, short limbs, with crescent horn.

    Colour: Dark grey, and pink for albinoid buffalo.

    Horn: Grows cfrom both sides of a buffalo's head. The root of the horn is square, with rugged surface, which grows smoother towards the tip. A buffalo's horn is about 60-120 cms long.

    Teeth: A buffalo usually has 20 teeth in the lower jaw, 12 in the upper, with no upper front tooth.

    Life Cycle : A calf would suckle until age 1.5 years. It would reach working age at 2.5-3 years, breeding between 5-8. A buffalo can work until age 20 and has average life expectancy of 25 years. A bull can breed from age 2, while a female buffalo can give birth from age three on, after 10.5 months of pregnancy. A mother can give birth to two calves within a year. Farmers usually rest a would-be mother for 2-3 weeks both pre and post natal.

    Buffalo Herding : It is a common practice to have a bull lead a herd of about 25-30 female, with each herds separated by fence. Breeding buffaloes are also separated from the calves. Despite the popularity of mechanized farming, a number of Thai farmers remain faithful to buffalo keeping.

    taken from info that i (compulsively i must say) collect

    buffalo breeding for show/prestige may be a good investment in the future like show breeds of british /scottish cattle, ponies etc....

  12. Nett Nett

    Its a traditional thai festival degraded in pattaya and other falang haunts by drunken oafs.

    He  didn't  help  his  cause  by  booking  into  the  worst  soi  possible  during  Songkran............maybe  a  bit  of  research  on  his  part  would  of  resulted  in  a  better  outcome.   :D

    Really the Travel Agent should have known about this and advised them better... they are at fault in my opinion.. :D

    In really think holiday packages to Pattaya are missold sometimes... :o

    totster :D

  13. And from the Pattayamail

    Residents in a village in Soi Yensabai contacted reporters concerning a broken water meter that has been left in disrepair for almost a month. The meter, located outside one of the houses in the cul-de-sac, has been gushing water since the beginning of April.

    For almost a month this broken meter has been gushing water, and nothing is being done despite residents’ continuously asking the water authority to come fix it.

    The house owner, Tor Arne Pedersen, told reporters that he has informed the Pattaya Water Authority on numerous occasions by telephone and in person. Still a repair crew has yet to show their face in the small village.

    Residents have tried to repair the broken meter to reduce the water flow but to little avail.

    The constant flow of water is causing distress in the village and disgust for the lack of responsibility and action from authorities.

    “I am very unhappy about the situation,” said one resident. “We have very little water to use on a day to day basis and to see such a waste on a daily basis is terrible. We’ve all reported it to the water authority but as yet nothing has been done. We’ve even tried to fix the problem ourselves.”

    Another resident quipped, “The country is in the middle of a severe drought, some people don’t have any water. Messages are all over the press about how we need to conserve water, be very careful with how we use it, and here water is just being poured down the drain. Wasted. I’d think that the mayor and city officials would be quite angry with the water authorities about this situation.”

    Water officials told reporters they were aware of the problem and promised to take care of it, but to date no one from the authority has shown the slightest interest.

    Under the law it is illegal for residents to tamper with public utilities such as electrical or water meters.

  14. It aint unique to Thailand or Pattaya

    I was in a club in inner city Sydney last night,three or four gang members of the heavy gold chain variety pushed past the two security doormen and just walked in,all were carrying guns......hey but then the crims have always run Sydney.

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