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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. So interesting.

    But why,can we analyse all the reasons?

    Yes its a wierd feeling,most i speak too have incredible ups and downs?

    A much bigger range of these than when in home turf?

    I mean many of the pattaya jumpers had the same feeling right?

    Not trying to be trite but it must be more?

    What is it really?

    I have the same feelings for a village in Buriram.....ok it was the first village I ever went to so it is special, but when I didnt go there for 7 years I really yearned to revisit.....when I did it was like I had never been away.

  2. I am with the thais on this one

    Stereotypical drunken falang ,dumb enough to unrinate in public and on a shrine.

    Gold chains....well hey not too many places in the world where these impress.

    Heavy gold chains are for the Criminal set these days.

    If you're stupid enough to go around in the middle of the night with a gold chain worth 350k ... som nam nah!

    I generally side with the farang on any of these stories. The deck is so stacked against any farang that it is hard to root for any Thai. But, I am going to make an exception with this Brit. Any guy who wears a necklace worth $10,000 around Pattaya is just too stupid to defend.

  3. This from the pattayamail.

    Imagine what 2 weeks of Songkraan is going to do?

    All eight of Chonburi’s reservoirs are now below 50 percent capacity as drought grips the kingdom. Chonburi’s agricultural sector is suffering the most, and is already reporting losses of over 30 million baht, with no end in sight.

    In order to prevent this important resource from being totally depleted, government officials are significantly reducing the amount of water being put into use, from 36,000 cubic meters per day to 24,000 cubic meters per day.

    Regional water authorities are also in the process of transporting water from other, less water intensive areas to supplement the current levels in this area.

    The East Water Co., Ltd, which is the main supplier for Pattaya, has received authorization from the Regional Water Board to transport water here from Sattahip.

    East Water Co. is also constructing a 16-kilometer pipeline at a cost 190 million baht to facilitate easier transportation to Bangsaray and the southern border of Pattaya. The pipeline will add an extra 18,000 cubic meters of water per day to the region. Its expected completion date was not revealed.

    During a meeting of senior Chonburi government officials last week at Pattaya City Hall, Preecha Kamolbutr, Chonburi deputy governor, said that the agricultural and industrial sectors are being hit hard by the drought. Farmers from various sectors have reported losses of 33,553,461 baht.

    The deputy governor said that from November 1, 2004 to March 4 this year, farmers have been the most affected by the drought conditions with 41,691.5 rai of rice fields, 78,802.5 rai of general farming land, 1,516 rai of fruit and vegetable farms, 178.5 rai of fishing dams and 25 rai of livestock land having suffered severe losses, and at least 9 districts face a complete lack of water. Aid for residents has reached 1,158,159 baht.

    Considerations are now in progress to allocate a budget to drill 401 bore water wells for consumers and farmers.

  4. Pattaya is definately not a family place.

    Pattaya is for grownups to play.

    Bangkok for couple days,changmai for few days,maybe beach at samui.

    In July of this year I intend to bring some of my family to LOS, this will probably be four adults and six kids.I have never been to Pattaya and reading some of the Pattaya related post on TV doesn't make for great PR, however having spoken to people who have visited Pattaya they tell me It's great place.

    Is it the place to come with kids? OK  people tell me what a great little place you have there.

  5. Jerry jerry jerry jerry

    Love to see a thai version of this show :o

    Hey Doctor!

    he might be a troll but the subject is real. I had the same problem back home in USSR - perfect girl, great everything, didn't talk much - 19yo

    After her folks came from freekin' Siberya - life turned nightmare. In few months -divorse

    so, weasel - my advice to you - don't leave your house like quiter - invite friends - I hope you have them and stay all evening watching wwf, soccer, what ever - avoid adult content + light booze like beer.

    Also nice to smoke on the balcony where her folks sleep.

    in the morning put sticker on the remote control LED - so it won't work. Thais cannot live without telly

    In case of emergency - secret weapon - smelly friend. worked 90%.

    Keep a week - and peace will be restored.

    A classic battle of the titans. Who is made of softer stone? Film it. Many will pay to safely witness the struggle for dominance. Great reality televison better than Survivor or Big Brother!

  6. Were you awake at the time,or was it a rude awakening? :o

    I told the GF that I was now gay...that night she shoved a pen up my arse!


    Absolutely true, at that stage in my life I knew I could never go to prison! :D

    This happened about 5 years ago and there was no getting rid of her. In the end I told her I was going back to the UK and gave up the apartment. :D

    Since then I have been very careful about laying down the rules whenever having a 'longer term' GF. :D

  7. kinda wierd

    my lady and her sister live in aus and they like to be tanned,in fact one goes the the solarium.

    her 20 yr old daughter whose been here since she was 10 wants to be white,but then she lives in the thai student world here in syd,all the mags i see them read all have ver pale skinned girls.

    The only dark skinned person in the soaps is the maid from Isaan.

    A big prize if you can find a less than pure white newsreader.

  8. Unfort its the role models/media influencing them.

    How many dark skinned thai soapie stars you see??

    oh and not THOSE kind of Soapie stars :D

    I hope she will come to realise how daft it is to worry about such things.Otherwise she is going to end up as one of those shadow hopping women you find here.They always make me think of vampires when they are horrified to find their skin is exposed to daylight and go nowhere without a large umbrella. :o

  9. Incredible

    When I was a kid I used to hide behind the couch when the daleks were on dr who!

    I suppose becuase of that reruns of dr who should be off air too


    Commercial Leaves Kids Too Scared to Watch TV

    Wed Mar 16, 9:41 AM ET  Oddly Enough - Reuters

    LONDON (Reuters) - A Marmite commercial that parodied 1950's science fiction film "The Blob" has been banned from all children's' programs in Britain after leaving kids too scared to watch television, the advertising watchdog said.

    Two Marmite adverts featured a giant brown blob rolling along a crowded street, terrifying some people who tried to flee while others ran toward it with delight. :o

    The ad ended with Marmite's slogan: "You either love it or hate it."

    Six people complained to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) that their toddlers had been terrified by the adverts, with four refusing to watch television after seeing them and two suffering nightmares.

    Unilever Bestfoods, makers of the dark brown savory spread, argued against imposing a tougher "ex-kids restriction" as broadcasters were likely not to show it during general programs such as "Pop Idol," which attracted younger viewers.

    But the ASA said the complaints were strong enough to ban the advert from all children's programming.

    "We accepted that the advertisements' effect on young children would have been hard to anticipate," it added. "However, it was clear from the complaints we received that they had caused distress to very young children."

    :D  :D  :D

  10. Yes Jack

    what i was getting to is exactly what you articulate now.

    The dream vs the reality for many thai gals.

    The dream is paradise sold to them by countless stories in the bars of luck happiness etc.

    The reality is all the things you mention.

    Dont under estimate the power of food in a thai person.

    Dont understimate lack of thai friends.

    Some people who read this forum understand this.

    Some people who read this forum need to hear your story and hers.

    Thanx for keeping the open dialogue.

    Honestly it will help people.

    come on then

    lets hear the real story!

    where did u take her?

    what did she do all day?

    why did you get bored with her?

    I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

    As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

    I've pretty much posted my real story with no embelshments. We lived in Koh Samui in Thailand for 18 months and we holidayed all over Thailand. When we orginally went back to England she stayed for 6 months and then returned to Thailand because she became bored with the unfamilar food and lack of friends and family. I then provided the air ticket for her to come back and again it didn't work. I am to blame to a certain extent because as I said before I had a lot more commitments outside of my realtionship with my wife than I did in Thailand.

    We visted most of the touristy sites in England and as one of the posters mentioned before she brought no income into the relationship. I guess the bottom line is that when I got back to the west I expected more of a westernerised person, sadly this was not the case.

  11. mr 30k baht

    original poster

    come on then

    lets hear the real story!

    where did u take her?

    what did she do all day?

    why did you get bored with her?

    I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

    As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

    If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

    Don't be so hard on yourself lovey......

    they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

    and as such should leave with nothing

    If that is the way you see a relationship , ie to financially progress oneself , you are a very sad little man.

    I truly hope you get taken to the cleaners by an 'Eliza Dolittle' from your own country for displaying such materialistic nefarious munes.


    To whom are you directing this question?

  12. come on then

    lets hear the real story!

    where did u take her?

    what did she do all day?

    why did you get bored with her?

    I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

    As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

    If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

    Don't be so hard on yourself lovey......

    they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

    and as such should leave with nothing

    If that is the way you see a relationship , ie to financially progress oneself , you are a very sad little man.

    I truly hope you get taken to the cleaners by an 'Eliza Dolittle' from your own country for displaying such materialistic nefarious munes.


  13. I hope it works

    Crsytal Meth or P is much worse THAN YABA,VERY addictive,and easy to cook up.

    They really need to make examples of anyone caught making this stuff.

    A very big bust just went down in Aus,enough ingredients to make 100m worth of the stuff in three 44 gall drums imported from China!!

    More than 10,000 drug dealers targeted

    CHIANG MAI: --  Thailand’s anti-drug authorities will target more than 10,000 major drug dealers in the next phase of the government’s "war on drugs".

    Most of the dealers are believed to be hiding somewhere in Thailand, while others have fled to neighbouring countries, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB), Pinyo Thongchai, told TNA on Monday.

    The third stage of the government's "war on drugs", due to begin in April, will also involve increased cooperation with neighbouring countries in a crack down on drug producers and traffickers.

    The government aims to make Thailand free from illicit drugs by 2008.

    Drug smugglers have shifted their smuggling routes from the North of the country to the North-east, as well as eastern and central regions.

    These include Ubon Ratchathani, Surin, Sa Kaew, Trat, Kanchanaburi and Chantaburi, Mr. Pinyo said.

    Drug addicts have turned to ecstasy and crystal methamphetamine, known as "ice" because of the shortage of previously popular drugs, including heroin and methamphetamine, known locally as "yaa baa" (or crazy drug), as a result of the government’s continued crackdown on drugs, according to Mr. Pinyo.

    --TNA 2005-03-15

  14. Not unique to pattaya

    happening all to often in sydney now too!! esp in the west!

    Unfort they have a legal system that works very hard at humiliatiing the girl into withdrawing the allegations here,at least in thailand theres a good chance this guy stays in gaol.

    I know we're not allowed to do the 'string 'em up' recommendations now as a result of the weekend's Crusade.


    20 years in a Thai jail never hurt anyone.

    I think the "20 year old" boyfriend of the "14 year old" girl deserves a full-life sentence.

    Any guy that would help 7 other guys rape his girlfriend is a sicko indeed. Even if she was somewhat deluded about their relationship, it's no excuse.

    it is also an old story

    Jeez - nice guys.

    Her mother deserves a slap too - for not keeping an eye on her.

  15. 10k baht a year

    she was better off in the bar!!

    Yes, she was a bar girl and perhaps I am cheap but at the end of the day it was me who broke it off after 3 years of marriage. I'm protecting my assets for the future, I don't see a problem with being selfsih in this instance. I do not love her any more therefore settled to protect myself.

    I would be interested to hear if any other guys who are married and then fell out of love with their wife would be willing to part with more than is necessary.

  16. hehe

    my lady and her friends here in sydney would be lost without their ration of videos of thai news,soaps etc.

    Theres several shops in chinatown here that do a raoring trade.

    Maybe thats a business for someone in thailand...with a friend in UK...doing videos of all the english shows and renting them.

    Many thanks to those who took the trouble to make a worthwhile contribution.  It has been interesting reading the constructive feedback and assuring to see there are the usual few, even in far away Thailand, who have nothing better to do with their time than be smart and critical of other's preferences and interests. 

    We are actively researching the foreign move options with a view to moving soon.



  17. you mean the hotel is not what they say it is?? :D

    I wonder if anyone saw this article in the LA Times:

    Civilized oasis in wild Bangkok

    It contains the following paragraph, which, to me, is wildly inaccurate, at best:

    The hotel's unlikely location has everything to do with its moral imperative. Situated in the heart of Sukhumvit, one of Bangkok's most notorious sex tourism districts, the Atlanta is a self-proclaimed "bastion of wholesome and culturally responsible tourism," an isle of morality in a sea of human decadence.


  18. Again interesting.

    Some thai girls get back to blighty with hansum rich man and live a lot worse a life than back in LOS in their view....hmmm,leeds,manchester :o

    OK fair enough; we really don't know her occupation or his net worth...

    My personal hunch -with all due respect to the lady- is that she lived relatively well during the marriage.

    Yeah, it is usually the woman who dumps the man. Agreed on that point.

    Well ,begs the question what did she leave behind?

    Was she a BG or did she have a real job?

    kind of unusual to hear the guy flick the gal,its usualy the other way around.

  19. Depends what your skillset is.

    Some areas are in demand with good contracts to be picked up.

    Unfort the Indians have invaded now.


    I am currently living in the UK, but I'm hoping to re-locate and work in Thailand: could anyone please give me some advice as to how easy this is to achieve? Basically, my area of expertise is in IT and website development, so ideally I'd like to continue working in this industry in Thailand if possible.

    Basically, I'd like to know about the logistics behind such a plan: i.e. how one goes about finding a job such as this in Thailand, assuming this is even possible for a westerner? Is starting up a business the best option, and is it possible to work as a sole trader on a freelance basis, picking up short contracts and other pieces of work? What are the work permit / visa issues? Basically, am I going to find it very difficult to find myself in a working situation in Thailand, or are there a reasonable amount of opportunities out there?

    Also, if there's anyone out there who uses this site who's been in a situation such as mine and managed to successfully relocate to Thailand then it would be great to hear from you!

    Thanks a lot,


  20. my vote

    100k baht a mth

    My first post.  I am 45 and later in year will have 6 months career break after 30 years working hard.  Will stay in Thailand, have been on holidays before and spent loads of money in bars and BG, will have to calm down.  First few weeks will treat as holiday and find nice BG to show me around.  Will want to find apartment in Sukhumvit, BKK area and live it up weekends travelling to Pattaya and such areas.  Could anyone give me idea how much i need, assuming BG in toe most of time and several changs.

    Other things i need to find out about is insurance, and border crossings with multi trip tourist visa.

    ...you've been here before...and looks like you know what's up around Thailand...so you are not able to think how much is enough for you????

    .... .... ..... ..... ..... .....!!!!!!

    Have stayed in hotel before, not sure about cost of apartment

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