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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. It would be good to see a few taximeters around.

    I just wish they would pass a law where all there bleeding horns are removed,we find them when we want them,the incessant beeping drives me crazy.

    The samui ones are the worst as they stop whenever and whereever they like and block the roads.

    Go home then! :o

    Scintillating reply. :D

    mainly because your question did seem to be devoid of thought.

    as mentioned the song taew ( two benches ) is one of the most common modes of transport accross thailand.(after the motocy)

    and does it not seem to you to be more efficient to have a vehicle carrying up to 20 people versus a car with one plus the driver?

    No argument with that, they have their place.

    I just think that it would be nice to have some alternatives.

  2. Stayed at the Novotel Siam last night.

    Wireless Internet was 750 baht for 24 hrs which is about the norm in BKK....GOD KNOWS WHY the infrastructure to do this is not expensive.

    I thought I would save some money and use my dial up acct.

    To my horror on checkout these extortionists charge 27 baht a min for LOCAL CALLS!!!!!

    My bill for dialup was double what I paid for the loom!!!

    No indication of these prices in the room by the way.

    Told the illiterate asst mgr who just looked at me inanely.

    Dont get caught.

    I am really pissed.

  3. Thats all it was

    A confession on air.

    Wheres the background???


    Just watched the TV special on the Girl in bag murder case.

    What a piece!!!!

    Lots of gory pics of flyblown corpse and the Murderer explaning how it happened.

    Talk about reality TV!!!!

    VERY LITTLE OF JOURNALISTIC MERIT....that said I half felt for the guy.

    How many of you Vets have ended up in a loom with a raving nutter???

    No background given on the murderer at all.

    Great advertising for Sawasdee court room 501 prob wont exist from now on!!

    Talk about crappy journalism.

    As an aside one really dumb thing both the pattaya channels do is air ads with no english addresses....I must have watched 20 or so how dumb can they and their advertisers get ???.

    I like the idea there is a local news station, but their stories always seem to be the same... some farang murder, suicide or death, motorbike fatalities, bar-girl incidents and this month's police chief getting sworn in. They seem to focus on mostly negative stuff -- which to their credit is very much like any other news show.

    My roommate and I watch these news programs occasionally, mostly to laugh and the poor production quality.

    The "Girl in Bag" story could have been put together in a much better way... they could start by moving that cardboard box out of the background and not centering the person being interviewed in the frame. Then choose a darker background in a darker studio (or whatever), and light up the face, and don't show anything below the chest. Flouressant lights wreak havoc on video. The whole thing reminded me of an Al-Queda tape.

    These are just my opinions, however :o

    As for this poor Swede, I don't know what to think.

    Bad journalism?? This was a great "scoop" "Confession On-The-Air" --This is the "cutting-edge" of TV today---REALITY TV!!! This is what makes Multi-Millionaires of all those Reality TV producers!! This is what many people watch on UBC-XYTE Channel...Real Stuff...Real Horror!!!

    This "Killer" segment was produced and edited VERY professionally. I should know--I have been in this business for over 30 years. I wish I had an OJ or JACKO confession like this one...Pulitzer Prize...Guaranteed!!!

    Don't like local TV? I think all the programs (no matter how amerturish) provide the Pattaya community with INFORMATION.

    Laugh if you want...but remember.....You live in Thailand...better to be informed about what is happening than to be a victim of our own ignorance!

    What do I mean by this? Information about what you can or cannot do will keep you out of Thai prisons and off the Blacklist---and it is so EASY to wind up in BOTH!!

  4. Pissing down with rain here and that prog is on endless rerun....I am trapped in an internet cafe in jomtien with water rising steadily over the door!!!

    Still rain is good news

    I wonder about this guys background ???

    Anyone seen any info ...criminal record etc,on the run in home country etc?

    Its a shame the programme didnt give some deeper info.

    Still a few things puzzling me: Why nobody has identified the victim

    My guess is he disposed of her i.d etc before dumping the body.

    Considering she was working the beach road, i dont find it suprising she hasnt been missed by anyone.............some strange girls work beach road. :o

  5. yes had a look lucifers last night.

    I remem the malibu.....awful lip syncing!!!

    I guess its prob xycite...I know the missus will love that.

    Seems a bit of a market op for a nice upmarket lounge type bar with good music with staff who know how to make a drink.

    Guess its safest bet here to cater to the lowest common denominator though.

    Apart  from  the  Blues  Factory............downstairs  of  Lucifers  isnt  bad, its  on  the  right  of  Walking  St  about  100m  before  BF.....dont  bother  with  upstairs if  hip  hop  aint  your  thing.

    Elsewhere, for  a  quieter  night  Moonriver  Pub  on  North  Road 100m  up  from roundabout. ......or  for  something  different  earlier  in  the  evening  try  the  Malibu  Bar  2nd  road  end  of  Soi  Post  Office  they  do  a  show/revue  type  thing.

    Xzyte  on  the  3rd  road  is  another  option  from  10pm  onwards  live  band/DJ.

  6. The Missus and I wandered into the Blues Factory last night.

    Prob wldnt have found it at all without the little gals on the street holding the sign.

    9pm and only one other couple in there.

    Great place,and the band was excellent ,a tragedy they were playing for two couples.

    The female singer was very good too.

    Kind of place pattaya needs.

    We have been here a week and its been very quiet,...waiting for the <deleted> influx for songkraan i guess.

    There seems to be a real shortage of good nitespots in pattaya.

    Tonys was dead too ,but tye deserve to be with their overpriced drinks and shitty hiphop music.

    Any ideas on where we can go for our last two nights???andf yes we will check in Blues factory again.

  7. Just watched the TV special on the Girl in bag murder case.

    What a piece!!!!

    Lots of gory pics of flyblown corpse and the Murderer explaning how it happened.

    Talk about reality TV!!!!

    VERY LITTLE OF JOURNALISTIC MERIT....that said I half felt for the guy.

    How many of you Vets have ended up in a loom with a raving nutter???

    No background given on the murderer at all.

    Great advertising for Sawasdee court room 501 prob wont exist from now on!!

    Talk about crappy journalism.

    As an aside one really dumb thing both the pattaya channels do is air ads with no english addresses....I must have watched 20 or so how dumb can they and their advertisers get ???.

  8. Mai khow jai

    Certainly doesnt look like someone dumb enough to do something so stupid.

    Maybe a long timer in pattaya ..ran out money doesnt want to go home.

    Plenty of tragedys waiting to happen there.

    Exactly, I think most of us are regular drug users, I certainly enjoy a bottle of beer or two.  RDN's avatar even portrays a drug.

    Yea, but mad, beer and cigarettes are government controlled drugs, controlled and taxed by governments worldwide, the fact that legal drugs are responsible for 97% of all drug related deaths passes the greedy governments by.

    In Japan you can get pissed out of your Brains , fall down and sleep in the subway, fall asleep in a restaurant and it is pretty acceptable , yet you can get 5 years for having some hash.

    If Alcohol was not taxed by Governments it would be a Class 'A' Drug for sure....... and if you produced a drug that had the effect of Alcohol it would also be a Class ' A ' drug, and you would get a death sentence for producing such a dangerous drug, but buy the government taxed version and you are free to buy as much as you want. :o

    You know that about sums it up. Fly, low and keep under the radar.

  9. A succesful mid range hotels profitabilty is based on occupancy.

    I f its quiet or low season smart hoteliers manage inventory and pricing accordingly.

    Rooms are a pretty much fixed cost.

    If you have a bar and restaurant you can recover margin very quickly as long as you have a decent offering.

    I dont think many hoteliers are demonstrating an understanding of what is a pretty much accepted concept in other parts of the world.

    Sure they suffered a harrowing natural disaster,but they need to move forward now,and try new concepts if they want a quick recovery.

    Bali did this and has recovered from a disgusting event.

    This is NOT aimed at any poster here but at certain tourists in general, and it kinda goes along with this thread.

    Ok, I understand the business reasons to lower prices and therfore attract customers, but lets put that aside and look at it this way.

    Phuket suffered an unprecedented disaster, thousands are dead, many have lost wives, husbands, children, their homes, their jobs, their sense of security.

    And now some whinging prats that watched the whole thing on Television are crying that they don't get a discount? Just what the ###### does Phuket owe them a discount for?

    Yeah its expensive (by Thai standards), and crowded, but what resort isn't? If it's too expensive for you, don't go. And don't ask people in Phuket for a discount just because they went through a tragedy, that's ###### up!


    /rant over

  10. Well lets move forward.

    Spuds is going back to thailand to sort things out.

    How about some things to ask the prospective Mrs Spuds.

    Does she really love you?

    Why?What is her idea of perfect future,marriage?

    Why does she want to come live in UK?

    What does she know about uk?

    Does she realise its a cold bleak place? :D

    Does she know she may not be able to work?

    Does she know theres no Tintong Thai TV?

    What will she do all day while you are at work?

    What is her expectation of what you will send to family every month for the rest of your relationship?

    Does she know just becuase you are on the phone an hour a day to her that she may not be able to do same with family and friends?

    Does she realise you may only get back there once a year?

    Does she realise that the food in UK is shit....and good thai food is very hard to find?

    I just got off a long chat session with a pattya gal who used to work for me.

    Good girl ,studied english and never worked bar.

    Married good looking young guy a year ago ,got visa went to London.

    Hated it,Seprated after 6 mths.

    "He not same man she know pattya"

    Hates being frozen to death.Misses Food ,Family,Friends.

    Has job now but hard to make ends meet.

    HMM if you nice good looking guy I might ask my friend to have a chat!!!

    I agree to say it is in the Thai's nature to lie is a sweeping generalisation. Living  in an area that is 99.9% Thai I can say that most people are as honest as in a Falang area.

    However I would not say it is a generalisation to say "it is in the Thai's nature to lie where money is concerned ". I know nobody who does not lie or hide the facts about money and that includes my darling wife of 5 years. You simply have to deal with it and look after your own finances. When you live together you soon get to hear the alarm bells. :o

  11. yes there was an article in the Nation yesterday about the hoteliers whingeing and saying they had dropped prices by a mere 30%.

    Surely they can do better and recover with incremental spending,after all a room is pretty much fixed cost.

    They cant be hurting that much.

    I must be a cheapskate, I have never paid more than 1000b, and have stayed in some beautiful hotel in Thailand. One in particular was The Karin, in Udon Thani, that was 400b including buffet breakfast.  :o

  12. My apologies to the Pommies

    Heres the list from the Dima site

    The 10 passport holders most frequently located by the department in the period 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004 were:

    Country Locations

    China, PRC 2716

    Indonesia 1909

    Korea, Republic of 1195

    United Kingdom 1018

    India 990

    Fiji 859

    Malaysia 800

    Thailand 759

    HKSAR of the PRC 648

    Philippines 567

    Whoops point

    my mistake

    As you can guess I meant Poms overstaying in AUS.

    Its all to do with the supposed prostitution,sex slave racquets.,its got quite high level political attention.

    Anyone knows this is pretty much old news.

    They have picked on Thais particularly girls for years,and its equally hard to get a Pino gal in for the  same reasons.

    Most people in that scene know Its the Chinese and Koreans that run that game now.

    I think the No1 overstayers in the Uk are Poms.I did see a list the other day from NZ that thai overstayers there came in at NO8 with around 1000.

    I have been doing a bit of research during the Easter break. Every nationality (read passport holders) EXCEPT New Zealanders needs a visa to visit Australia.

    Only 0.5 per cent of all people arriving on temporary visas, or

    around 20,000 people, overstay; and  most overstayers only overstay in Australia for a few days.

    I am unable (to date) to find the number of Thai people who visit Australia who overstay, but they are NOT in the top 10 nationalities.

    So - why does a Thai national NEED a visa to visit Australia? That's the question I will be asking the Royal Thai Consulate in Perth on Tuesday when they re-open.

    Watch this space.


    How can a Pom overstay in the UK?????

  13. Whoops point

    my mistake

    As you can guess I meant Poms overstaying in AUS.

    Its all to do with the supposed prostitution,sex slave racquets.,its got quite high level political attention.

    Anyone knows this is pretty much old news.

    They have picked on Thais particularly girls for years,and its equally hard to get a Pino gal in for the  same reasons.

    Most people in that scene know Its the Chinese and Koreans that run that game now.

    I think the No1 overstayers in the Uk are Poms.I did see a list the other day from NZ that thai overstayers there came in at NO8 with around 1000.

    I have been doing a bit of research during the Easter break. Every nationality (read passport holders) EXCEPT New Zealanders needs a visa to visit Australia.

    Only 0.5 per cent of all people arriving on temporary visas, or

    around 20,000 people, overstay; and  most overstayers only overstay in Australia for a few days.

    I am unable (to date) to find the number of Thai people who visit Australia who overstay, but they are NOT in the top 10 nationalities.

    So - why does a Thai national NEED a visa to visit Australia? That's the question I will be asking the Royal Thai Consulate in Perth on Tuesday when they re-open.

    Watch this space.


    How can a Pom overstay in the UK?????

  14. Dont know about the white aust thing

    Seems its a lot easier for Middle Easterners and Chinese thats for sure.

    From what I can gather the visa service provided by the embassy has been criticised for a long time. The fact that nothing really changes at an operational level seems to indicate a lack of will from those further up the food-chain to improve things. Call me cynical, but maybe the White Australia Policy hasn't completely died out amongst the mandarins at the Commonwealth Public Service.(particularly given the stats that thais aren't a big overstay problem).

  15. Its all to do with the supposed prostitution,sex slave racquets.,its got quite high level political attention.

    Anyone knows this is pretty much old news.

    They have picked on Thais particularly girls for years,and its equally hard to get a Pino gal in for the same reasons.

    Most people in that scene know Its the Chinese and Koreans that run that game now.

    I think the No1 overstayers in the Uk are Poms.

    I did see a list the other day from NZ that thai overstayers there came in at NO8 with around 1000.

    I have been doing a bit of research during the Easter break. Every nationality (read passport holders) EXCEPT New Zealanders needs a visa to visit Australia.

    Only 0.5 per cent of all people arriving on temporary visas, or

    around 20,000 people, overstay; and  most overstayers only overstay in Australia for a few days.

    I am unable (to date) to find the number of Thai people who visit Australia who overstay, but they are NOT in the top 10 nationalities.

    So - why does a Thai national NEED a visa to visit Australia? That's the question I will be asking the Royal Thai Consulate in Perth on Tuesday when they re-open.

    Watch this space.


  16. Its all good

    Wandered into RIVAS last night

    650 baht min pp two drinks

    Awful hiphop stlye band playing

    Place 30%

    What is that moron of a manager on?

    You can try FLIX, RCA or also Liquid Lounge near Silom road. Both play Tech house.

    I have two points of view on the topic. One from being a club and hotel owner in Adelaide and the other being a very good dj. I banned myself playing in my own club because it was not the direction that I wanted to go.

    Techno music or rave = small market share

    commercial music = big market share. Mwah ha ha ha. Thats how I made money.

    I also made money by putting on Raves and club nights in venues that were suited to that style.

    I love playing my music but it really has to be in the right environment. God forbid for example them playing it at say Gullies. That would kill the crowd.


    Yes mate, this is the problem that so many face. I don't personally have a problem with the majority giving into the masses just as long as there are venues for those of us interested in better quality music. Some of the stuff they play at the more popular bars along RCA is shockingly bad. Think it made my beer go flat once.

    I think I understand what you are trying to say but mmmm BETTER QUALITY MUSIC is a very misleading one. Again each to his own. Who is to say techno is better than d'n'b' or rave or old skool. I think some disco hits and funk from the 70's is REAL QUALITY MUSIC. The world needs to have all these different venues that can cater for the different styles. That is how I think it should be worded. IMHO. I know friends who use listen to "underground music" now D'n'B ain't underground. Hopefully, I'll catch your set sometime. I like technically good djs play and appreciate what they can do. However, a lot of people would have no idea that there were 2-3 records playing at the same time with bass or trebble cut. I think as time goes on things will change. I know from djing there are loads of train spotters now and thats fine. Its nice to get recognition from your peers even if it only other djs.



  17. Fly anything but qtass

    you will end up with BA and its very average.

    I'm flying with quantas in may from lhr-bkk,has anyone flown with them before?


    Very likely to find yourself on BA. They share the route and flights. Same feelings regarding service!

    If you can, check out the schedules, if they have flights at the same time and date, then you have just joined their lottery.

    Good luck.

    Peter :o

  18. Checked into the Park Avenue on SOI22

    Have to say its the best hotel in the 2k baht price range I have stayed in.

    Older hotel resonably stylishly and tastefuly renovated.

    Nice restaurant and good buffet brekky for 290bht.

    Reception staff efficient and friendly which is becoming unusual in this price range of hotels these days.

    Little out of the way but ###### not much doing on suk these days anyway its all construction sites.

    I am sure this subject is already past date for the original poster.

    But had to add my 2 cents for President Solitaire. I stayed there for 2 weeks in February 2004. It is a little walk to the BTS I agree, but I am 60 years old and walked everyday to BTS, and much further on some days. Also, the hotel has a tuk tuk at the door, and is usually there to give you a lift to Sukhumvit road.

    As for the food, I thought it was excellant and since my favorite meal is breakfast, I was very happy with it. Also, the service could not have been better.

    The suite I had was on the 1st level of rooms and was outstanding in every way.

    The 42" digital tv is also a plus.

    Just my opinion.

  19. Flew in last night on BA10 syd bkk

    Biz class

    Seats fully reclining good sleep

    Food absolute crap lamb stew 3 bits meet 2 bits veg some mashed spud and half the plate was beans

    Service nowhere near thai or sing biz class.

    Completely underwhelming.

    The World traveller plus seats looked value for money my girlfriend was in there as she wanted the extra money for shopping.

    Her food inedible too,as soon as we landed it was into the hotel and looking for food!!!!

    Am surprised at negative comments re. Qantas/BA. If it wasn't for price would fly with them every time. Flew Heathrow/Bkk last week with Thai and service and In Flight Ent. useless.They will need to keep their low current prices to compete even with Qatar who are OK.Huge advantage with BA having seat back entertainment.No big heads in the way!

      Biman Bangladesh worst I have flown with. Most recent movie 10 years old!

      Emirates prices seem to be going up too much, last time above Thai & BA.Oil shortages out there I expect :o

    I will give you that BAs seatback entertainment system isn't bad. (and I like the comedy channel on the radio)

    But their food is crap, and they obviously believe that people in economy should be thin, and never taller than 5'9". (based on how the seats are set up).

    If I was short, and didn't mind the food - I would think BA was great to fly on... However, I'm over 6 foot, so I spent 12 hours of agony (each way) in a seat designed for people obviously shorter than me. I'll travel BA in business class - but I'm never travelling long haul in economy with them ever again.

    Finally, their frequent flyer program is great if your company is flying you in Business class back and forth to New York every week, but is truly pitiful if you're paying for your own seats in economy. I don't know how many flights it needs to go up a level on their frequent flyer program. With Thai, it's a single return to Bangkok, in economy, and you get silver status. BA I've flown business BKK-Sydney return, and Business (on Qantas, but you still get the points) from Sydney to Tokyo (I wasn't paying for the tickets), and economy LHR-BKK return (me paying), and I'm still on a blue card...

  20. Limited Labour laws mean some form of slavery still well and truly exists.

    Yes, we as humans have come so far as enlightened being we stopped all offical institutional slavery. However, we decided it was best to leave all forms of unoffical government supported slavery alive and well. So, sorry to all those in sweat shops and forced into boats to work in sweat shops of other countries. But to all of those free you can buy the clothes they make. oh happy day!

  21. Yes United certainly take the cake for ugly and old esp in biz class where seniority rules.

    BA and Qantas going same way.

    Qantas Matrons waddle down the aisle sideways and the men mince down the aisle.

    Fly BA biz class Syd-BKK Tonite will report tommorrow.

    Virgin have the best IMHO.

    All well and good, except that Air Canada is not a US airline.  :o


    As for US airlines, am I alone in finding their air-hostess's to be among the most ugliest in the world? Must have something to do with political correctness, equal rights for ugly people. Don't like the attitude of the staff, either.

    I thought exactly the same as you did, until I wrestled one. Sat in the lobby bar of the Westin LAX on a beery pool session with two Air Canada stewardesses, the one that was larger than me reckoned she could take me in a wrestle, she nearly did as we WWF'd in front of a gaggle of airline staff eating their dinner. Easy to forgive Air Canada for the following day's <deleted> flight with a wrestle under your belt.

  22. Very good idea.

    The media can exert a deal of pressure if you can find a set of advocate journos in the uk.

    Just keep this case in the limelight, in particular in the UK, and I think justice will be done.  There are obviously people in Thailand who are hoping if they can delay things long enough, it will be forgotten about.  It will help if you keep reminding the press in both the UK and Thailand that this case is still on-going.

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